Dead candidate walking...

southtown4488's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That would be a gift to the Democrat nominee.
Fucking A right it's the right color. That cunt should go straight to fucking Leavenworth. Originally Posted by Seedy
You got it. What we actually need in this country is a political tragedy. A conviction an impeachment, something to get these politicians to realize we aren't putting up with anymore of their stupid bullshit. I would love to see that stupid cunt go to prison.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-14-2015, 03:12 PM
Assuming this does kill HC's bid (and I would not be so quick to assume it will, the stupidity of voters should never be underestimated), it makes things very interesting. Not good, but interesting.

Since so many of the Dems have been afraid to toss their hat in, who fills the vacuum? Not like they have a large number ready and waiting--they essentially all lack name recognition, and the minions on both sides seem to love name recognition. Out of curiosity, who has a current Kennedy family tree mapped out.....

And on the Rep side, I suspect this makes the street brawl even more of a blood lust, since now I suspect most the candidates see an actual chance to win.

Sad days but interesting ones may be ahead of us. I suspect this board will become a meltdown of epic proportions in the next 15 months.
Budman's Avatar
Assuming this does kill HC's bid (and I would not be so quick to assume it will, the stupidity of voters should never be underestimated), it makes things very interesting. Not good, but interesting.

Since so many of the Dems have been afraid to toss their hat in, who fills the vacuum? Not like they have a large number ready and waiting--they essentially all lack name recognition, and the minions on both sides seem to love name recognition. Out of curiosity, who has a current Kennedy family tree mapped out.....

And on the Rep side, I suspect this makes the street brawl even more of a blood lust, since now I suspect most the candidates see an actual chance to win.

Sad days but interesting ones may be ahead of us. I suspect this board will become a meltdown of epic proportions in the next 15 months. Originally Posted by Old-T
Amen, they elected Barack twice. Can't get any more fucking stupid than that.
Amen, they elected Barack twice. Can't get any more fucking stupid than that. Originally Posted by Budman
Pretty sure he was addressing ALL voters. After all, you guys elected Shrub twice. Can't get any more fucking stupid than that.
Budman's Avatar
Pretty sure he was addressing ALL voters. After all, you guys elected Shrub twice. Can't get any more fucking stupid than that. Originally Posted by WombRaider

But you did. You elected Barack. The worst president in our history. He is worse than Jimmy Carter and that is tough to do.
Pretty sure he was addressing ALL voters. After all, you guys elected Shrub twice. Can't get any more fucking stupid than that. Originally Posted by WombRaider

WRONG again CarlosDanger...
But you did. You elected Barack. The worst president in our history. He is worse than Jimmy Carter and that is tough to do. Originally Posted by Budman
You can't call him the worst or even close to it. And to invoke a man's name who is suffering from cancer, well, it shows what kind of guy you are. Barack Obama will be looked back on much more kindly than Shrub.
You can't call him the worst or even close to it. And to invoke a man's name who is suffering from cancer, well, it shows what kind of guy you are. Barack Obama will be looked back on much more kindly than Shrub. Originally Posted by WombRaider

This is what we expect from a Stalin/Marx/Lenin worshiper, like you, CarlosDanger...

Budman's Avatar
You can't call him the worst or even close to it. And to invoke a man's name who is suffering from cancer, well, it shows what kind of guy you are. Barack Obama will be looked back on much more kindly than Shrub. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Seriously? So we can no longer say Jimmy Carter sucked as a president because he has cancer? He's 90+ years old. Something is going to get him. Old age or cancer. Who gives a fuck? Bush will be looked upon as a much better president than Barack. Barack will go down in history as a failed POTUS in every aspect. From the ACA to the deal with Iran. He is a POS and history will not be kind to the fucker.
Seriously? So we can no longer say Jimmy Carter sucked as a president because he has cancer? He's 90+ years old. Something is going to get him. Old age or cancer. Who gives a fuck? Bush will be looked upon as a much better president than Barack. Barack will go down in history as a failed POTUS in every aspect. From the ACA to the deal with Iran. He is a POS and history will not be kind to the fucker. Originally Posted by Budman
Only two presidents in the last 50 years have reduced the deficit; Clinton and Obama. Go look it up. Obama has reduced it by 2/3 since he's been in office. He's not a failed POTUS. You might not like what he does, but that doesn't equal failure, that equals you don't like it and not much else. The deal with Iran is in its earliest stages of being implemented. And here's the fucking kicker; instead of it being successful and keeping us safe, you probably hope it fails, JUST so you can blame Obama for it being fucked up. Is that what at true American does? Root for ill to befall his country? I don't think so. He got as good of a deal as anyone was going to get. You all have visions of how you could do better and it just makes me fucking laugh.
You can't call him the worst or even close to it. And to invoke a man's name who is suffering from cancer, well, it shows what kind of guy you are. Barack Obama will be looked back on much more kindly than Shrub. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Jimmuh the Hamas sympathizer has been suffering from senility for a lot longer than this cancer diagnosis. It still doesn't change it still doesn't change the lying liberal's records woomby ! And the way that you lying libs are scrambling to find a replacement for Shrillary, having an "exploratory committee " test the waters for a return of the " Internet Inventor " and Global Warming lead cheerleader, it won't be long before one of your kind spews " Lets git Jimmuh Carter to run and GIVE him a second term ! " Maybe the Republicans won't be too " THOUGHT " on the old codger !!!!!! And maybe Jimmuh can put those solar panels back on the roof that he had installed that that mean old Ronald Reagan had removed ! All of you swishy walking tree huggers would LOOOOOVE that !!!
  • shanm
  • 08-14-2015, 04:58 PM
But you did. You elected Barack. The worst president in our history. He is worse than Jimmy Carter and that is tough to do. Originally Posted by Budman
You know that acting overly outraged doesn't make your point anymore valid, right?

If you think that Obama is the worst president in history then you are a huge fucking idiot.
I wouldn't put that past you though. Not the first time you've said something absolutely retarded.
Amen, they elected Barack twice. Can't get any more fucking stupid than that. Originally Posted by Budman
Must have been the same ones who elected W twice.