Attention Ladies.. Don't See Donald Trump, He Will Give Out Your Number, LOL

Chung Tran's Avatar
Just make sure that you understand Trump is paving the way to a very easy Clinton win. Nothing more/nothing less. Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
I don't know.. that's an easy snap response, but what issues is Clinton tackling? she's laying low to avoid the Press, while Donald sucks them up like an Anteater, gaining more followers even as the Press is left in bewilderment.

not saying Trump will be the Nominee, but he will make Walker look better.. and Walker will stomp Clinton in November of next year.. I really believe that.
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
I'm not really sure at this point who I want in the office. All I know is who I definitely don't want and that's Clinton. She is a professional liar and that is saying something for the DC crowd. I really don't care much for the Republican field either. I say blow it all up and get rid of these career politicians.

It seems like we are very angry as a people. I'm not saying everything is perfect, and our society needs a lot of work, but I don't think the anger is proportional to our actual condition. Trump taps into this completely irrational, seething rage and all it does is make things worse. If we could all just start looking out for each other and our society as a whole just a little bit more I think we'd be fine.

People gripe about the establishment class, but the truth is they have done an OK job all things considered, and there is no evidence whatsoever that going to some completely anti-establishment candidate is going to be good for anybody. It's like people wear incompetence like a badge of pride.

I just think about what I do, and I'm pretty good at it. It took a lot of raw talent, but it also took years of study, years of practice, lots of screw-ups, and lots of tough situations to get me to where I am. People like Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and Carly Fiorina think being President is somehow different where you just show up one day and they give you the nuclear launch codes. That doesn't sound very smart to me.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I get your point about Carson, Trump and Carly.. however.. the reason people like them enter the race, is because the established, long-term Politicians are not responding.. Congress has done almost nothing since 2008, they Bitch about Obama, yet cede their own authority to him.. they refuse to cooperate, but put up no fight when Obama asserts his Executive Authority, and wields power like a King.

the public is not so much angry as tired, I think... it's not a new stance either, Perot tapped into the same feelings a Generation ago.. and while Congress is almost completely dis-functional, it's been coming on for a while.. historically I think we can point to the Bork Supreme Court debacle as the beginning of the breakdown between the Executive and Legislative branches.. after Bork was hung to dry, the retaliation began in earnest.. John Tower, Jim Wright, Clarence Thomas.. followed by Zoe Baird, Kimba Wood, and Lani Guinier.

I don't know if we'll ever see cooperation again in our lifetimes.. imagine Tip O'Neil and Reagan today, debating, disagreeing, AND cooperating.. passing bills where each party compromised.. not happening.. Carly, Trump and Carson at least have the possibility of breaking stagnation.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I knew it..


these folks are scared of Trump... it is so obvious.. they snicker and call him names, then dodge him.. afraid he will call them out for their failures.

Obama strikes again..
Cuban should talk; he has less cash than Trump.

But I would like to know who you think will be our next President> Just curious> I do seek views. Originally Posted by doug_dfw
Hillary. No question.

Unless something astronomically bad happens to her campaign, say hello to Clinton, part deux.

And just ftr, you asked me who I "think" will win it, not who I want to win it.

Btw, Cuban's not running for president so his cash flow is irrelevant.
You are so right THN...when the the GOP all get out of their clown car/bus....Hillary will walk in and bring the Rock Star Bill with her.

The big money (corp greed) attacks have already begin. They have no issues to talk about how to keep the economy pumping away. Remember how bad things were when Regan/bush left and when bubba left. The greatest recession since the depression.
And people can and will be able to own guns....and go to church...and so on...
SMH on the bs coming Hillary's way...maybe another whitewater or bj and special investigator they hung on Bill's back while he balanced the fkn budget?
The majority of voters sadly don't give a shit about what they are actually voting for. Obama is THE prime example of that. Hillary will be the next one. All most American voters care about is making history (e.g. "I voted for the first ______ president"). What else would the first AA president be followed by but the first woman president? Its inevitable; politics be damned. Anyone who can't see it for what it is is living in a bubble of their own utopia. As long as there's no fatal flaws in her campaign then all they have to do is sit back and watch the GOP fuck themselves (per the usual). I'm now convinced that the GOP PR department is run by rural county preschoolers in Mississippi. There's really no other answer for their lack of perspective.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Hillary hasn't got a hope. She talks from the trunk along with Bush and others while Walker is shouting from the moon roof and Trump is on the hood holding onto the steer's horns trumpeting with a loud speaker.

Who do you think will wake up all those who fed up with both sides of the aisle sitting on their arses for decades, allowing this great nation to disintegrate in face of Russia and China- forget ISIS- they are not the Urgent and Immediate Danger !

Our "Leaders" use Iran to hide the real threats cause they have no idea what to do with our greatest threats. Russia and China laugh- the great World Power ( oh they mean us ) is imploding with social justice. We they think can be KING.

