"Wrong, timmytard... SEE3772 is a 9/11 truther."

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Perhaps our lousy education system, which produces people who write "soul" reason, proves there isn't a "sole" reason?

Also, I think the 16th Amendment (income tax) and the 17th Amendment (direct election of senators) also share a big part of the blame. Originally Posted by ExNYer
SEE3772 said, "People like you....(referring to Timmytard).. the soul reason why America is
a indebted broke fascist police state."

Maybe he meant that deep down in their fucked up liberal souls they have infected America with an attitude of entitlement, laziness, and arrogance, hence causing government overspending and a capitulation to the tendency of said government to control us?
So, while you could say on a microeconomic and social level there is no "sole" reason for America's downfall, overall there is a "soul" reason.
The soul of a liberal, while possibly well intentioned at times, is tied to a moronic and confused mind.