Question For The Ladies Regarding Dinner

I really never got the dinner thing. Not only do you have to pay for the 100 dollar tab. They want you to fork over another 200 for feeding them? I guess I can understand it if you are taking them to an event where they need to put on an act but a 2 person dinner after BCD? Originally Posted by tallwhiteguycc's not weird and it can totally be fun (and worth it). Granted, both of the individuals need to click uber well (just like friends in real life).

I've had some of my best dinners and hang out sessions ever with providers (off the clock) and a few hobbyists. No, CanDo01 isn't one of them - he's an ass.
Cubsoxbull...I like your style and composure....I'd love to have you for dinner! I'd eat you up...
Don't worry about it. I don't think you owe her anything at all. However, I can see it from both sides. There are many providers who call and text hobbyists asking "would you like to see me tonight?", implying regular on the clock bcd. Perhaps this is what she was doing. Although, since you've seen her in the past, I'm not sure.

I used to go out with hobbyists all the time events, movies, dinner. Sometimes they'd pay and at other times I would. I even play tennis with one on a reg basis (btw... I love playing with ya!).
However, there are a those that do try to take advantage of friendships. This has really caused me to cut most non bcd ties with them.

There really isn't anything left for you to do. You've apologized, stated there was a misunderstanding and even tried to make good (even when you were asked out to dinner). You seem like you have a kind heart, let it go. IMHO, you've done more than enough.
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Please, please, please, inform us who this young lady is. I've had numerous lunches with ladies off the clock. Especially after paid BCD too place. Not to be an ass butt, some of this ladies can drink, I have no problem payin for those drinks. I can't imagine paying for BCD, drinks, then more $$$ for them to drink with me. Crazy, I know.
I believe that no matter what transpires, the bottom line is bcd or not the lady is giving up her time. As long as the terms are clarified before hand there shouldn't be a problem.

The relationship one may have with a provider is just that... unique (YMMV). There are some that I have hung out with, but no longer will, those in which I have not nor would I and a few where I am just waiting for the date to come.

If you don't want to take her out for dinner and drinks and pay for her time, it's your choice. Please don't fault the provider for not wanting to include her personal time into the equation.

This situation is very different, as the provider asked him to go out for dinner. I would hate to hear that anyone would do this intentionally. I do hope that this matter is resolved quickly. I'm glad that he hasn't released her name. Maybe she can still resolve this with him in private and still save face. If not, perhaps you guys will hear about it in the locker room (at least I think that's what it's called here).'s not weird and it can totally be fun (and worth it). Granted, both of the individuals need to click uber well (just like friends in real life).

I've had some of my best dinners and hang out sessions ever with providers (off the clock) and a few hobbyists... Originally Posted by Neotek
I think he was referring to having to pay an hourly rate to have a provider accompany you to dinner.

If you told her you only wanted an hour and it was her idea to go out to dinner afterwards, then that should be off-the-clock. However, all ladies are different. Some don't mind non-compensated social time, while others want to be paid no matter what. After all, it is a business. Sometimes it's best to make it clear beforehand, especially if it's your first time going out to dinner together.

Whenever I schedule a session, I will tell her X number of hours. I only bring enough to pay for the amount of time I schedule. No more and no less. On several occasions, the lady has asked me to dinner after our BCD time. When that happens, she usually makes it clear she won't charge me for it. If I had a good time with her, I might ask. Thankfully, I've never had a provider expect more compensation without making it clear to me first.