Ladies here is my monthly "nc/ns, jerk" list

txAustin202's Avatar
If this doesn't belong in alerts, then I think there should be a separate forum for this. For both the guys and ladies to post NCNS. Co-ed is just a dumping ground for random stuff. This and other NCNS threads will just get lost. There's currently no good way to see if a provider has a history of NCNS'.
haha i like it
what's good for the goosers is good for the ganders
(misspelling on purpose)

I've been NC/NS'd before and it's f**king annoying
and used coed to almost expose someone
i think it's fair marley gets out some of her anger on these guys
probably better in co-ed rather than you say six Originally Posted by snoopdogg

Marley kudos to you for posting this!
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Some advice from the Ancient One... (I like my new name, Thanks Sixx)

While all if it may not be an alert part of it is... the whole "boyfriend" comment?? Is the guy some stalker or someone researching girls?? I did not post the whole conversation, just summed it up. SOOO yes that is an alert, 100%. Ladies need to know if there's a guy like that around. Blackmailing is a big big ALERT in this buis. SO if a guy starts throwing your personal buis into it... then there is reason to be alarmed!! Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe

Because keeing the hobby 100% separate from your personal life is nearly impossible, we take the risk...

If you allow 1 person in this hobby into your personal life, you take take the risk of "Gossip" "Stalking" "Blackmail" etc...

It is difficult to "Blackmail" if you do not have information to "Blackmail" with....

You tell someone you have a freckle on your butt... next thing you know, you have lepracy... humans...

I put myself in a bad situation several years ago. Long story short.. I was threatened, I called 911.

I battled with him on the board, but he never stepped into my personal life.

BUT most of these guys just dropped off the face of the earth 10-15m before the apt... after talking to me LITERALLY ALL day long!

Majority of clients that spend all day chatting/flirting are a waste of time. There are exceptions! But, looking at it from a business stand point, numbers/averages do not lie.

Then mike has been a regular of mine for over a year, which makes it even worse, wheres the common courtesy? HE knew i had paid for a sitter and drove 30m to the incall, just to do a 15m french for him, because he is a regular! So that hurt, and yeah it pissed me off...

Again, from a business stand point... You choose your regulars, they do not choose you.

Make your regulars the guys that want a discount on TIME not money. (Sorry guys, business is business).

Lower your Rates for the Multi Hour guys, not the 15min....

If a hobbyist wants a discount on TIME it is because that is what he values, he wants to spend Time with you... and in return will also value your time.

Hobbyist that wants discount on Rate... your Rate is what is important to him, not your Time. He only needs 15min of your time... and does not care about the beautiful heart behind those beautiful cotton candy breast.

Then Greg, booked a girl 7 hours in advance, asked for a good deal, in which the girl gave him, asked for a special outfit, in which she bought... he knew she was coming from 45m away... then 20m to apt time he says "oh wait i just realized im over 90m away and cant make it" but he was just texting me 5m before that making sure she had his outfit on!!! so this poor girl had no gas to get home, i had to get up late at night and drive all the way there to give her gas money. So yeah these are deff "bitch worthy" if you will lol. Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
Never make a negative remark about the product you market. Market your product as the best, most sought out, etc...

1- You are not the flea market. You do make make "Deals"

2- If a client wants you to wear a special outfit that you do not already have... He should buy it & you can offer to reimburse him.

3- Never admit you are so broke you do not have gas money. Much less where you advertise. If a "working girl" does not have gas money, most will think something is wrong with her.
If you had to walk 10 miles to your incal because you do not have bus fare... you never let a client know you depend on him.

Whispers's Avatar
Does it even belong in CoEd? What possible purpose does it have to the guys in the community? Definitely not an alert... Seems like stuff that should stay in the Powder Room and before some say not every lady has access.... well not every guy has Locker Room access.....

