Which girl are you people gonna run outta here next?

Y0yoY0's Avatar
I don't know why people even entertain this shit.

When they don't get the attention they want, they either change their behavior, or go away. Either option is fine with me... That pretty much goes for the ones who are constantly doing battle with them, too.

Just 20-30+ pages of bullshit over and over again....

It sucks, because that's usually the point where the good posters start falling off... and all that's left are the ones that no one even wants to hear.
I don't know why people even entertain this shit.

When they don't get the attention they want, they either change their behavior, or go away. Either option is fine with me... That pretty much goes for the ones who are constantly doing battle with them, too.

Just 20-30+ pages of bullshit over and over again....

It sucks, because that's usually the point where the good posters start falling off... and all that's left are the ones that no one even wants to hear. Originally Posted by Y0yoY0
I agree, very much. Ignore the trolls and they will have no entertainment for themselves.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
They really think of what they do as playing with "puppets" when they get everyone all pissed off and fighting with each other...

And, this one is pretty good, I'll give them that.

Cut the fuggin' strangs, people lol
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Some people just cannot help themselves.

The rule of holes:
If you find yourself in a hole,
the first thing to do
stop digging
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Shit... I stepped in it again. (the shit.. not the hole... idk wtf this guy is talking about lol)
Tara and V were run off??? What fantasy world do you live in? Get off the d---. they are warping you brain, what you have left of it.
rcinokc's Avatar
Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Strong candidate for post of the year to this point.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Making fun of someone that has a serious medical condition - real classy. If someone in your family were afflicted with this disease you probably wouldn't find it as funny. Do you have any memes making fun of people with mental retardation or MS? No wonder the character of mods is being questioned recently.
HobbySnob's Avatar
Making fun of someone that has a serious medical condition - real classy. If someone in your family were afflicted with this disease you probably wouldn't find it as funny. Do you have any memes making fun of people with mental retardation or MS? No wonder the character of mods is being questioned recently. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Why don't you lighten up chief? This is a silly whore board after all.

Tara and V were run off??? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Its !Vi! not V and yes they were run off. Tara was ran off right before she and !Vi! were about to do doubles. And we all know how !Vi! was ran off the site 2 months ago. Now it is Kitty's turn, which is why I asked which girl was next?
TheEccie214's Avatar
Why don't you lighten up chief? This is a silly whore board after all.

HS Originally Posted by HobbySnob
Bite me.
pyramider's Avatar
Tara was not run off. She was banned due to her lack of impulse control.

Please remember that rule of you post it, you own it is, and has been, in play for some time. Tara knows the rules ...
Hercules's Avatar
You ran !Vi! off this site, and look what you made !Vi! do now, look at the title of this video. You people made her do that: Originally Posted by SteveOTX
No, nope, nuh-huh. That is just past wrong. Dedicating a porn to her mother is beyond fucked up. Don't wanna know a reason because there can't be.
That dude is the lamest fuck ever.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Counseling won't help her, it's too late