Do you ever think about old loves?

Some of you people have some hard fuckin hearts. I have met and loved some great women here. From time to time, they pop in my head and remind me of some great times, some great relationships, and some great sex.

Biff, you asked if your feelings about her were sad. It sounds like it. It's okay to be sad. Just remember you had the pleasure of her pleasure even if it was only briefly and be grateful.

There isn't anything wrong with him sharing his feelings on a P4P site. What is sad is that some of you will not have that kind of impact on anyone's life and when you are gone, no one will miss you. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
The only "loves" I miss are my relatives who have passed on or live far away. And yes, I think about them often and fondly.

Statistically, there are 20,000 "Mr/Ms. Rights" in the world for every person. Get out there and find a new one.
We tend to remember past loves with rose colored glasses. It's easy to forget the dysfunction that ultimately ended the relationships. So look back and remember it fondly every once in awhile but don't let it impact the relationships you can develop today.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Sure! It's a shared experience and part of the human condition. I don't know if you can say you've experienced all there is in life unless you've at least sprained your heart. And sometimes a bad sprain is worse than a clean break.
Nah I'm the heart breaker. But I'm sure I have a nice number of boys crying over me now
Every now and then, not much. The thought of what might have been is not for me since not sense in dwelling on the past since she has likely moved on or she would have tried to contact you. Wish her the best. Focus on the present and future and have no regrets.
Reminds me of the song:" It had to be you." Some of the lyrics: "And even be glad, just to be sad thinking of you.":

I have a special "The one who got away." I think about her every day since I met her in 1972..
TinMan's Avatar
The only "loves" I miss are my relatives who have passed on or live far away. And yes, I think about them often and fondly.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I'm the same way. The "might have beens" could have become disasters in the long run. I don't spend too much time romanticizing an outcome that never would have been realized.

I'd much rather think about the successful relationships in my life.
  • DSK
  • 05-10-2015, 02:26 PM
I recently met up with a girl by chance that I had loved twenty years ago and she didn't love me back.
I realized in meeting her again that I would have still had sex with random prostitutes every chance I get, whether she loved me back or not.
So, the perfect girl for me would like having threesome with other random women.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm the same way. The "might have beens" could have become disasters in the long run. I don't spend too much time romanticizing an outcome that never would have been realized.

I'd much rather think about the successful relationships in my life. Originally Posted by TinMan
I don't view this as incompatible with thinking (fondly or otherwise) about past relationships. Saying you don't get over wounds is not the same as saying you're not going to get on with your life. I've had more than one relationship where I was wounded and didn't get over it. But I keep pushing on. But if they're deep enough, I don't think you "get over it." I think you just "keep moving forward." Nor am I beleiver that by still carrying part of the wound, that you diminish current or future relationships. Of course I believe that serial semi-monogamy is the ideal condition for humans, so that might be part of why I think the way I do.
pyramider's Avatar
I still think about the girl that broke my heart 20 years ago. Not every day, but every now and then I'll hear a song that reminds me of her. I was madly in love with this girl. We lived together. I felt so close to her. But she decided she wasn't ready to settle down. After we broke up she would call me every now and then when she felt lonely. And I always went right over like a whipped little pussy. I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as I loved her. Is that sad? Originally Posted by Biff Biffington
What is her handle on icky or P411?
doug_dfw's Avatar
Yes there are several over the years I do recall frequently and fondly. Mother of my kids, another wife, several civvie girl friends and several Providers.
Oh, yeah.

Sometimes do think about old loves. With quite a bit of fondness, too.

But, I try to move on. Occasionally difficult, but necessary, so that emotions can settle down. Always a challenge, but try to be practical to a T.
Did he fire 6 shots or only 5? Well, do you feel lucky punk?

Sorry GoAhead. I say your user name and the first sentence and I had to say that. The rest of your post wasn't what I expected from the handle and intro. Who knows how this novel will end. Those early chapters that still haunt this protagonist were well worth it. I say it all the time. I'm not dead yet. Originally Posted by boomvang
Yes that's where its from, but you're saying it wrong. Say it more like a plea to the providers, like, go ahead, PLEASE make my day!!! Then I'd really feel lucky!

I don't think htey are incompatible views. I don't dwell on the past, but as the OP said, every now and then something reminds us of something in the past, I'd rather have had those moment, dared, made mistakes and lost than never have anything to remember. Or for another quote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness ...".
"Ex's are Ex's for a reason" is what is always say. I think about the great lays I've had, of course. Now, what pops up a lot for me are chicks I should have fucked (I mean the ones who were TRYING to give me the pussy) but I was too stupid to catch the hint.

That shit chaps my ass.