It's Funny to Watch: Trump Is an Albatross on the Republican Party

Maybe, but Obama/Clinton/Holder got away with plenty. And Biden and Son continue to skate free, and will likely never “face their accusers.” I’m not here trying to defend Trump, but everyone should get equal scrutiny, and largely because of the liberal, biased media, it doesn’t happen. Originally Posted by Bowser98
The fake news media ratings dropped so low til they fired their prime time liars. The current admin states that the border is not open, they openly lie about it and everything else causing harm to our country like the American people are stupid, everyone can clearly see what is happening around the US. Kamala Harris as Vice President is a perfect example of why not to place someone in power simply because they fit a politically correct status and why the most or at least a qualified person regardless of gender etc should have been selected.
pleasurem's Avatar
Idiotic Dems… just wait, it’s going to get worse with Biden!!!
  • pxmcc
  • 08-28-2022, 06:57 PM
The fake news media ratings dropped so low til they fired their prime time liars. The current admin states that the border is not open, they openly lie about it and everything else causing harm to our country like the American people are stupid, everyone can clearly see what is happening around the US. Kamala Harris as Vice President is a perfect example of why not to place someone in power simply because they fit a politically correct status and why the most or at least a qualified person regardless of gender etc should have been selected. Originally Posted by arañanegra
Idiotic Dems… just wait, it’s going to get worse with Biden!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
what the hell happened to the party of ronald reagan and lincoln to become the cult of trump? how's that kool-aid taste?

trumpkins have a "situation" on their hands, kind of like the bonnie situation..

on the one hand, if a trumpkin believes any more than 1% of all fabulist trump's bs, then he's straight up dumb af..

on the other hand, tho, if a trumpkin knows what's up, then he is supporting a lawless traitor who was fixin to sell out america to putin for a 9 figure payout, a seditionist who tried to bring down our government, a serial sexual assaulter, a pathological liar, and an indictable felon on multiple counts,just for a quick sampler of trump's esteemed resume..

and quick reminder: hunter biden has never been a part of government, versus say trump with all his graft and little sticky fingered trumpkins. he's just a druggie and sex addict.

anyone who donates to trump is a super idiot, not just a garden variety idiot.
Fake post
Personally, i wouldn't donate to any politician. They are already multi-millionaires off the taxpayers back. Trumps the exception bc he was rich before he got into politics - even less reason to donate.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-29-2022, 03:04 AM
Fake post Originally Posted by arañanegra
elaborate. what's fake about my post? i write my own shit. plagiarism is for losers and wannabes.

google my post. that's how i busted every sorry plagiarist i've ever had to deal with at the university level.
boardman's Avatar
Yet he didn't sell out anything. He's never been indicted for sexual assault or any thing else for that matter much less convicted.

If you actually watch the 1/6 speech Trump didn't encourage shit. He said "I know some of you will walk down to the Capitol and peacefully make your voices heard" or something to that effect. Could he have said more to stop what was happening? maybe...would anyone have listened at the time? doubtful. None of that make him a seditionist. If him talking about fighting for our country makes him a seditionist then what do we call someone like lil Chucky Schumer who threatens SCOTUS justices by name or Maxine Waters who tells supporters to get in peoples faces? Are they not weaponizing their political positions in order to get people riled up. What about Nancy Pelosi justifying violence against churches and right to life centers as righteous anger?

On the lies. I'll give you that Trump seems to like his bravado with a shot of stretching the truth but so much of what he was saying, during his campaign and even his presidency, about the corruption in the swamp that is not just DC but politics in general has turned out to be more truth than we seem to be able to comprehend.

The FBI is so deep in the corruption that they have lost the trust of the American public and quite possibly at least 1 federal judge.