Just useless drivel....
Just useless drivel.... Originally Posted by Whispers
You should know. You generate enough of it.
budman33's Avatar
community aint all guys. I think its fair for offenders if they are on the boards, to get publicly spanked. less amusing in the powder room, and less embarrassing. This is the perfect place.

guest031812's Avatar
Seems the proper forum for this would be the girls room
Greg does not have a job, tried to book with me awhile back. I used to have a mikejones on yahoo IM but he lives in San Angelo, so not sure about that one.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
So here's my advice on NC/NS. Pretend like it didn't happen; act like a big old wimp that someone can walk all over, then reschedule and NC/NS their ass. If you can, get your friends in on it as well, so it really fucks up their day/week. Then post something in coed calling their dumb ass out. Don't get mad, get even
Personally I think its not a good idea overall (Both for the guys and the gals). Sadly it's a part of the business both ways and 99% of the time it's best to go with the flow. Regardless of the validity (and obvious Marley is "right") the truth is that most of the guys look for a drama free zone. Can't see how its good for business....
Some advice from the Ancient One... (I like my new name, Thanks Sixx)

Because keeing the hobby 100% separate from your personal life is nearly impossible, we take the risk...

If you allow 1 person in this hobby into your personal life, you take take the risk of "Gossip" "Stalking" "Blackmail" etc...

It is difficult to "Blackmail" if you do not have information to "Blackmail" with....

You tell someone you have a freckle on your butt... next thing you know, you have lepracy... humans...

I put myself in a bad situation several years ago. Long story short.. I was threatened, I called 911.
I battled with him on the board, but he never stepped into my personal life.

Never make a negative remark about the product you market. Market your product as the best, most sought out, etc...

1- You are not the flea market. You do make make "Deals"

2- If a client wants you to wear a special outfit that you do not already have... He should buy it & you can offer to reimburse him.

3- Never admit you are so broke you do not have gas money. Much less where you advertise. If a "working girl" does not have gas money, most will think something is wrong with her.
If you had to walk 10 miles to your incal because you do not have bus fare... you never let a client know you depend on him.

Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
SMH... i guess you read my post wrong... i was not speaking about my self about the gas money thing... i did not state the girls name either, so no one knows who i am talking about... so in the terms of them thinking something is wrong with her, not possible. In truth she is very new and as your know, buisness does not exactly boom when you are brand new, unless you a spinner lol. I appreciate advice if it's stuff i dont know, but in this case honey i dont need it. I am not a 19yr old new to the buis. It honestly is the buisness of escorting, lol i think everything u need to know about this buis either comes by common sense or it is learned in 6months to a year. Bottom line all you need in this buis to succeed... good tcb, good skills, over all good looks, good incall and COMMON sense. Guys are easily pleased, they do not care if a girl does not have gas money, they just want the best deal possible and the best time possible. No i am not a flea market, but i am more than happy to give deals. I value my regulars and will help them when ever they need it. Some guys are on a budget, which is why i give discounts. I appreciate a hard working man and if he is only interested in a short session and i have seen him many times, then i will give him a deal as i see fit. I know every one does things differently, just because everyone does not do things the same way, does not mean someone is doing something wrong. As to the guy paying for the outfit or going to buy the outfit and being paid back... i agree and dont agree... every girl runs her buis differently and i respect that 100%... but i see it like this, if a guy is simply requesting a certain type of panties or basic lingire then why does he have to pay for it? That is our job. Guys do not pay for strippers outfits! Nor do they go shopping for them. Now if it is something crazy then yes i think maybe the two should go together to get it or he reinburse at session. I would never ever want a guy buying me an outfit, then it ends up not fitting or looking un flattering, no thanks i'll handle that on my own lol. The case in which i was speaking of, was a simple request for boy shorts and sports bra, which the guy should not have to pay for or shop for imho... but she did not have any that were presentable if you will. BUT they are cheap so she did get them. Even though he flaked, she will get use out of them. So no money lost.

I do keep my personal life just that, personal. BUT the search engine is a tool easily accesed... one thing leads to another and anyone can be found. I have never met Richard, nor have i talked to him prior to this conversation so him throwing my personal life into the conversation in the means of taunting me or borderline threatening me, is not my fault. I keep everything seperate. I do know it comes with the buis, and it has happened before.

