"Uniting?" Fuck uniting.

HoHound's Avatar
I agree with OP. How can I unite with Satanist, Bolshevik, Staff Edit - Biomed1 who wanna flood me with dangerous migrants, not prosecute crime, and force me to take experimental shots. No thanks
winn dixie's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump speaks using absolutes more than any bullshitter I have heard during my lifetime. More specifically, he is a you are either with me or against me narcissist. Unification is the last thing that man cares about.

At this point on the very back end of life expectancy at his age, he only cares about himself, votes and his wealthy peers. I would wager that he makes fun of his MAGA bullshit well executed plan for simpletons as much as his rich buddies do because the dude really is a Democrat and is the ultimate RINO.

Trying to unite folks. My ass. It's like I tell people, words don't mean shit to me because that person can be telling you what you want to hear to get in your good graces. Ignore that. Pay attention to people's actions to really know their true character and true beliefs.

I do think Biden is genuine about unification. But as of recently, I am not sure he even remembers what it means.
To the OP. I feel safe in saying that the vast majority of Trump Supporters do not wish to have anything to do with the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Democrat Scum that is hell bent on destroying everything that made The United States of America the greatest most free Country in all of history.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Trump speaks using absolutes more than any bullshitter I have heard during my lifetime. More specifically, he is a you are either with me or against me narcissist. Unification is the last thing that man cares about.

At this point on the very back end of life expectancy at his age, he only cares about himself, votes and his wealthy peers. I would wager that he makes fun of his MAGA bullshit well executed plan for simpletons as much as his rich buddies do because the dude really is a Democrat and is the ultimate RINO.

Trying to unite folks. My ass. It's like I tell people, words don't mean shit to me because that person can be telling you what you want to hear to get in your good graces. Ignore that. Pay attention to people's actions to really know their true character and true beliefs.

I do think Biden is genuine about unification. But as of recently, I am not sure he even remembers what it means. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So you think Biden is genuine about unity? Seriously? He promised to unite this country in his inaugural address. He has done just the opposite. He has spent the last 3 plus years demonizing maga republicans and Trump. This country has never been more divided. You said to pay attention to people's actions to really know their true character and beliefs. You should follow your own advice.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I will be honest with you not so nice guy; I was going to put some serious thought in my reply. But I saw that you live in South Texas and you seemed to be a bit pissy to my liking in your post. You are obviously a Trumpette so why waste my fucking time? I'd rather save possibly receiving points for someone more interesting to me. Let me know when you move way farther North in Tejas and I'll actually post a thoughtful response.

You folks have enough shit going on in that area with illegal immigration way down there. No need to concern yourself with my fucking posts old man.
texassapper's Avatar
I will be honest with you not so nice guy; I was going to put some serious thought in my reply. But.... No need to concern yourself with my fucking posts old man. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
In other words, you got nothing.
txdot-guy's Avatar
The one thing that will continue to divide us is the complete inability to understand why the Republican party is so willing to give a pass to the actions of Donald Trump.

Stop the Steal, Election denialism, The January 6th insurrection, stealing classified documents. All the things that divide us can be laid at the feet of Donald Trump. And now he is being feted as the candidate for President for a third time during the Republican convention.

Every one keeps saying that he is being persecuted by the Justice department but the truth is that he’s been given a pass by certain members of the Supreme Court and Judge Aileen Cannon. He was also given a pass by the Republican Senate during his second impeachment.

There can be no unity until this man goes to jail for his crimes.

There are some things that are simply unforgivable.
texassapper's Avatar
There can be no unity until this man goes to jail for his crimes.

There are some things that are simply unforgivable. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yup I agree... there won't be unity... because Trump isn't going to jail.

Vengeance is coming.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yup I agree... there won't be unity... because Trump isn't going to jail.

Vengeance is coming. Originally Posted by texassapper
Is this the difference between Democrats and Republicans? One wants justice and the other wants vengeance?
texassapper's Avatar
Is this the difference between Democrats and Republicans? One wants justice and the other wants vengeance? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No, the difference is Democrats think justice is getting their way. And Republicans are about to punish them for their misconceptions.
txdot-guy's Avatar
No, the difference is Democrats think justice is getting their way. And Republicans are about to punish them for their misconceptions. Originally Posted by texassapper
I stand by my original statement. “There can be no unity until this man goes to jail for his crimes.“

The man incited a riot and attempted to steal an election. He pushed a false narrative about election fraud that was proven false. He should be thrown in prison. That’s not vengeance that’s justice. It’s not about getting our way, it’s about the moral and criminal failures of one man and the idolatry of his supporters and the fear of that idolatry by our elected representatives.

He should have been impeached after January 6th but the Senate was too afraid of the blowback from his supporters to do the right thing.
texassapper's Avatar
I stand by my original statement. “There can be no unity until this man goes to jail for his crimes.“ Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Sure... he should go to jail right after the appeals to his convictions are completed. Oh that's right he hasn't been convicted of any of the crimes you allege.

Thats the problem with leftards, they think they are judge, jury, and executioner. The arbiters of justice...

When in fact they are just biters.

That's why they are about to get stomped...
winn dixie's Avatar
No, the difference is Democrats think justice is getting their way. And Republicans are about to punish them for their misconceptions. Originally Posted by texassapper
Point of order sir,

It's not the Republicans. It's the magas controlling this election cycle.
Most folk on both sides want unity.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Sure... he should go to jail right after the appeals to his convictions are completed. Oh that's right he hasn't been convicted of any of the crimes you allege.

Thats the problem with leftards, they think they are judge, jury, and executioner. The arbiters of justice...

When in fact they are just biters.

That's why they are about to get stomped... Originally Posted by texassapper
He hasn’t been convicted yet because with the help of some friendly judges he has been able to stall his multiple trials until after the election. Everyone should remember that justice delayed is justice denied.