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Who exactly are the 5% of Conservative Republicans still supporting Obama?

TsFLFer's that's who...fucken new yorkers...
roaringfork's Avatar
If Obama is ever diminished in the eyes of his worshippers, it will be for reasons exactly as trivial, fatuous and transitory as those for which he was elevated to godhood: the color of his skin, the crease in his pants, the endorsements by Beyonce and Jay-Z. There is no polling data which should ever make a conservative feel confident of victory.
LexusLover's Avatar

Mid November around 40% over all with CNN carrying 37% ... and ..

... the insurance cancellations or "non-renewals" have not crested.

Irrespective of whether he is running in 2016, it's his first year in his 2nd term.

That's about where Bush was in 2005 ...

CNN: Obama = 37% ... Bush = 37% ................. the margin of error on the polling was and is about from 2-3%age points.
lustylad's Avatar
Actually, 6 points is not that big a spread... And proving a point means PROVING a point. Just saying bullshit isn't enough. Debate 101. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Debating with you is like fighting with an Arab. No matter how badly I lick you, you tell everyone you won. Your first stupid comment on this thread was "I think his numbers were somewhere around there when the GOP nominated Mittens". I called bullshit. You challenged me to back it up with hard data proving you wrong. I did. Now your lame reply is "Actually, 6 points is not that big a spread"? Wow. You're the pussy, not me. I can admit it when I'm proven wrong.

You're so retarded you can't even read the link I sent you. Obama's popularity was not at a "then all-time low" in the Summer of 2012. It was the Summer (actually September) of 2011. Take a lesson in how to move the cursor over the graph lines. There's no point in my posting this stuff if you can't even read it correctly.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks for the lesson LL. I didn't dispute your numbers. They seem accurate, give. The margin of error. But a 6 point spread in opinion polls is no Mount Everest, as you claim it to be, and can swing with any event.

That, simply, was my counterpoint to your point. Obviously that pisses you off somehow. Your anger problem, not mine.

I've never argued with an Arab, so I am unfamiliar with your racial stereotype. I'm sure it wasn't meant as a compliment, unless you're talking about the "licking" part, in which case it's yet another unwanted sexual advance from Pissants Pissburgh Posse.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-08-2013, 11:48 AM
A Romanian, (Assy Fucke)a Jew and a Somali under a tree. A caterpillar gets on the Romanian's shoulder. The Romanian throws the caterpillar at the Jew, the Jew throws the caterpillar at the Somali, the Somali picks up the caterpillar and eats it. Another caterpillar gets on the Romanian, the Romanian throws it at the Jew, Assy Fucke picks it up and ask the Somali: "Do you want to buy a caterpillar?" Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
OK - that was mildly funny. Let's hear one about New Yorkers!
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks for the lesson LL. I didn't dispute your numbers.. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They are not my numbers. I used CNN's report in both instances for comparison.

I did so primarily because of the unusually (IMO) small sample used ... the significance (IMO) is the difference in the response to the falling numbers, not in their similarity of falling rapidly ... of course, you apparently would prefer to discuss "unusual" sexual activities when Obaminable's name is brought as falling in approvals, and even discuss the numbers as they relate to a "margin of error" ... whereas with Bush its "all about" the man.

But keep it up ... Obaiminable is ... to the bitter end.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They are not my numbers. I used CNN's report in both instances for comparison.

I did so primarily because of the unusually (IMO) small sample used ... the significance (IMO) is the difference in the response to the falling numbers, not in their similarity of falling rapidly ... of course, you apparently would prefer to discuss "unusual" sexual activities when Obaminable's name is brought as falling in approvals, and even discuss the numbers as they relate to a "margin of error" ... whereas with Bush its "all about" the man.

But keep it up ... Obaiminable is ... to the bitter end. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lets be clear here... LL is Lustylad, the person to whom I was speaking. YOU rare LLIdiot. Got it?
LexusLover's Avatar
Lets be clear here... LL is Lustylad, the person to whom I was speaking. YOU rare LLIdiot. Got it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How could you possibly know? YourRong, always.
Watch out yassup the lady boy is wanting to lick you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, he's a closet queen without the closet.
I still think there is a strong possibility of a hook up with Obama and beyonce on the night of benghazi..and that's why no one knows where he was