You've not rambled.
I realize sometimes it's hard to explain things of this nature to folks who might not have a full understanding of what takes place in combat & overall military aspect. I however, have somewhat of a good understanding.
I'm in no way, discounting those whom have visible scars and loss of limbs due to combat casualty. I'm around them on a daily basis. I see what they been through and will continue to go through, the rest of their life. But let''s step back and look at those whom also served on the frontline in combat and suffered head trauma and or other non- visible injuries. They're just as deserving as their brother in arms.
This will be a touchy topic for many across the nation.
Nonetheless, Those that have put their lives on the line for our country and other countries. Are my hero's!
I can appreciate your stance on this and I know most intentions of everyone here are only meant to be positive, but until you have lived the life and seen what really goes with the honor and respect due these awards, I am not sure I am capable of explaining it. I am not lowering the service level of heroism of anyone who has served, been mentally or physically injured or both, but even with a college degree, I cannot find the true words to express my feelings on who should be eligible for these awards.
Every service member and their family makes a great sacrifice for the service of their country. We may also have political feelings about how things are run or the way politicians function in our country, but in the military when on active duty, you are there at the service of your country and the wishes of the civilian government and your political views are to be kept to yourself.
These awards and decorations are so precious and must be kept on an extremely high level of accountability and honor.
Every service member I have served with and been around is a hero in my eyes and and all are deserving of a medal, but the awards are such a high standard that great care must be exercised in being awarded so as not to devalue the award.
I have rambled extensivly on this subject and still cannot fully express how the awarding of the Purple Heart has such a great and special meaning. I will leave that for smarter folks than I am to determine.
Originally Posted by topsgt38801