Guess What, I tested positive for Covid

I feel great today, still no symptoms.

As I wrote back when I had Covid, I never got very sick. When I had the antibody test done, it showed I have very high antibody count.

I got vaccinated anyway, then took the booster. The booster made my arm pretty sore for several days, other than that, no I’ll affects.

I figure I have been positive for several days. I will keep everybody informed.

One thing for sure. Having anti bodies will not keep Covid from invading your body.
But I think they kill it off pretty quick.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I, too, tested positive for Covid this past week. I had a slight cough since last Monday but my wife experienced more severe symptoms on Friday so we both took a test from CVS and we both tested positive. I still have no major or even minor problems and my wife has had a little more discomfort.

Since we are part of the Pfizer test group, we informed the test coordinator of our health status and we were immediately contacted and asked to take Pfizer's Covid test which they supply us with.
  • Tiny
  • 01-30-2022, 10:36 AM
SpeedRacer, Did you mean Pfizer pill? Did you and your wife get boosters? If so when?

Glad you and Jackie are doing well and hope your wife is better soon.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
The whole world should have the option of buying hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and a z-pack at the local corner store, but the psychopaths in power used the legacy media, big tech, and a captured medical system to shutdown all cheap and effective treatments.

Instead of using generic, repurposed antivirals, anti-inflammatories, anti-coagulants, and antibiotics, the globalist regime closed down small businesses, shredded fundamental human rights, and created a $100 billion mRNA vaccine industry.

Their solution to an infectious disease was an authoritarian, top-down, biomedical-surveillance state built around a single solution of a deadly and ineffective experimental gene therapy shot.

Blocking early treatment, locking down the world, and mandating a mRNA shot that is killing people are all crimes against humanity.

The whole world should have the option of buying hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and a z-pack at the local corner store, but the psychopaths in power used the legacy media, big tech, and a captured medical system to shutdown all cheap and effective treatments.

Instead of using generic, repurposed antivirals, anti-inflammatories, anti-coagulants, and antibiotics, the globalist regime closed down small businesses, shredded fundamental human rights, and created a $100 billion mRNA vaccine industry.

Their solution to an infectious disease was an authoritarian, top-down, biomedical-surveillance state built around a single solution of a deadly and ineffective experimental gene therapy shot.

Blocking early treatment, locking down the world, and mandating a mRNA shot that is killing people are all crimes against humanity.

@KanekoaTheGreat Originally Posted by bambino

Just can't make this kind of stupid up...
bambino's Avatar
TechPapi's Avatar
Ignore the tinfoil hats that think some dipshit on telegram knows shit.

How Covid-19 vaccines succeeded in saving a million US lives, in charts

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Just can't make this kind of stupid up.. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
It’s actually pretty close to the opinion of the doctor I married. The medical community is beholden to government funding and must follow orders or go bankrupt. Many doctors are beside themselves for being forced to violate their Hippocratic oath, but most won’t admit it outside of their inner circle. Never before have doctors been hamstrung by a protocol of staying home until you can’t breath and forgoing, even outlawing, any type of early intervention.

This is why hospital wait times are unbearable, 90% of the people there would have normally been treated by their PCC and sent home. Unfortunately PCPs are also at the mercy of the government and refuse to see anyone with even the slightest chance of exposure, so people head for a hospital, mostly out of unfounded fear of a typically mild infection, and now those who actually need hospital care can’t get it in a reasonable amount of time.

The way this was, and continues to be, handled is a crime against humanity. At least 90% of the deaths could have been avoided had the whole mess not been turned into a political circus because....... orange man bad. I hope you leftys are happy. In your zeal to oust a guy who had the country running like a finely oiled machine, you’ve managed to kill millions of people.

Edit: Interesting chart above, if it’s accurate the vaxed are now dying at a higher rate than the unvaxed. So much for the “pandemic of the unvaccinated “.

Actually, reading it more closely, the entire chart is bullshit, a wild guess at best.
TechPapi's Avatar
It’s actually pretty close to the opinion of the doctor I married. The medical community is beholden to government funding and must follow orders or go bankrupt. Many doctors are beside themselves for being forced to violate their Hippocratic oath, but most won’t admit it outside of their inner circle. Never before have doctors been hamstrung by a protocol of staying home until you can’t breath and forgoing, even outlawing, any type of early intervention.

This is why hospital wait times are unbearable, 90% of the people there would have normally been treated by their PCC and sent home. Unfortunately PCPs are also at the mercy of the government and refuse to see anyone with even the slightest chance of exposure, so people head for a hospital, mostly out of unfounded fear of a typically mild infection, and now those who actually need hospital care can’t get it in a reasonable amount of time.

The way this was, and continues to be, handled is a crime against humanity. At least 90% of the deaths could have been avoided had the whole mess not been turned into a political circus because....... orange man bad. I hope you leftys are happy. In your zeal to oust a guy who had the country running like a finely oiled machine, you’ve managed to kill millions of people. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Sounds like you should be in charge of writing the history books for Texas. Good fiction and red herring bullshit right there. You don't appear to be very good at reading charts or articles either. Another plus for folks that like to provide revisionist bullshit.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SpeedRacer, Did you mean Pfizer pill? Did you and your wife get boosters? If so when?

Glad you and Jackie are doing well and hope your wife is better soon. Originally Posted by Tiny
We both had boosters around last October.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Jackie and SR, glad you guys were wise and got vaccinated. A lot of people don't understand that it doesn't keep you from getting Covid, the most important thing is how much safer you are if you do. Anyway, glad to read that you guys seem to be fine.
TechPapi's Avatar
The whole world should have the option of buying hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and a z-pack at the local corner store, but the psychopaths in power used the legacy media, big tech, and a captured medical system to shutdown all cheap and effective treatments. Originally Posted by bambino
We finally agree! And I want to be able to snort cocaine, pop meth, smoke weed and eat mushrooms. But those fucking psychopaths in power...amiright?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
It’s actually pretty close to the opinion of the doctor I married. The medical community is beholden to government funding and MUST FOLLOW ORDERS or go bankrupt. Many doctors are beside themselves for BEING FORCED TO VIOLATE their Hippocratic oath, but most won’t admit it outside of their inner circle. Never before have doctors been hamstrung by a protocol of staying home until you can’t breath and forgoing, even outlawing, any type of early intervention.

This is why hospital wait times are unbearable, 90% of the people there would have normally been treated by their PCC and sent home. UNFORTUNATELY PCPs ARE ALSO at the MERCY OF THE GOVERNMENT and refuse to see anyone with even the slightest chance of exposure, so people head for a hospital, mostly out of unfounded fear of a typically mild infection, and now those who actually need hospital care can’t get it in a reasonable amount of time.

The way this was, and continues to be, handled is a crime against humanity. At least 90% of the deaths COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED had the whole mess not been turned into a political circus because....... orange man bad. I hope you leftys are happy. In your zeal to oust a guy who had the country running like a finely oiled machine, you’ve managed to kill millions of people.

Edit: Interesting chart above, IF it’s accurate the VAXED are now dying at a higher rate than the unvaxed. So much for the “PANDEMIC of the UNVACCINATED “.

Actually, reading it more closely, the entire chart is BULLSHIT, a wild guess at best. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

A very insightful post and I appreciate your opinion as well

*Hope Ya Don't Mind My CAPS*

Have a Great Day, Stay Well and Happy Hobbying!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Antivax terrorists against vaccines but all in on horse pills, anti malaria drugs and other ineffective therapies.

Don’t forget the bleach.