Offensive or Funny?

Everyone has the right to their own opinion and they have the right to be offended or not by something said or a joke told. Its their body, their mind, hence their right.

To insult someone because they don't see things the same way as you doesn't help make your point. It only takes away from the valid points you may have had.
Budman's Avatar
I am equal opprotunity offender. I make fun of everyone. You apparently go searching for a reason to get offended. You calling some Neanderthals, Toms and Lackeys may offend others but I guess that is OK since you have been self appointed as the overseer of all things offensive.
London Rayne's Avatar
Maybe I am too young to get it, but I didn't find it offensive or funny. I am not easily offended so unless we are talking about children or animal abuse, I really don't get upset about too much lol.
Dr. King had a sense of humor, just because he died young doesn't negate that. "Terrible" in the context of the thread was more a comment on the quality of the joke (wordplay of any sort is usually "groan" type funny) than a comment on the man.

I've met Coretta Scott King, I was raised in a multi-ethnic household, and I still think that poster is funny.

If people find it offensive they are simply projecting their own views onto other people and I think it speaks volumes about them. I don't assume people are racist, and AMAZINGLY I find that many things can be interpreted in many ways.

That being said, I have tried to avoid getting into a whole long thing because seriously people, if you have to argue about LOLCats you need to get a life.

You want to be offended? Here you go, but I still think it's funny.

Imagine how bad it could actually be.................if I was pulling stuff off 4chan I'd probably have to move.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't think it's funny.

I DO think it's corny.

I think the subject should be dropped already.

Obviously some find it offensive so why keep talking about it?
Some people find it offensive and it was meant to offend, but the Good Ole' Boys and Gals of KC like to throw rocks and hide their hands. The new disclaimer is, "I have a ______ ______", "My ______ is _____", "I've told this joke to other ______ people and they laughed", therefore i have license to say ________ offensive crap and because I can find a few others like me to agree with me, we can argue that it's really not that offensive, snicker, giggle. The same people come up with a list of talking points and avoid all logical discussion - hence the adage, "arguing with fools".

But, it should be dropped. This is the wrong forum to argue anything other than CBJ v BBJ and those who provide the latter get a free pass for just about anything, be it looks (Short-limbed and Pudgy w/muffintops), dress (outdated Fredericks of Hollywood fishnets and church-shoes), or attitude. Consider it dropped.
I don't think it's funny.

I DO think it's corny.

I think the subject should be dropped already.

Obviously some find it offensive so why keep talking about it? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
This is an adult board. Lots of subjects here with lots of people with different viewpoints. Especially on political, economic or public policy issues. I'd say there's a lot of give and take, but it's more like a "take no prisoners" discussion.

One of the things that makes this a neat place is the ability to post (almost) any comment within the board rules. If you're too thin-skinned then maybe you need to be looking elsewhere for you entertainment.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I ...couldn' less.
Some peeps get a leeeetle bitter when they don't pass screening.

Just sayin'
Budman's Avatar
I less. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

How much less could you care?
Naomi4u's Avatar

I ...couldn' less. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Hmmm I dunno... just though we should get back to talking about.. sex.
Oh no! A single thread that hasn't been hijacked with sex talk! Better fix that.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Some peeps get a leeeetle bitter when they don't pass screening.

Just sayin' Originally Posted by SillyGirl

I've never called you, Never will. You're not my.....type. I've only been screened once in my lifetime by a beautiful, young, AA lady with an exquisite body - not an ounce of fat anywhere, no love handles, toned caramel thighs, long silky legs, taut D-cups, juice-laden chocolate blackberry-sized tips, ass to die for, everything firm, , tight and in place, - but i digress - I met her in Mississippi. She loved my accent. We made it a movie date. Great F'n movie that was well worth the admission. I used to see her quite often. Speaking of movies, There's something about watching a low-budget, B-movie that everybody has already seen that's a bit.....unsettling, especially Drive-Thru's. I prefer Independent Films, Sneak Previews, and such. I never quite acquired a taste for the cult classics. They're old, well-worn, and filled with bad acting and less than stellar performances. What's really funny is when a B-movie is released and marketed as a a summer smash. Sure, they get glowing reviews here and there - ever read the back of a horrible movie's box. But that's part of the problem. The average movie-goer is easy to please. I'm an aficionado -I like fine wine and Beautiful movies. Sure, I'll throw a few nickels and dimes together to get out and ocassionally see a B-movie, but it's usually out of boredom. I've seen quite a few movies in my time, and I've lived long enough to watch them come and go. See, movies have a limited shelf life, and long after the B-movies have come and gone, I'm still around to go to the next one. See that's the thing about movies: When they first come out, People pay $15.00 to go and see them. After a while, they lose interest and the movie goes to Blockbuster $3.99 for four nights and when they're no longer profitable, they're discarded or moved to the big discount bin and then they're in a yard sale and you'd be lucky to sell 4 for $1.00. I guess that if i were in the movie business and was trying to market my B-movie as a Blockbuster, I'd target the average movie goer too and hope that i'd be able to get over on them - that by the time that they caught on, i'd have made my profit and gone. Gotta Love the Movies.

Sorry, I digressed.
Just sayin'
Omg is freaking funny