Seeking advice about my rates/volume

  • Vyt
  • 01-23-2012, 03:57 PM
I will also chime in that when Reya says she is merely average, she is being self-deprecating to the point of delusional. When I have had the pleasure of accompanying her to socials and the like she has turned *everyone's* head.
Whispers's Avatar
$300 SEEMS from every conversation I see or sit in on to be a tipping point for the majority of guys that participate.

The majority of reviews seem to fall in the $250 and under price range.

The most common comment I hear is that for $300 a guy is expect an 18-25yo hard body with very good looks and that supermodel looks aren't worth more than $350.

I would have to ask you though, At your current price structure, are you happy with your income?

If so you are priced correctly.

Would you like more income?

Consider $240 an hour and $450 for 2 hours for a couple of weeks as a special and test the waters.

It would bring you two different types of clients. It would get a few guys that do not consider you to do so. Your income would go up slightly if you only added 1 client to the mix you currently have. It may also increase your two hour dates with existing clients.

Do it as a special and evaluate the results as applied to your goals. Then adjust accordingly.

Some people think it matters to me. I don't belittle a girl what they charge.

I know what I am willing to pay. I feel you should charge what you want to charge.

If the two meet in an agreeable manner then people get together.

Some tend to think that some guys just cannot afford a certain price. $300 being that magical number for many....

What really comes into play is that a lot simply do not feel it is worth it.

I am one of them. I can afford $300. I just will not pay $300 an hour for it.

I might take you to dinner and drop $200 on food and wine, stop for drinks and spend another $60, spring $100 for a hotel and give you $500 for the evening. which most likely would not result in more than 2 hours BCD and 3 pops.....

So I am not cheap by any means.... A few ladies around here definitely know that...

But when it comes for 1 hour of BCD time and nothing else? Maybe $200 the first meeting and a max of $250 on subsequent meetings?

Wait a second!.. Did I just suggest a guy might pay MORE on subsequent meetings?

Why not? All that meet and greet and getting to know each other and get comfortable stuff has been accomplished.. I can have more playtime activity in that 2nd hour date.

If I was living in Dallas, San Antonio or Houston I would be a much more active client in the Indy Community.

The busier I am the less time I have for cultivating the stripper pool.

And I am getting pretty busy!
austinkboy's Avatar
I will also chime in that when Reya says she is merely average, she is being self-deprecating to the point of delusional. When I have had the pleasure of accompanying her to socials and the like she has turned *everyone's* head. Originally Posted by Vyt
x2. Yes, I would object to the "average" characterization as well. Austinkboy DOES NOT go BCD with just average women.
Whispers's Avatar
I will also chime in that when Reya says she is merely average, she is being self-deprecating to the point of delusional. When I have had the pleasure of accompanying her to socials and the like she has turned *everyone's* head. Originally Posted by Vyt
x2. Yes, I would object to the "average" characterization as well. Originally Posted by austinkboy
I have met her as well and feel strongly that she misjudges herself.

I enjoy her wit and find her very attractive.

Austinkboy DOES NOT go BCD with just average women. Originally Posted by austinkboy
You still refuse to want to remember that night you had a fewww too many at P10 and ended up in a booth with that rather... hmmmm... let's just say "amazonian".... gal full of ink huh?

OK.. We can play along....
cckid2006's Avatar
I don't think most guys are going to respond well to the price going UP if they decide to repeat. So what's a gal to do? Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
The only time I paid $$$ was my choice. I've been told by providers when I pay them after the act - "thats too much". They treated me with exceptional service, they deserve a tip. I don't tip the waiter before they provide service.
$300 is definitely on the high end of the Austin market and as for being self described as "average" while asking for the higher end rate... I guess I was under the (possibly false) impression a nice, normal, average girl without baby daddies, legal issues, thug type friends and *eccie unmentionable habits* would carry a premium to the kind of guys I'd prefer the company of?

I can't argue with your math so I'll try offering a $50 discount to all P411 members for Friday- Sunday(January 27th- 29th) and see if I like $250 an hr better than $300 an hr.

