Happy Incarceration Mayor Nagin

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-13-2014, 04:59 PM
Do you think they will put him in a "chocolate" prison. BJerk?

Actually, he is just a typical Lousiana politician. They are almost ALL corrupt - white or black.

But here is a question for you, BJerkoff: If you believe he would never have gone to jail if he was white, how do you explain the fact that Edwin Edwards - who was Louisiana GOVERNOR - did EIGHT years in prison for corruption?

Or do you not let inconvenient facts cloud your little brain? Originally Posted by ExNYer
What you seem unable to comprehend is that a white boy wouldn't have gone down for what little Nagin did. Had his slightly unethical behavior risen to the level of pure crookedness of Edwin Edwards, yes, he would have deserved what he got.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-13-2014, 05:00 PM
With every post you prove more and more what a true dumb fuck you are. Nagin's race has nothing to do with being convicted on multiple corruption charges. The last four out of seven Governors of Illinois were all convicted on corruption charges and they were all white, the last of course was Rod Blagojevich. If you think that if Nagin were white he would have dodged the legal bullet for his crimes then you need your head examined for missing parts.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You are rather rude and uncultivated, aren't you?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
With every post you prove more and more what a true dumb fuck you are. Nagin's race has nothing to do with being convicted on multiple corruption charges. The last four out of seven Governors of Illinois were all convicted on corruption charges and they were all white, the last of course was Rod Blagojevich. If you think that if Nagin were white he would have dodged the legal bullet for his crimes then you need your head examined for missing parts.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
+1 - the system is racist (structurally as well as in other ways) but if you flaunt it badly enough you will get popped and sent for a vacation no matter what.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
What you seem unable to comprehend is that a white boy wouldn't have gone down for what little Nagin did. Had his slightly unethical behavior risen to the level of pure crookedness of Edwin Edwards, yes, he would have deserved what he got. Originally Posted by BJerk
Maybe so, especially in LA, but all eyes were on Nawlin's so it's likely IMHO that anyoone would have gotten popped.
You are rather rude and uncultivated, aren't you? Originally Posted by BJerk
Actually you just described what you are. Mr. Race Card Holder. Iam sure many on here share the same sentiment.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
With BJerk, it is not really a case of missing parts in his head.

It is that there were no parts in there to being with. So he isn't really "missing" any. Originally Posted by ExNYer
"she" isn't really "missing" any.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a cunt you are Waco child
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ray Nagin is but the latest corrupt, big city mayor to run aground. His downfall is particularly noteworthy in that his rise to national prominence was leveraged on George Bush's demonizing by the press. Recall that Nagin dawdled until the day before Katrina hit, failing to mobilize an evacuation until it was too late, stranding people and resources. Neither did he and Governor Blanco make a timely disaster declaration which would have mobilized federal aid earlier. Nobody remembers this malfeasance, only the newsreels of George gazing out the window of Air Force One at the flooding below. Pure image making without substance. Nagin fled to a high rise hotel where he literally whimpered for days because he didn't have running water, while his subjects starved and drowned on the streets below. Nagin barricaded himself in the shower of Air Force One for hours to escape the hot hardship of Katrina's aftermath when Bush visited. He was never indicted for any of his mayoral negligence, but bears responsibility for many civilian deaths for his incompetence.

Nagin's misdeeds are not unique to his generation in New Orleans. The wise city fathers had the levees dynamited in 1927, flooding Plaquemine Parrish, to ease flooding concerns in New Orleans. They cut a deal with parish officials to repay them for damages. Not a cent ever changed hands. And let's not forget the corrupt levee building and maintenance by the Corps of Engineers, New Orleans city government, levee boards, and other assorted miscreants, taking the money and not worrying about the rainy day to come.

Rot in jail, Ray. Maybe they'll pair you with Kwame Kilpatrick and you can exchange fraud schemes. Originally Posted by trident60
You do have to point out that Ray folded first and begged for Blanco to ask for help but she still won't give in for 48 more hours. Bush's hands were tied by the law. An unusual concept for democrats I know but still valid. Bush did push for an amendment to be added to the law in the following January. A president like Obama has no excuse for not providing aid to say Memphis, TN, Louisville, KY, TX, if no governor requests it now. FEMA can roll in anyway...except that FEMA didn't roll in for the flood, blizzard, and wild fires in those three places. Seems they voted for McCain in 2008.

Happier Times
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-14-2014, 08:44 AM
Actually you just described what you are. Mr. Race Card Holder. Iam sure many on here share the same sentiment.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If you are unable to have confidence in your opinion and look to others agreeing with you for validation, perhaps you are brainwashed, also.
If you are unable to have confidence in your opinion and look to others agreeing with you for validation, perhaps you are brainwashed, also. Originally Posted by BJerk
Brainwashed, hardly. My opinions are mine. If others agree with them fine, if they don't that's fine too, lol you're such a clown.

What you seem unable to comprehend is that a white boy wouldn't have gone down for what little Nagin did. Had his slightly unethical behavior risen to the level of pure crookedness of Edwin Edwards, yes, he would have deserved what he got. Originally Posted by BJerk

Who besides you thinks that what he did was only "slightly unethical" compared to what Edwin Edwards did?

Edwards was convicted on 17 counts of racketeering, money laundering, mail fraud, wire fraud and extortion.

Nagin was convected on 20 counts of bribery, wire fraud, money laundering, and filing false tax returns.

Do you really think there was any substantial difference? They were both garden variety crooks who got elected.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-15-2014, 08:21 AM

Who besides you thinks that what he did was only "slightly unethical" compared to what Edwin Edwards did?

Edwards was convicted on 17 counts of racketeering, money laundering, mail fraud, wire fraud and extortion.

Nagin was convected on 20 counts of bribery, wire fraud, money laundering, and filing false tax returns.

Do you really think there was any substantial difference? They were both garden variety crooks who got elected. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Racketeering and extortion sound much worse. Have you ever met a New Orleans gangster? They are hard core.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Have you ever lived in New Orleans? I have. When I was there six cops were arrested for fencing, extortion, corruption, and accessories to murder. This was after an FBI sting arranged for them to guard an empty warehouse of "stolen" merchandise. The rest they did on their own. You know, above and beyond the call of duty.

At the same time a senior detective was indicted for corruption. Seems he was selling or renting all kinds of city property (including cops) to movie productions and other companies coming to town to do business.

Meanwhile Antoinette Franks (a rookie cop) executed her partner and a Vietnamese family in heist that went wrong. Franks and her nephew were looking for the $50,000 that they thought the family was hiding for the Vietnamese community. After her conviction, they found Frank's father's body under his house that she lived in.

I asked a young woman about the corruption of the governor and she just smiled and said that was New Orleans.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Racketeering and extortion sound much worse. Have you ever met a New Orleans gangster? They are hard core. Originally Posted by BJerk
Nagin was convicted of income tax evasion ... just like Capone. The Feds had to go with what they knew they could prove.