Showing your face.

It all depends on what a guy likes..

I LOVE a pretty face and it's the first thing I look for in a provider so I usually dont make an appt w/o a face pic, but that's me.

I do understand and respect the ladies choice on whether or not to post a face pic (new or old)

I know I may miss out on some wonderful ladies but I'll have to live with that... man's cute is another mans BFUgly...I don't go by reviews anymore lol
I do not have kids, my husband knows what I do, I think I have a pretty face just as I have pretty titties,curves ect. So I choose to show a few face pics. I also have tats..if I blurred my face AND my tats, my pics would look sooo bad!
Have never and will never...end of story.

It's so easy to copy or take a screen shot of an escort ad with a face showing and then use it against someone. Had a friend who found hers on the wall at her kid's school. Another had them mailed to her husband at her home address, and yet another kicked out of nursing school because of it.

The only way that would fly is if you truly want to be here forever.

I don't show my face and make almost double the going rate in my area...always have. A pretty face is important, but not as important as all I have worked for in my personal life. Not as important as embarrasing my family, friends, or heaven forbid a future employer. Guys who book me do so because they know when we go out, I won't be recognized as the girl from the internet. If someone sees us I could be anyone...friend, business associate, whatever, but with my face showing I can't deny what I do. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Well said , London! My clients also do not want to be recognised as going out with the "town hooker" and i think it caters to needs of discretion for both sides. That does not mean that no one will ever find out true identities, but you don`t have to make it easy and ignore the obvious and deliver your social security on a silver plate by ignoring the minimum standards for being and behaving like a professional.
After all we get paid because we are professionals and not disco sluts :-)
London Rayne's Avatar
All great points! For me, I could have the face of Megan Fox and still would never broadcast it on the internet associated with ILLEGAL services. People are not stupid lol. I don't care how much we dress it up, no one buys it...especially not potential employers who now use google and facebook as a first means of searching for you.

If you have no plans to do anything else with your life, I guess you have nothing to worry about though...I for one certainly do. It's not about finding out your "identity" either. It's your identity in correlation with THIS business. You can say London is so and so all day long...without a face you can't prove so and so is an escort.

It's also about the clients! How can a person claim to be discreet if their business is right there for the world to see? That's a huge contradiction. It's more than just saying, "I won't tell if you won't." You are naive to think people don't look at these sites even if they are not yet participating.

I would hate to be photographed with a married man and then have it brought back here for comparison. I don't even wear the same clothes you see me in on my website because of discretion....that's just me though. I am not a hotel room only type provider, and most of my dates have a large amount of public time so it's necessary for me to be more cautious.
Once you have reviews, the guys will let each other know whether you are cute or not. You don't have to show the one thing that can identify you. Originally Posted by PurplRose
Unfortunately, I have read too many reviews that said someone was "good looking" or "cute" or had a great face or smile and then when I saw the provider I was very disappointed. Though I am sure some providers use fake pics having a face pic is quite important to me as a cute face (from my perspective as I am the beholder) has become one of my personal requirements unless I have trust in a particular reviewer from prior experience.

That being said from my personal experience...

Certainly it is up to the owner of their business to market the way they see fit.
rachet3375's Avatar
Pretty is as pretty does.
beautifulbailey's Avatar
Well said , London! My clients also do not want to be recognised as going out with the "town hooker" and i think it caters to needs of discretion for both sides. That does not mean that no one will ever find out true identities, but you don`t have to make it easy and ignore the obvious and deliver your social security on a silver plate by ignoring the minimum standards for being and behaving like a professional.
After all we get paid because we are professionals and not disco sluts :-)
Originally Posted by ninasastri

Thats so funny and so true. The gentlemen I keep company with often state that one of the reasons they have chosen to spend time with me is because I do not show my face. I have other things in the works for my life. Even though I am not ashamed of what I do I would never want this to over shadow my current and future business and personal ventures. For some no face pic = discreet.
gman44's Avatar
I have seen some providers that have shown their faces and have never been disapponted like the OP IMO has one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen.

IMO all providers on this site are beautiful

I'm also a fan of Tia and even though I haven't met her I'm kind of a fan of London
As an escort, I never showed my face in any of my photos. Now that I am a retired escort, I don't show any body parts, with a small exception, in the last blog post I did, I showed my hand...That'll make em' wonder...LOL.
I also think showing the face is a no no. For one it makes it easy for le to identify you second we never know who are looking on these sites. I will though after a person has been screened seen a face pic but i make sure it is something that they cannot save to their computers or do anything else with.
I'm so hard to identify, in person from my pics. I have a baby face to very strong bone structure. A Chamaeleonidae of sorts with facial reconstruction done a few years back, among a lot of other work done. I try to be a lil vague
London Rayne's Avatar
I have seen some providers that have shown their faces and have never been disapponted like the OP IMO has one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen.

IMO all providers on this site are beautiful

I'm also a fan of Tia and even though I haven't met her I'm kind of a fan of London Originally Posted by geniusman
Don't say that too loud lol.
I have a certain type I like but to be honest as I have gotten older, rarely do I see a woman of any race and type that I do not see some beauty. As long as they have taken care of themselves and are not extremely overweight, I see beauty in some form.

Body type of medium to athletic build is more important to me, and frankly I would never put my face on a web site if I were a woman unless you were making so much coin that you never had to deal with the real world again.

I think what I would be most worried about is I were a provider that settled into a normal life one day, is that your son or daughters friend found it somehow when they were 15. No one really know how long these photos will stay around the net.

At least with a tattoo they have laser surgery now.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I have a very "pretty face" and I don't show face anymore. Last thing I want is one of my uncles finding my ad and calling me up..

My advice: Don't show face .. remember once your pictures are out there.. they're out there.
I use to show my face but not anymore I don't know how to explain that that to family if they ever find my pic jn one of my reviews that just my opinion stay safe xoxox Selena