Thanks everyone for helping me decide what to try out! Extra special thanks to everyone that said nice things about me. Y'all aren't half bad sometimes!


The brave one is you for seeking this feedback in public.

As others have noted, $300/hr is at or beyond the limit that a lot of guys are willing to pay (I never have, which isn't to say that I won't). It also seems, from my unscientific survey, to be at the high end of the Austin provider bell curve - to be sure, there are some ladies at $350+, but they are in the tail of the curve. Yet, you self describe as "average". Now, I suspect that you are under-selling yourself, but that is not a recipe for revenue maximization. Personally, I would have to have reason to expect something pretty special to go to the $300 price point - and I already feel that the ladies I see at a lower rate are quite special.

I also note that, at your current average volume, lowering your rate to $250 and taking just one more appointment per week would net you about an 11% increase in gross income (multi-hour appointments will change that math - not knowing how large a component of your business they are, I don't know how they fit into this equation). My guess is that your potential volume would increase by more than that.

It all depends on what you want, how many appointments you want to take in a week, and how much income you want to attain.

I'm a low-volume hobbyist, so take this with a grain of salt: my to-do list is longer than I'm ever likely to get to. But at $225 or $250, you'd be more likely to be on it. I'm also far more likely to repeat at that rate.

To the "attractiveness" question - so long as I find you reasonably attractive, attitude, personality, and service level become the key factors. Originally Posted by Fratelli
austinkboy's Avatar
You still refuse to want to remember that night you had a fewww too many at P10 and ended up in a booth with that rather... hmmmm... let's just say "amazonian".... gal full of ink huh?
OK.. We can play along.... Originally Posted by Whispers
uhhh. That was Ztonk I think. That's my story, and I am sticking to it. Besides, if she had all that ink, by definition she is not average...just maybe not above average....
ECCIE is just a small group of guys in the hobbysphere, unless ECCIE is were where you are getting a majority of you clients, this would be the last place I would be asking opinions on my rates. IJS if a guy really want's to see you -/+ $50 would not matter much to him.
  • Laz
  • 01-23-2012, 05:22 PM
To the "attractiveness" question - so long as I find you reasonably attractive, attitude, personality, and service level become the key factors. Originally Posted by Fratelli
I will second that opinion.

I am a low income hobbyist so the $300 price would be a barrier for me since there are other great options at a lower price. However, you should not change your price for people like me. You need to determine what your income objective is. After that determine what you are willing to do to get it. One thing I think you should consider is advertise $300 for 90 or 120 minutes. I suspect you are not kicking people out the door at 60 minutes anyway so the impact to you might be minimal. I suspect it is rare that a guy can be active non stop for that long also so it might only be a small increase in work and more social activity. That might get you a second full price daily appointment and still keep your workload reasonable.

I hope my thoughts are helpful.
The impression I get from your showcase on here is that you seem classy, which is always a rare find in this industry...I'd say around 250-300/hr would seem right. And keep in mind, being low volume is always better in the long run physically psychologically spiritually

Good luck
I will also chime in that when Reya says she is merely average, she is being self-deprecating to the point of delusional. When I have had the pleasure of accompanying her to socials and the like she has turned *everyone's* head. Originally Posted by Vyt
x2. Yes, I would object to the "average" characterization as well. Austinkboy DOES NOT go BCD with just average women. Originally Posted by austinkboy
Reya is far from "average" in every category, and bear in mind I met her at a party non BCD!!!!

And just FWIW I am fortunate to be at a place in life where my hobby activities are not limited by budget constraints, but unfortunately by time constraints. For me, if I really want it, the $300 price is not a barrier, but I do realize that is not the same for all of the members here (and you are quite desirable, but I like my ladies a bit bustier that a B cup!). There has been lots of great advice given in this thread, but ultimately, you have to decide what it is that you desire to accomplish in terms of return for the days that you have available. It sounds to me as if you would like to increase your income so perhaps some strategic pricing moves may produce that desired effect. By running a "Special" or two to strategically test the waters, you will see what changes will happen in terms of additional opportunities realitive to your "Special Offers" without having to make permanent concessions on your normal gratuities. Then if the desired results are not achieved, you can comfortably remain at the current gratuity and activity levels.

