World Cup!!!

This is a much different cup for us. In the past we've ususally had a pretty solid defense (we've always had great keepers) with not much in the way of any attack.

Now we have more options up front than we have ever had (IMHO). That said, we're in trouble with our central defense. We've got Gooch who hasn't shown he can jump very well after his knee surgery and the other central defender (Demerit) that had eye surgery and might have trouble with his peripheral vision (kinda, sorta important for a back line!).

Let's hope our starting 11 looks much more like the team that upset Spain last summer than the team that stumbled through the last part of qualifying!

Go USA!!
  • fubar
  • 06-11-2010, 05:37 PM
Argentina with Maradona as coach to win it all!
JuanBear4U's Avatar
Did you watch the game? Bet that goal they were probably robbed of in the first half pissed you off... Originally Posted by subclade
It was actually a good call I have to admit it but there were so many missed shots tha could have been goals that's what pissed me off lol we can't play like that against france and uruguay they will take the shots. And I'm glad france tied so the standings are the same and mexico has a chance to qualify for the next round
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-11-2010, 07:37 PM
I'll be rooting for the US...but after the first match I'll root for England as well. Got to spend a lot of time there due to work and have many friends. I will be getting a lot of harassing messages during the match

If the US wins tomorrow it will be the biggest upset in the series since Washington beat King George
OK...I am going all out on a limb! IF there is a provider that has as much faith in the USA as I do in England, I will be happy to make a bet. I am a man of my word. If the US win, I will pay double the fee and if England win, I will pay half! Now that has got to be worth it hasnt it? If you want to watch the game together I will be at the Londoner in a white shirt! LOL I am happy to bet but ONLY before kick off!!!
shortstroke's Avatar
Too bad they tied 1 - 1. I'm thinking Spain and Argentina in the final with Spain taking the cup..
The Netherlands may end up surprising everyone... It is going to be interesting so see how they fare.
gregory_m2003's Avatar
Spain seems to be the best team on paper.
Germany have put in the best performance show far.
My favorite teams are Argentina and Brazil.
I'd be happy if either of them win the cup.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
boring, tried to watch it
I tried to watch a few games... But I can't deal with those damn horns... sounds like a swarm of bee's.... Total turn off for me... I wonder how many people are watching Dirty Jobs or Deadliest Catch (RIP Capt Phil ) instead...
NeedingMore's Avatar
North Korea v Brazil right now...anyone wishing that Brazil just demolishes them? I guess you can feel bad for the team, but you have to hate everything the country stands for (at least their gov't). How FIFA let them play is beyond me.

Too bad no provider are in on the "action."
I Love Soccer!
World Cup is the Best! I am Amazed at the USA Best Sports Bar - maybe... - ZEN BAR - the Colony Hwy 121 and Windhaven close to the NDT. My gf and I opted to go to a sports bar becuz our tv does not have ESPN - and the world cup was ONLY coming up in SPANISH... (go figure) we were kind of getting tired of that - Later.
NeedingMore's Avatar
Kara, you are extra hot just for acknowledging and watching soccer! That and I used to live in Austin Ranch...

The real reason for my post is that the US got ROBBED! Ever since that crap foul against Italy last World Cup, I've hated the officiating. Now this mess up against us. I just think the rest of the world really hates us. What the crap! Too frustrated to finish right ranting right now...

I'm going to need to hit someone up to "release."
ginaissosexii's Avatar
OldGrump's Avatar
I sure would like to know what the referee thought he saw to call back the "winning" US goal. There was a lot of tussling gong on in the penalty area but the US seemed to be getting the worst of it in the camera shots. Offside was not the case, so it must have been some other real (or imagined) offense.

I've blown a lot of whistles but, in my mind, very few calls :-) Of course, the laws of the game say I was right 100% of the time - so I guess he was too - dang it.

I'd still like to get inside his head to see what he was thinking. Then I could kick my way out.

I'd love to see a USA v Mexico final, but it ain't gonna happen in my lifetime. Lots of supporters for both teams here.

Play On....