Again i appreciate advice when it can be used, everyone can use new fresh buis ideas... and improving even the best of buisness' is a good thing. BUT at the same time, i do things the way i do them for a reason... i will always give discounts because i appreciate my guys, there are so so many girls to choose from, but at this time and day they chose me! Even top designers do pro bono work and discounted work, is it because they "need" it? Heck no, its to show appreciation to clientel. So thanks, but i like the way i run things. Eveyone can use a little help here and there, but to me and some others it seems like i was being talked down to. Maybe a pm would be better next time. Dont know if u have it out for me or what, thought we were cool, but ur past few posts to me and about me (and my buis) quite frankly were rude and un-proffesional (since we are giving advice on how to run each others buis) So with that said "I'm out" Byeeee
Greg does not have a job, tried to book with me awhile back. I used to have a mikejones on yahoo IM but he lives in San Angelo, so not sure about that one. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
Last i heard he did have a job, a well respected one in this country actually. BUT he still haggles big time, and every time. And has a fetish request in which he does not want to pay for.

Mikejones does live in S.antonio but travels to austin freuently. He has always been dependable and over all a good client, but to just vanish and then with no reason, response or apology...WTF? I know nc/ns comes with the buis and i dont post every single one but i really felt ALL girls needed to know about these, and ur right whispers not all ladies have powder room access so i posted in the alert section so all of them could see this and not have their time waisted. No this does not belong in co-ed i agree, since there is nothing that really needs to be discussed, the ladies can read it and go about their business. Many ladies do not post here. I have received 5 messages on p411 from providers thanking me for posting this. It really does help. Come to find out many girls have had problems with Mr. Richard so maybe it was time he be called out for his actions. Now hopefully no one else will waist there time on him. So if guys dont want to read it then why even open the thread? You can see what the thread is about in the title, so why waist your time opening it. Not everything on this board will be things you want to see, read or talk about. That does not mean others wont.
Jon (is a p411 member)- 512 9*1 20** last minute no call no show
Richard boon* boone-richard@ - believes screening is "giving him a hard time" then tells me to "quit cheating on my boyfriend" what?!!?
Mikejones- 210 2*7 94** chatted ALL day about an apt, all the way up until 30m prior to apt time, then poof he vanished!! NC/NS
GreggJames- 512 4*3 67**email archielittle(or similar)... haggler, time waister and multiple last min cancels!!!

(staff edit; further obscured the posted phone numbers for privacy; ztonk) Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
High hilarity! Yes Marley, you should "quit cheating on your boyfriend"!!!

This made my day my dear!
Sooo funny hu? lol
Ms Francisca's Avatar
It honestly is the buisness of escorting, lol i think everything u need to know about this buis either comes by common sense or it is learned in 6months to a year. Bottom line all you need in this buis to succeed... good tcb, good skills, over all good looks, good incall and COMMON sense.

I disagree. I learn everyday. I learn from those who have been in the Hobby for years & from those who are new to the Hobby.

Life is about learning...

I personally believe that those that think they know everything are the ones that make mistakes.

Eveyone can use a little help here and there, but to me and some others it seems like i was being talked down to. Maybe a pm would be better next time. Dont know if u have it out for me or what, thought we were cool, but ur past few posts to me and about me (and my buis) quite frankly were rude and un-proffesional (since we are giving advice on how to run each others buis) So with that said "I'm out" Byeeee
Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
I apologize to you & the others. I was not talking down to you.

I was giving advice because I care.

I do not have it out for you. If I did, you would know.

As far as the previous posts... I agree. It did seem as if I was attacking you in some way.

Behind the scenes.... I was actually standing up for you.

A certain hobbyist on this board, one of those hard working nice guys you give discounts to.... Laughs at you, tells everyone about the discount you give him.... then will get on the board and be your WK.

I have a problem with this man fooling you and/or other ladies.

I did send you a txt a week ago....

I have been in LUST with you for about 3 years now....
So... No, I am not cool, I am HOT for you.