Average???? I hardly think so!!!!

Ok, this might be a little bit like asking the barber if you need a haircut but alas, I can't think of any other place to ask such a, here I am!

My current rate of $300 per hr and $200 for every additional hour gets me roughly 1 client a day on the 3 days a week I'm available(Fri-Sun).

I've heard some murmurs that my current rate structure is not working in my best interest and I would certainly like to make more money-who wouldn't?

So, should I lower my rate and see more people? Lower my rate but only see multi-hours? Keep my rate the same but start posting ads everywhere?

Guys(specifically guys that are attracted to me on some level and would consider becoming my client- if I'm not your type then your opinion on this subject is not really gonna be helpful since for all I know the guys who wanna spend time with me have a totally different mindset than you): at what point does the sweetness of a really cheap rate make you pass up seeing a girl because you become disgusted by the idea of sloppy seconds(or fourths, fifths etc)?

Strictly for shits and giggles what would you suggest my rate should be to maximize profit without turning off the types of guys that would be interested in seeing someone like me in the first place?

My stats and other pertinent info:

I'm 5'7 about 133 lbs, b cup, about average looks in the face,very very soft white skin (unless I spray tan like I did in that one lingerie pic on my showcase), dark hair, blue eyes. No stretch marks anywhere at all, 1 tattoo on ankle, only 1 scar-it's on my foot, moderate amount of cellulite on my butt.

You can get a general idea of services offered from my reviews and listed on my P411 profile. I've never been with any of the providers here so I don't know what I'm like in comparison. Let's assume I'm about average. My TCB is at about an A- in my opinion and I do quickly give references.

I'd add that if you grade on an eccie curve some people find me reasonably intelligent and low drama.

______________________________ ______________________________

So guys, given all that info what do you think I should charge in Austin?

I realize I'm asking for it but please be gentle- I am a girl and I might cry.
Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
Reya the first time I saw you, was at our mutual friend's birthday and the moment you walked in, I knew you are very special. To me you are worth more than 300, Not because you are most beautiful girl in the world but because the way you carry yourself, your wit, your conversational competence ( I loved to read your post ). But I have never met you BCD because I have limited hobby budget. In this economy the going rate is between 200 to 250 and to increase traffic, that's the range you have to be in. Your service is something that will distinguish you from others and it is not just how much time you spend with your client but what I mean is, if you can make me feel good about what happened BCD. That's what a man needs.

And above all do not advertise everywhere particularly in Men's Restroom. Just Kidding
Well, I can't say I've ever been a provider ( naturally ) but I imagine the business side is similar to IT consulting.

I have customers I charge $75/hr and I have customers that I charge $150/hr. The key is to figure out what the customer is willing to spend and what I'm willing to work for. The key is to manage the revenue and don't provide too much price opacity.

If you are booking 4 hours a week at $300/hr and you are happy with $1200 a week then so be it. But don't work 5 hours a week for $1250! You want to make sure you still get the $1200 plus another $250.

For me personally, you are wonderful but outside of what I'm comfortable spending treating myself.
  • BFE
  • 01-23-2012, 09:36 PM
Reya -

I'm a little bit to the party, and I mostly everyone replied to your question already. But I was going to just say two things:

1. Most times it's just not about looks, but experience. In your original post you just spit a bunch of stats. While those are always part of the equation, there are also other things to take into account. Those are hard to quantify.
2. Girl, you need better pics!

I have to say, I have always been a little intrigued by your board personality.

I'm sorry I won't be around this weekend - I'd willingly take part in your little experiment!

txAustin202's Avatar
What about offering 30 minute sessions? I've made multiple mistakes by going for hr sessions for first time visits and wanting to leave before the hr was over. I only do hr sessions on repeat visits now. I know you wanted opinions on your current rate but just thought I'd provide this angle.