Is Trump an albatross on the GOP? Yeah, I'd say he is but not in the way that most would think.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-30-2022, 06:38 AM
i concede that trump is a poltical houdini. however, i think his days of escaping accountability are finished. i predict that he will be indicted within 30 days.

and there's this:
MisterMeat's Avatar
Trump is toast. Google the name Reality Winner. She was a government contractor who got 5 years for transmitting one top secret document. They found 25 in Trump’s closet. Either the man is ignorant as hell, he was going to sell them to our enemies, or he was going to use them as fodder to try to negotiate his way out of any indictments he would receive. My bet is on #3. Anyone who thinks Donald Trump is a patriot needs some serious mental health therapy.
Cendell M's Avatar
Pro Trump right here
kerwil62's Avatar
i concede that trump is a poltical houdini. however, i think his days of escaping accountability are finished. i predict that he will be indicted within 30 days.

and there's this: Originally Posted by pxmcc
I doubt it, unfortunately. As much as I want his ass to go down. Hopefully by the end of the year and I really wouldn’t count on that. Too many folks think he’s above the law.

Trump is toast. Google the name Reality Winner. She was a government contractor who got 5 years for transmitting one top secret document. They found 25 in Trump’s closet. Either the man is ignorant as hell, he was going to sell them to our enemies, or he was going to use them as fodder to try to negotiate his way out of any indictments he would receive. My bet is on #3. Anyone who thinks Donald Trump is a patriot needs some serious mental health therapy. Originally Posted by MisterMeat

He’s an ignorant muthafucka, no doubt. I will give him this though:

What he said in an interview back in 1988 about running as a republican holds true. He said he could lie and they would eat that shit up. 34 years later, that’s exactly what’s happening. He don’t give a fuck about ANYBODY but himself(except maybe Ivanka who he once said he’d smash if she wasn’t his daughter).

He really needs to go to jail. He’s gotten away with way too much shit. Folks would put their own asses on the line by lying for him and they wind up in jail. Trump ain’t bailing your dumbasses out!

Don’t know if y’all heard but ol’ simp ass Lindsay Graham(who talked all kinds of shit about Trump before he got into office but is now sucking his dick) said there will be violence in the streets if a Trump gets indicted. I know something’s gonna happen somewhere but not to the point Graham’s talking about.

Anyway I hope he goes down. No muthafuckin’ way he should be trying to run for office again. Unfortunately he has too much support.
The FBI is running a dog and pony show to try and ruin trumps chances if he runs or damage him before he gets out of the gate. We will see how it works out. He won't be indicted, and if he does the charges will be flimsy bs.
USAsoldier's Avatar
"I love the poorly educated."
-Donald J Trump

Poorly educated= MAGA fools.
  • pxmcc
  • 09-01-2022, 04:10 AM

so apparently trump, according to his own statement-guy is a prosecutor's dream btw-had these highly classified docs in "cartons" on or near his desk, which the fbi spread on the carpet for the famous photo of "top secret" front coversheets.

so i'm wondering about these cartons where these top secret national security docs were held, and probably displayed, knowing trump, on his desk.

were they sorta like milk cartons?
or maybe more like cigarette cartons?
what am i leaving out, i know there's gotta be another kind of carton, right?

show and tell would be especially interesting. "so these nuclear triad secrets in this here half gallon of new horizons totally organic milk carton over here, well vlad said he's good for 1.2 billion, but only if he gets them before i flush them down the toilet. k i totally won't forget the toilet part, because i could really use that 1.2 billion to pay some attorneys who weren't stuck under a parking garage for the last 10 years.."

an inquiring visitor reaches for a carton of camel no filters-that shit should be straight up illegal-sitting right on his desk corner, when trump says:"dont touch that! mbs has promised 3 bills-you know like the 9 zero bill type-for that carton, so he can blackmail biden into never saying "bone saw murderer" and "saudi crown royal prince" in the same sentence..

when all's said-n-done, trump should join his fellow enemy combatants at guantanamo bay. i understand he was in favor of waterboarding all enemies of these United States, foreign and domestic. for once, i concur..
Cendell M's Avatar
Panties in a twist anyone