Draw the prophet shootings in Texas

You are a buffoon to compare the AFDI/Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit - Contest to going into a movie theater and yelling fire.

Very well said +1000000000= COG you can learn a lesson from what Shanm just stated.

To those of you who are talking "Freedom of Speech" there's a reason why you can't run into a crowded movie theater and yell "FIRE !!! FIRE!!! Freedom of speech comes with boundaries. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Wrong. the event was intended to stand up for freedom of speech and the Constitution.

You obviously don't. And they (the event organizers) are more American than you ever will be.

Did you attend the event? If not, how do you know there was hate speech? Or is the event itself hate speech?
If that is your belief, you are a traitor to the 1st Amendment.

I believe in freedom of speech 100%. NO YOU DON"T...READ ON..

With that being said, I can't help but side with the muslims on this one. The whole event is designed with the sole purpose of promoting hate speech. Since when did speech designed with the sole purpose of offending others become classified as free speech?
What the two idiots did was wrong, absolutely. But I don't go around poking tigers in the eye and expect them not to attack me. Better yet, I don't see muslims organizing a "fuck the little boys" event simply to piss off a bunch of Christian extremists. It's always about the things that matter.

The reason why these Christians piss me off (slightly) more is because they have the gall to call themselves American. Lets get one thing straight: you are not american. Waving around the flag and promoting hate with unfounded vitriol does not make you an American. You are a disgrace to this country and to every good person in it. Originally Posted by shanm
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You are a buffoon to compare the AFDI/Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit - Contest to going into a movie theater and yelling fire.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They are the same sir- both will incite riots and chaos- so why can't I yell FIRE FIRE in a theater???? The head of that organization Pamela Geller is a know racist- I would be amazed if she doesn't have a bounty on her head- I bet everyone who attended was either a Republican or member of the Tea Party.
LexusLover's Avatar
Still, someone managed to squeeze off a few rounds. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Isn't that your REQUIREMENT for a "righteous" shooting by LE?

For the "victim" of the LE shooting to have FIRST SHOT...

.... an unarmed security officer?

Sure smells like it with others whining about over reacting cops!
Wrong. the event was intended to stand up for freedom of speech and the Constitution.

You obviously don't. And they (the event organizers) are more American than you ever will be.

Did you attend the event? If not, how do you know there was hate speech? Or is the event itself hate speech?
If that is your belief, you are a traitor to the 1st Amendment. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How do YOU know there WASN'T hate speech, you fucking mouthbreather. You're a traitor to natural selection. How you and your ilk haven't been plucked from the gene pool, I don't know.

What did they think was going to happen? If you walk up to someone on the street and punch them in the face for no reason, what do you THINK is going to happen next?
Sha-na-na sides with the potential murders...Okay, so now we're finding out who is with us and who is against us.

Traitor List
Well Endowed
Womb Raider

anyone else want to declare their alligence to Islam Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What the fuck is alligence? You are too dumb to fucking breathe. This is why I'm against religion in any form. It leads to nothing but bullshit just like this. You have the 'americans' on one side, pledging ALLEGIANCE(notice correct spelling) to sweet jeebus crabst. And on the other side, you've got the allah loving muslims. What happens? This shit. It's counterproductive to any logic or critical thought. They're fighting over imaginary people. It would be like two groups having different versions of santa claus and having it come to a war over it. It's THAT stupid.
I B Hankering's Avatar
They are the same sir- both will incite riots and chaos- so why can't I yell FIRE FIRE in a theater???? The head of that organization Pamela Geller is a know racist- I would be amazed if she doesn't have a bounty on her head- I bet everyone who attended was either a Republican or member of the Tea Party. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
They are not the same, WE. In the case of the theater, it is the inciter who traveled to the venue to abuse the senses of the theater patrons. In Garland, it was the Mussulmen who traveled to the venue to have their senses abused. FACT: they started shooting before they even saw any work that might possibly have offended them, WE.
They are not the same, WE. In the case of the theater, it is the inciter who traveled to the venue to abuse the senses of the theater patrons. In Garland, it was the Mussulmen who traveled to the venue to have their senses abused. FACT: they started shooting before they even saw any work that might possibly have offended them, WE.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You don't know that. It was a draw Mohammed contest, the offense was inherent in the activity itself. Who traveled where has no bearing on anything. You don't have to physically be a certain place in order to be offended by something. How simple of you.
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 03:49 PM
Wrong. the event was intended to stand up for freedom of speech and the Constitution.

You obviously don't. And they (the event organizers) are more American than you ever will be.

Did you attend the event? If not, how do you know there was hate speech? Or is the event itself hate speech?
If that is your belief, you are a traitor to the 1st Amendment. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How do I know that the event was promoting hate speech? Does a bear shit in the woods?

Pamela Geller is a known racist. Her organization, AFDI, is on the watchlist for being a known hate group. Are you a fucking retard or what?
I don't need to go to your brethrens Klan meeting to know that some questionable things will be said.

You're not an American, don't delude yourself. You are the shit on the heel that we need to wipe off but somehow never do.

Also, you don't know me dipshit. I understand free speech better than your pea size brain ever will. When that south park episode came out, I protested on the streets of New York in favor of them showing the cartoon.

That was humor, applicable equally to anyone and everyone.

This is a contest for who gets to be the bigger dipshit and offend the most people.

