BRANDON'S polls continue to nosedive...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well you'll just have to wait and see, eh?

Apparently, you're shitting bricks. Must be near the edge again.

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


LexusLover's Avatar

should i be concerned? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Only because YR managed to detract you from the OP topic ...

.... but the CommunistSocialistDumbCratic Party AddDicks have been engaged in that activity of rederiction when the topic is about THEM and their lameass decision making aka vote selection.

Another reason his "numbers" are falling is that there have been more video clips of him robotically "walking" across the WH lawn as though he is strapped into a robotic leg movement machine. (It's got to be remote controlled!)
It is not surprising that Biden's numbers are dismal. The only issue any person to clinge to is the stock market is up. Even if we give him credit for that, it is not enough for all the damage he has created, in less than a year.

Inflation at a record high of 7%, gas prices outrageous, every American is at the least 7% poorer than they were last year, thanks Biden. Chine poised to take over Taiwan, Russia poised to take over the Ukraine, North Korea firing missiles again. Our foriegn affairs is a complete disaster and I did not mention Afghanistan yet. Stores are having supply chain problems, More Covid deaths than ever before (Biden,s favoraite issue in which he has back slided the nation on). What new vaccines do we have, what new ways to cmbat the variants has he subsidized or encouraged? None, zero, all he does is make unconstitutional laws about taaking freedoms away and some stupid people praise him for it. Do something real about Covid instead of whining why some Americans do not get the vaccine. Find news ways to treat Covid or figh ti and stop your belly aching over mask mandates which produce absolutely nothing except richer mask producers, lol.

Have I mentioned the border yet? Wait let's discuss his initiatives to kill the filibuster, stack the Court, have all these non citizens vote, demolish one person one vote laws. HIs own people vote against all his initiatives to federalize and change our voter laws. His speech discusses racism, yep thats what our nation needs to conquer right now is how minorities are treated. That is a non issue and we have more dramatic problems such as our economy, nations threratening our friends, Americans being less wealthy and that is without any new tax hikes yet.

Did I mention our border yet? This is the worst President this nation has ever had and he accomplished it within a year, did not even take a full 4 years to be rated the worst. He is a bumbling idiot and is doing all he can to drive our people into the dirt. Make us poorer, less enegry available, and then claims we are racists for wanting one person, one vote. What a loser!!!

And being the loser he is , the peopl eof our country see it, even the one's that voted for him. I cannot find a single person that will vote for him in the next election. And unfortunately for the Democrats his stupidity, neglect, and just plain old power hungriness is showing and the people are disaproving.

What baffles my mind is the people who still stand behind him after all his disasterous results. Is is the difficult to admit you made a mistake? And you prefer this man over Trump? Why? Someone explain why you would want to be poorer, less secure, the world in more turmoil, have your vote count less, be called a racist, have more health issues with Covid than ever before? Does that equate to better life and standard of living for you? Hell, I come over kick you in the balls, call you names, and take your money and you should be ecstatic!! Samething as having Biden as your President.
YR and VM have no cogent argument so they respond with idiotic hijacking posts. YR posted this thread because he is butt ass hurt...he just wants a little cheese with his whine, poor fella
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He said just last week that BRANDON'S POLLS went up?? Originally Posted by bb1961

Dr Jill has thoroughly examined Brandon's pole and declared it is not "up"

... Vita and Yssup are just continuing to fly the flag
of liberalism here everyday. .. Not very adept at it,
but without WTF here - somebody needs to do it.

Surely not gonna blame them for that.

#### Salty