Heart attack.....

Definitely call 911. I know if someone ever gives me a heart attack it will be you. Originally Posted by el guero

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annie@christophers's Avatar
I dont think ive ever seen one of these posts before. wow...a fresh subject! Cops in nola are cool. My friend died exactly this way and the escort with him called 911...the cops that showed knew him also and for his wifes sake fudged the report. It took one of his friends years later to tell me the truth...that put a smile on my face. He always said."were all just passing thru" lol... so id definitely make the call. xxoo Annie
I would say... just for good measure... blow on my boy just a bit more to double check that heart attack is really it. Originally Posted by Paddy Daddy
You sir..... sneaky sneaky ! Three wasn't enough lol
Don't dress him, leave, move him or do anything suspicious.

First responders see this stuff all the time. Its an unwritten rule - why screw up his families life?

They try and save the person and if not, they give vague 1/2 truths.

You won't be getting in any trouble.

Now, if someone is found dead in your room - and "you know nothing about that" - then there may be an inquiry....

Just "hey, my friend is having a heart attack" or "is not responsive". Nothing about what why when.

For all they know he was getting out of the shower and you came down the hall to help when you heard a noise. But, don't tell them that. Point is they don't know and they don't care.

Be truthful. Be brief.