Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

playerplano's Avatar
I'm so stoked can't wait to see it.

I like the idea that Luke has pulled a Yoda and gone into seclusion to escape the temptation and pull of the Darkside. I think they will build the movie around a search for Luke and youngsters learning the Force. The trailer showed some great cinematography and you know the special effects will be top notch. Will the acting or directing be any good ?

We will see.
There's no jarjar, so there's hope.
There are a lot of practical effects, real props and sets, etc. I mean, they built xwings and the falcon. Abrams said he would do practical effects, then got based over the new droid. In his subtle way of "I got this, trust me" ways, he rolled out the droid on stage. The head stayed on top just like in the trailer. Something about segway technology made it possible.
They need to introduce the Son or Nephew of Jabba the Hutt.....make him a Sith Lord....seeking revenge for Jabba's death.
....'course, wielding a light sabre could be a problem for him; so never mind.....
Can't wait to see it!! Also there is a trailer that shows Darth Vaders burnt helmet and face mask!
I jizzed a little bit.
I jizzed a little bit. Originally Posted by Tapper85
As did I lol... I think this is one of the only franchises where the workforce just gives zero fucks about employees disappearing for a week to camp in line.
Tx Noob's Avatar
I had so many chills running through my body when I saw the trailer. I've been waiting for this for 10yrs I really hope they've changed something's because the first 2 prequels really sucked. My favorite one was Empire Strikes Back I'm having my fingers crossed on this one!
Hélène Stone's Avatar
I'm looking forward to it. Already got my ticket. But part of me is still feeling a little burned due to Episode 1. ��
That's hilarious!

Attachment 466508 Originally Posted by Tx Noob