Well if you want to rely on a golden egg that doesn't exist- the government- that is your choice. Government creates nothing- just takes. Oh but you must think your work is yours to enjoy and share as you wish. But if you want to enjoy what the government takes from the diminishing numbers who are taxed for you to do so- well I speak not to you. I don't speak for takers. I speak for makers.

Either Trump or Walker, are the only ones who can steer us out of Communism - the goal of the Leftist Obama and Clinton. Obamas will retire to a daca in the USSR compliments of Putin; furnished with the finest silks from China.

Wake up people. Russia sends its bombers to the very edge of our borders where our military is stationed; less than 2 minutes- another Pearl Harbor, in the making? Oh you weren't informed about Pearl Harbor! The Liberals deleted that from History. They didn't want to alarm their constituents that they could be------.

China is taking over the China Sea slowly, quietly , like the Japanese in the 1920''s. The Asian is slow and lion like in taking their prey and settling debts, which includes USA who rebuilt their arch enemy. History repeats itself.

I heard thisi in history classes. I am old enough to see the repeat. Obama's and the 5 other nations appeasement with Iran is more dangerous by the power of 10 than Cumberland's failure in 1933 to constrain Hitler. O yes, Obama didn't study history- just community organization to defeat the wisdom of ages.

If there was ever a pivotal election, 2016 is it.

We either start to return to the American Dream and collapse into third world status- and in the process help those who have been there for for decades be No. 1. For the LiberalDemocrat- that is Victory!. Little do they know what that really means.

Their parents, grandparents and great great ancestors are very likely to know.

With chung I say pay attention and think. Don't follow your inbred teachings;just think about you, your children , their children's well being with the nasty world attacking our lifestyles in liberty and opportunity.

I expect to hear-wrong forum. I don't believe so.
Lol don't vote FoR a vote against a person...keep your head down n ASS up
Again, so much anger, so much fear. I'm with the Democrats these days because I don't hate gay people and think defaulting on the T-Bill is an extremely bad idea, but if it were Sanders against Kasich or Pataki chances are I would vote Republican.

But communism, really? The government didn't hand out any rationing cards to me today, they didn't tell me what job I had to take, and I'm not driving around in a government (or American) car. Doesn't seem quite like communism to me. All of the guys on here can obviously afford to pay $300/hour for entertainment, so it seems we're all doing pretty much OK. This is my last post on this thread, this is getting way too much like talking to my parents ...
Chung Tran's Avatar

The big money (corp greed) attacks have already begin. They have no issues to talk about how to keep the economy pumping away. Remember how bad things were when Regan/bush left and when bubba left. The greatest recession since the depression. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
yes, Bush allowed the economy to fall... damn sure did.. and one week before Lehman Brothers collapsed, McCain said the Economy was "basically sound".. as the Nations' leaders scrambled to find solutions in emergency meetings, Obama was part of the meetings, while McCain fiddled with his thumbs not having a clue what was happening.. that sealed the deal for me, Obama got my vote.

unfortunately the economy is not standing on its own, 7 years later.. we get headlines like this one today:

and we think the economy is humming along.. lowest unemployment claims in over 40 years, but we are still afraid to raise interest rates, which are next to zero.. and have been for 7 years.. why is that? because we printed money and spiked the deficit to 17 trillion +... raising interest rates takes that, um, *cough*, TRUMP card away.. raise rates by half a percent, and the house of cards collapses.. billions and billions of unfunded liabilities on Corporate and Municipality balance sheets.

the Democrats have no answer beyond "print money/keep interest rates around zero"..
The problem is so much bigger. So much bigger. Bigger than your sound bites and headlines. You wanna be a one issue voter then be a one issue voter. You're still better than half the voters gearing up for the polls who only absorb their daily dose of the local top 40/TMZ morning show shit as adequate news. But please, stop acting like you have the answers. You don't. Not even one. None of us do. Damn.

You asked me who I THINK will win. I THINK Hillary will win. And not because of her politics or the shape of the nation or gun control or gay marriage or any other of that other wag the dog bullshit. She'll win because her camp knows how to run a fucking campaign. She'll win because the dumbasses who don't watch the dog shit in the yard will find any reason they can to vote for her for whatever reason they can find because they want to - and her campaign will make you want to. Its basic pop psychology. How that escapes the masses is beyond me, but who am I to argue with millions and millions of "informed" voters.

Enjoy your blame games and cherry picked issues fed to you by whoever bid best on that hour of air time you listen to.

I'll be over here sucking and fucking and making lives better one dick at a time.
what is going to potentially suck is Trump is not going to get his way with the RNC so he's going to drop out throwing his usual tantrum. Then he is going to go third party further dividing the non demo-commie votes which will virtually guarantee a demo-commie in the white house. Hillarys socialist agenda to reign everyone into government programs so that everyone except for the politicians are essentially under government control.
plove35's Avatar
Doesnt matter who is in tne office...all of them are full shit.....we will be in the same shape today if Romney was in is all bullshit