P.S. have you paid your debts yet?
I'll take you seriously when you cough up those 100 bucks you fucking welcher
I B Hankering's Avatar
You don't know that. It was a draw Mohammed contest, the offense was inherent in the activity itself. Who traveled where has no bearing on anything. You don't have to physically be a certain place in order to be offended by something. How simple of you. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Who traveled where has everything to do with it, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. And the fact that the two shooters never entered the gallery to see what was in the gallery before they started shooting is public knowledge, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
They are not the same, WE. In the case of the theater, it is the inciter who traveled to the venue to abuse the senses of the theater patrons. In Garland, it was the Mussulmen who traveled to the venue to have their senses abused. FACT: they started shooting before they even saw any work that might possibly have offended them, WE.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Look I B I don't condone what happened to the two terrorist- I can't take an AK-47 to a Klan meeting and shoot up everyone because they said hateful things about my race I get that, but you have to draw the line somewhere- you know the organization knew this would incite a riot hence the 10k spent on security. However, have your free speech but beware of the consequences- a member of the KKK can shout N****r all he wants but if he walks into a room with 100 black people don't be surprised or amazed if he walks out with some teeth missing and broken bone. Rest assured that their will be retaliation for this event- this is what islamic terrorist groups love to feed recruits- imagine how they(islamic radicals) twist this story :"2 brave jihadist went to Texas to defend Islam and the prophet muhammad they were gun down by christians..."
RedLeg505's Avatar
Since when did speech designed with the sole purpose of offending others become classified as free speech? Originally Posted by shanm
Did you whine and complain as much about the travelling "Piss Christ" exhibit being "hate speech"???
I B Hankering's Avatar
Look I B I don't condone what happened to the two terrorist- I can't take an AK-47 to a Klan meeting and shoot up everyone because they said hateful things about my race I get that, but you have to draw the line somewhere- you know the organization knew this would incite a riot hence the 10k spent on security. However, have your free speech but beware of the consequences- a member of the KKK can shout N****r all he wants but if he walks into a room with 100 black people don't be surprised or amazed if he walks out with some teeth missing and broken bone. Rest assured that their will be retaliation for this event- this is what islamic terrorist groups love to feed recruits- imagine how they(islamic radicals) twist this story :"2 brave jihadist went to Texas to defend Islam and the prophet muhammad they were gun down by christians..." Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
But Geller didn't "walk into the room", WE. It was the Mussulmen who sought out and hoped to kill Geller and her bunch, WE, and if you cannot fathom the difference, then you are being a willful hypocrite.

Did you whine and complain as much about the travelling "Piss Christ" exhibit being "hate speech"??? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You can rest assured that shamman defended Serrano's work as "high art" and free speech deserving of protection under the First Amendment.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hate speech is protected by the Constitution. Or at least it was back when this was a free country. I don't understand the defense of the shooters.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
But Geller didn't "walk into the room", WE. It was the Mussulmen who sought out and hoped to kill Geller and her bunch, WE, and if you cannot fathom the difference, then you are being a willful hypocrite.

You can rest assured that shamman defended Serrano's work as "high art" and free speech deserving of protection under the First Amendment. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
i B let me ask you a question- the Mexican Cartel- choose any of are a very violent organization that don't play games with anyone- someone in Mexico or even a border town in the U.S would be a fool to hold a rally poking fun of the cartel. We all know at least the in tune educated people know that in Islam defacing the Koran or defaming the prophet means instant death- again that's just what it is- they have enough radicals who buy into that shit that they will kill you and think nothing of it. It's sad that those radicals don't even know their own Koran because the Koran itself does not instruct muslims to kill anyone who defames muhammad- most radical muslims get their teachings and support their terrorism from the Hadiths which are supposed to be the "spoken words of Muhammad, but many scholars question their authenticity.

Islam enjoins fair treatment of all, including one’s enemies:

…Let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness… (Ch.5:V.9)

But Islam does not only condemn the blaspheming of God. It also protects the feelings of polytheists, by forbidding Muslims from attacking their idols. On this point, the Holy Qur’an states:

And revile not those whom they call upon beside Allah, lest they, out of spite, revile Allah in their ignorance.… (Ch.6:V.109)

One criticism against the concept of blasphemy is that, when enforced, it curtails freedom of expression. The freedom to speak freely, without censure, is a fundamental human right that should be guaranteed to citizens of every just state. While freedom of speech is necessary for the progress and development of a society, however, this freedom, like all other freedoms, is not limitless. - do you agree I B?

here has been no prophet upon whom derogatory words were not used. The Holy Qur’an confirms that God sent a Warner to every people, and that each and every one of the prophets has been the subject of mockery:

Then We sent Our Messengers one after another. Every time there came to a people their Messenger, they treated him as a liar.… (Ch.23:V.45)

Another verse of the Holy Qur’an also emphasises this:

Alas for My servants! There comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him. (Ch.36:V.31)

The Koran also points out that blasphemous speech was uttered against Mary(ra) and Jesus(as): For their disbelief and for their uttering against Mary a grievous calumny (Ch.4:V.157). According to this verse, the Jews during the time of Jesus(as) committed a grave blasphemy by declaring Mary(ra) to be unchaste and alleging that Jesus(as) was a child of questionable birth.

Yet despite the fact that the Koran confirms that all prophets have been subject to attacks by others, there is no evidence that any of the offenders were ever ordered to be punished.

Extremist Interpretations of Islam

Clearly the Holy Qur’an does not even remotely hint at the death sentence for those blaspheming against it or Islam. Unfortunately, the behaviour of extremists groups claiming to be Muslims, and the introduction of so-called Shariah law in Muslim countries, has led the media to pointing fingers at the religion of Islam in general. However, neither those extremist groups nor those Muslim governments practise the true and real Islamic teachings. In Pakistan, for example, several sections of its Criminal Code comprise its blasphemy laws. Blasphemy merits the death penalty under Section 295C of the Pakistan Penal Code:

‘Use of derogatory remarks etc. in respect of the Holy Prophet[saw]: Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.’

So a lot of muslims need to educate themselves because many of them are doing exact opposite of what the Koran states.