Snitch Nation

So, you have decided not to name anyone?

I didn't think so. It is so much easier to spread vague bullshit about "false flag" operations.

Do yourself a HUGE favor and stop listing to Alex Jones. He is a con-man and carnival barker looking for gullible suckers to buy his books and increase his advertisement revenue.

He will say ANYTHING to get suckers to listen. Originally Posted by ExNYer
There are three things about all the incidents since 911. The first is the Government either orchestrates it, or they know about the planning of an incident and allow it to happen, or they attempt to stop it and fail. They will then fabricate circumstances that appear beyond their control as to not loose the publics confidence. They also utilize the media to stabilize public opinion on how an incident occurred. For your information. Alex Jones really doesn't impress me that much. The same goes for Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and of course the Liberal versions Piers Morgan and one of the biggest A-Holes Anderson Cooper. 9/11 was more than just planes hitting buildings and people dyeing because of a ban of slick terrorists that took us by surprise. Our Government certainly had knowledge. Do you really think the CIA is that oblivious.
Yep tons of videos out there. This is a video of some Sandy Hook Footage. I don't know if any of you have ever been up close to an actual crime scene but this Sandy Hook Footage certainly isn't a good example. Some of you can't handle this charade and want to take it out on me and other posters, well I don't know what to tell ya.
OK ExNYer I will only watch Bill Maher or better yet John Stewart Originally Posted by zerodahero
They are known comedians. At least you know - and they admit - their stuff is bullshit.

But the assholes you are posting are pretending to be real and you are taking them seriously.
There are three things about all the incidents since 911. Really? How do you know there are 3? Maybe there are 4? Or only 2? The first is the Government either orchestrates it, or they know about the planning of an incident and allow it to happen, or they attempt to stop it and fail. Originally Posted by acp5762
You state this as if you have knowledge of something. What? Something you read on an internet website? Name your sources.

Are you really saying that there are NO situations where the government did not know anything before it happened? Are you saying the government is all knowing?

Have you ever met anyone that works in government? They are not super intellects. They are frequently clowns or too lazy to make it in the private sector.

I don't buy your nonsense that the government either planned it, or allowed it to happen, or failed to stop it.

Any one of those three ridiculous options would land a government official in jail. Government workers don't want to go to prison. They want to be heroes and get promoted.

They will then fabricate circumstances that appear beyond their control as to not loose the publics confidence.
You can't fabricate a circumstance. Only a story.

They also utilize the media to stabilize public opinion on how an incident occurred.
Really? How well is the government using the media to stabilize opinion about the NSA leaks about data collection? Not well at all. The government is neither omniscient nor omnipotent. It is made up of mediocre civil servants let by politicians whose only real talents lie in self-promotion.

For your information. Alex Jones really doesn't impress me that much. The same goes for Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and of course the Liberal versions Piers Morgan and one of the biggest A-Holes Anderson Cooper. 9/11 was more than just planes hitting buildings and people dyeing because of a ban of slick terrorists that took us by surprise. Our Government certainly had knowledge. Prove it. Where is your evidence? Name names. And quote RELIABLE sources. Not anonymous Internet videos from unknown sources. Do you really think the CIA is that oblivious. Yes. don't you? They missed the fall of communism. And they were studying the communists for nearly 40 years. Originally Posted by acp5762
As I said above, The government is neither omniscient nor omnipotent. It is made up of mediocre civil servants let by politicians whose only real talents lie in self-promotion.

The greatest threat to you is NOT government malice. It is government incompetence.
Originally Posted by zerodahero
You are a COMPLETE idiot. A zero, not a hero.

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting those videos. Sandy Hook killings were real. Your videos are hoaxes.

The truly desperate zealot will deny reality and lie even to himself in order to preserve his beliefs - even when they are demonstrably false.

You are no different than the Nazi fanatics who denied everything bad about their Fuehrer right up to the bitter end.
Are these two ass holes for real? Or they just jerking exnyer around?
Are these two ass holes for real? Or they just jerking exnyer around? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Probably both!
Are these two ass holes for real? Or they just jerking exnyer around? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I think they have to be for real.

How else would they even FIND videos like that - unless they regularly go looking for stuff like that? And who looks for stuff like that except the "true believer"?
You are a COMPLETE idiot. A zero, not a hero.

You should be ashamed of yourself for posting those videos. Sandy Hook killings were real. Your videos are hoaxes.

The truly desperate zealot will deny reality and lie even to himself in order to preserve his beliefs - even when they are demonstrably false.

You are no different than the Nazi fanatics who denied everything bad about their Fuehrer right up to the bitter end. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You are no Johnny Cash!
You are no Johnny Cash! Originally Posted by zerodahero
Nor do I want to be. He's dead.