J6er sentencing for bringing small arsenal to insurrection

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  • 04-05-2022, 02:43 PM
Am I trying to avoid saying that? I’ll freely admit the police were able to prevent this nut job from using the weapons he brought to the riot to track down the hit list he had on him. 46 months will earned.

Do you support people bringing weapons to riots? Originally Posted by Mistershark
Before any of us answer, condemn the MASSIVE use of violence by BLM and ANTIFA.

Or is violence OK when your side perpetuates it.

Funny, but no cops were hit with bricks on J6, were they?
... I'm not gonna stow Mr.Shark all-about over this,
but I AM gonna point out that the lot of us surely see a
DOUBLE STANDARD by the FBI on enforcing the letter of the law.

"Chop Zones" must not be trying to take over a towne.
Even though cops couldn't get in or out.

#### Salty
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  • 04-05-2022, 05:34 PM
... I'm not gonna stow Mr.Shark all-about over this,
but I AM gonna point out that the lot of us surely see a
DOUBLE STANDARD by the FBI on enforcing the letter of the law.

"Chop Zones" must not be trying to take over a towne.
Even though cops couldn't get in or out.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Even with multiple homicides.

Declaring your own independent country, isn't that treason?
... I think they call it INSURECTION. ... Shutting down city blocks.

#### Salty