Does she need lube because shes not enthused?

Still Looking's Avatar
Ya'll just answered a question of mine that has been lingering in my mind for the longest.
I know if I were a man that was dipping my wick into an escort that same thought would be popping into my head as my head popped into the gal, "What number am I today?"
Originally Posted by only1sweetmaddy
Your my new HERO! LOL
burkalini's Avatar
Please take a number and sit down please.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't use lube, but that does not mean I am always turned on either. Condoms soak up what we produce pretty quickly, which is why most providers use lube. Some women don't want to be rubbed raw from a condom I guess.
burkalini's Avatar
London you are here. Call you call me an ass or a dick or something so I feel normal
Still Looking's Avatar
Here we go!
Jannisary's Avatar
There are also some medications that as a side effect will interfere with natural lubrication.

So far the escorts I've seen have not used lube but back when I was going to the AMP's sometimes those girls would.

A dancer that I got close to and started seeing OTC would use lube sometimes. She had a full hysterectomy and sometimes just couldn't get as naturally lubricated as needed for enjoyable sex.

It just doesn't seem like that big of deal to me unless the lady over applies the lube. The dancer just seemed to know, didn't matter how much daty and foreplay beforehand sometimes she just didn't get wet enough. Usually she'd lube things up after putting the condom on me and then we'd just go at it.

As far as the off topic of "being first". Not something I worry much about. If the lady schedules enough time between clients so that she can relax a bit, take a shower and clean up before the next guy shows up then he should never know that she had been with someone else earlier.
I rarely see 1-2 a week, I esp. don't see 1-2 a day, so I don't have to really worry about not getting turned on when I do have an appointment. lol...

My location sucks, and I don't travel much at all. Originally Posted by only1sweetmaddy
Well yeah you're low volume. It's girls like you that really are the most fun to see. I met a girl on here not long ago who told me straight out she rarely saw more than 5 a week. I spent over an hour with her. It was the conversation that extended our visit. We had a nice time.
I use lube every time. Condoms dry me out something fierce! It doesn't mean I am not turned on or that I have seen someone before you that day, it just means that latex and my va-jay-jay are NOT bestest friends.

Sorry if it is offensive to some. I don't want my kitty tore up!!! If I let her get all tore up just to spare someone's feelings then I will be out of commission for almost a week. Not worth it :-(

This was a great question. Hobby on!
Dunno, I imagine the answer is YEPPERS!

Then again, I was married for a long time, and had to have it, went through medical testing and more.

Then I got DIVORCED and never needed it again.

So I say yes, other than a side effect from a med. or the condom issue. Women are emotional beings, and have to be stimulated mentally in order to create that tingly feeling down below creating a natural lube.

thats just my opinion based on personal experience.
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Shorty and FNF, you are always a hoot to read! Another thing, as with the friend who had the hysterectomy, is hormones. There are naturally certain times of the cycle in which the 'va jay jay' is more lubricated due to ovulation. Also, it may depend on the type of body wash or soap the girl uses. If she showered/bathed very recently, this may affect the moisture production.

I personally dont squirt, per se, more like gush. Lube is rarely needed though I cannot say absolutely never. I prefer natural methods, but dont mind a small amount of lube.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
London you are here. Call you call me an ass or a dick or something so I feel normal Originally Posted by burkalini
Ummm....No, she can't. I'll bet if you ask her nicely she might send you a PM though.
Well yeah you're low volume. It's girls like you that really are the most fun to see. I met a girl on here not long ago who told me straight out she rarely saw more than 5 a week. I spent over an hour with her. It was the conversation that extended our visit. We had a nice time. Originally Posted by acp5762

Sounds like you visited my clone! That’s one thing I set myself apart from! Instead of turning guys out like an assembly line I choose to spend "quality" time with a gentlemen. There is just no way I can do a 15 minute appointment and charge the guy for a full hour, that’s so far from what I truly am! To me it’s more than just about the "sex", it runs deeper than that! I don’t think of a gentlemen walking through my door as just another wallet. I think of them as a human being with needs; furthermore, I truly think of them as a good friend!

By the way, how in the hell do you muli-quote on here? I click the button but nothing happens!
If you want an honest answer gimme, I will give you one.

And Maddy, to multiquote....the first quote hit that for every "multiquote" you want to do, but on the last thing you are quoting, just hit "quote" and they will all pop up.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Women are different from each other just like men are. Some girls run like a river at the slightest provocation, others are naturally quite dry, and most are somewhere in between. Ladies that are drier need lube, especially with latex condoms. This isn't rocket science, guys; with biology nothing is set in stone and there is considerable variation within the range of normality. Originally Posted by AngelOK
What she said.

Honestly, guys get bothered when they're not able to make us wet ... and that's too bad because (hold on to your hats) SOME women will get VERY excited to see you and feel you all over and inside but because of age (or menopause) their bodies just don't produce the moisture that they did when younger.

It's not the partner. A LOT of these women love sex and adore their clients. I do. But for me, it's just different than when I was younger. My panties just don't get soaked like they did when I was in my 20's and early 30's.

Sometimes, a man will get upset that I have to use lubrication. I try to make it fun and assure them that it's not their fault. Most of the time, the men are experienced enough to know that I'm telling them the truth.

Sometimes, I don't think that they believe me which is kindof sad. If men would realize that even on some days a woman's body will react differently than OTHER days, life would be easier for both of the sexes.
I don't use lube, but that does not mean I am always turned on either. Condoms soak up what we produce pretty quickly, which is why most providers use lube. Some women don't want to be rubbed raw from a condom I guess. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Well hell that blows my mind. The concensus out there is you are so small and tight you can't accomodate anything past average size penis. You should try something made by Quaker state.