Snuggling? Who's down?

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I need someone to snuggle with me right now. Nothing better to bask in the afterglow of sharing an intimate experience...
Who likes to snuggle after the deed is done? Who thinks it's awkward? As a GFE provider, I feel like it's my job to provide a bit of snuggling afterward (and I enjoy it!) if the guy seems like he's in the mood. But if he jumps up and hops in the shower, I don't get offended either.

And how often has post-coital activity led to more coitus OTC? Originally Posted by Claire She Blows


Pillow talk can be intensely sexy when mixed with cuddles - mmmmm!
It's always nice to have her lay by my side, throw a leg over me and rest her head on my chest. Smelling her hair while stroking her back as we recover. Originally Posted by Loxly
Love this. Hugging and cuddling....we all need it.

I love to curl up like a cat and spoon under the covers or lay my head on his chest, just quietly listening to our hearts recovering and bask in all the cuddlely lovie dovey chemicals.

But only if he wants to! I think I would feel weird saying come cuddle with me after a raunchy PSE session! It would be more like high five!!

And John Doe, my dear .... Claire needs no white knight, but if you met her, in person, you would know she is as sweet as pie. I promise
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Watching HLN while eating breakfast and they covered a "Snuggle House" in, Madison, WI. They are catering to the need for physical and intimate touch by those with no S.O. There are rooms and open spaces equipped with beds for patrons to spoon and snuggle... for a fee, of course. ;-)

Sounds like a viable menu item for some ladies here, myself included. Never did find a snuggle buddy last night, darn it! Guess it's time to head north! :-P
puddy tat's Avatar
Pay you 300 hr to cuddle? Bwahahaha, who are you kidding with your GPS agenda? What's next deep intellectual conversation, with poetry readings? We pay you to FUCK then SPLIT! This is as stupid as the overnighter thread, yeah I'm gonna pay you 1500 to sleep. Here's the way it goes, I walk thru the door, clothes off in 5min max, then I'm bouncing on your cooch for 55min, if you want to cuddle after the time is up, I will entertain the thought provided you're pretty enough for me to want to spend extra time with, and not one that makes me feel like a coyote in a trap!
SunnyGuy's Avatar
[snuggling] - its like a hug but Even Better! Originally Posted by Secret_Amore
Indeed it is

clearly i need some new girlfriends that i can visit and snuggle up close to under some warm blankets...we can feed each other strawberries....lick whip cream off each others nipples... Originally Posted by Secret_Amore
Oh, my. Now THATs what I'm talking about.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
OH! maybe next time at the M&G we can all get together and have a nice group snuggle.
Pay you 300 hr to cuddle? Bwahahaha, who are you kidding with your GPS agenda? What's next deep intellectual conversation, with poetry readings? We pay you to FUCK then SPLIT! This is as stupid as the overnighter thread, yeah I'm gonna pay you 1500 to sleep. Here's the way it goes, I walk thru the door, clothes off in 5min max, then I'm bouncing on your cooch for 55min, if you want to cuddle after the time is up, I will entertain the thought provided you're pretty enough for me to want to spend extra time with, and not one that makes me feel like a coyote in a trap! Originally Posted by puddy tat
Sure, some guys pump and run, but most actually do like the cuddle post pop, mid rounds, etc. It surprised me, too, when I first started doing this. I wonder what the going rate would be for a cuddle then a nap. Some days I wish I had a bed nearby my work with a studly man in it to cuddle and nap with me for 45 minutes or so on a stressful day. I'd even pay for it. Some boys pay us to shave their balls, so the nap thing can't be too far fetched. =)
who would snuggle with this sweaty dude?
Raise your hand if you're "Sure"
GneissGuy's Avatar
Pay you 300 hr to cuddle? Bwahahaha, who are you kidding with your GPS agenda? What's next deep intellectual conversation, with poetry readings? We pay you to FUCK then SPLIT! This is as stupid as the overnighter thread, yeah I'm gonna pay you 1500 to sleep. Here's the way it goes, I walk thru the door, clothes off in 5min max, then I'm bouncing on your cooch for 55min, if you want to cuddle after the time is up, I will entertain the thought provided you're pretty enough for me to want to spend extra time with, and not one that makes me feel like a coyote in a trap! Originally Posted by puddy tat
Hey, I want the more serious stuff, but cuddling is part of the mix of a good session. Either after the big stuff, as the first part of the process, or as a break between more energetic activities.

However, I'm not going to pay $100 an hour for cuddling.

To each his own.
who would snuggle with this sweaty dude?
Raise your hand if you're "Sure" Originally Posted by Motorboating2
It's been discovered that the pheromones in male sweat put women in a better mood.

So, I'd snuggle with you
I love cuddling (and would LOVE to do it more, as I am a romantic at heart) but I'm a middle-class joe who can't afford multi-hour appts like some high-rollers can. I can cuddle a teddy bear. I can't f*ck a teddy bear.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Some of you don't like the cuddling, and some of you do. Me...I LOVE IT!!! If the ladies want repeat sessions from me, then I'm game. Cuddling and great conversation always keep me coming back for me.

I'm actually amazed at how many of the ladies on here like it. I can understand it in the RW, but I think it's great that you also like it when you provide.
Still Looking's Avatar
It's been discovered that the pheromones in male sweat put women in a better mood.

So, I'd snuggle with you Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Heh... I thought it was in the INK of $100 bills?