Driver Needed !!

Bella Companion's Avatar
Thank you. I am very happy to be back in KC. Just a little bit of a rough start. :-( I hate feeling this helpless. Very UN- ninja like.
ElumEno's Avatar
Wait that's right I almost forgot...
It's all COG's fault...
Im here to rescue you Bella

and as far as the ninja thing really sucks right now for ninjas....hard to sneak up on people with all the dead leaves on the ground....
All blondes will need a minute to thin k that!!
2Lucky1's Avatar
Hello Bella, read your thread and got curious. So I plugged in car rentals, for the month at a you can get a sub compact for 710.00 at the airport. Then I thought, Isnt it to bad with all these people who own multiple cars that someone couldnt just rent you theirs? I actually have one, but it dosnt run and because of my situation I dont have the time to get it repaired. Then I thought of, plugged in a search for car rental and got many hits. This is one of them...

They advertise 7.00 per day, which would be 210 a month (rent to own) and short term rentals for 10.00 a day which would be 300 a month. Dont know the ins and outs or even if it fits your needs, just saying. Might be worth a call.

My uncle who has more money then he knows what to do with still to this day gets a kick out of buying cars he can find for a 100 to 500 dollars, driving them as far as he can and then dumping them at the salvage yard. you can sell junk cars for up to 250, do the math. His current ford taurus cost him 100 dollars and he has been driving it for 6 months now. Any way, he finds them on craigs list sometimes...
Just some dumb ideas for you
good luck
Bella Companion's Avatar
That is awesome :-) Thank you for the rental tip. I found a driver and I am soooooo happy. :-) I think he and I will hit it off famously. I just need help covering my Saturdays. I work 9am-and get off at 4pm in the afternoon. should be pretty easy to get that covered. Thank you soooo much for everyones support and help making me feel alot less stressed about this. :-)
Bella Companion's Avatar
Thank you Big Deal... woo hoo!!
no problem....I look forward to meeting you and helping
ElumEno's Avatar
Glad someone was able to help...

bigdeal.. we are all counting on you to take good care of her.
oh i will...shes a SWEETY