Georgia Fani and her LIES

The same people, latching on to any BS story, that have been FALSELY claiming the orange ass was going to be re-instated on Date 1, Date 2, Date 3, for almost 3 years. He lost, period. Get over it, or keep sending him money so he doesn't have to use his...

Or at least get creative and say he's going to be installed as king on Christmas Eve and will be arriving in Santa's flying sleigh. If you're going to live your life around fairy tales, might as well make it a good story. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Yeah Trump will be installed in a Jail Cell. Democrats have been clinging to that fantasy since 2016. Seven years later he's leading in every political poll, lol. His accusers are all more nefarious than he is.
This has all been debunked. You provide no proof of any of your claims.

Politifact rates the following claim "FALSE"

Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table and illegally counted after election observers were told to leave.

"A video presented by Rudy Giuliani and promoted by the Trump campaign purports to show Georgia election workers illegally counting suitcases full of ballots after election observers had been told to leave. The video itself doesn’t prove this claim.

Georgia election officials, including Republican voting system implementation manager Gabriel Sterling, publicly disputed claims that the video shows fraudulent activity.

Officials said that there was never an instruction for observers to leave, and that there were no suitcases full of ballots. The bins in the video were standard ballot containers, and the footage shows what officials described as the normal tabulation process." Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

... Really? ... Didja WATCH the video tape.?

Observers were told to leave - bathroom problem was
one of the "excuses used" - OBSERVERS LEFT.

Signed statements on this from the Observers themselves.
Are you saying they all made it up??

... You do see the ballot-counters and officials there
surely carrying-off with continuing the counting.
AFTER the observers ARE GONE.

... How is THAT "debunked"??

When that happened - "suitcases" were pulled and
ballots and ballots were counted.

Uh... were YOU not aware that "suitcase" is a term
used for the ballot containers?!

... So much for that...

#### Salty

... Really? ... Didja WATCH the video tape.?

Observers were told to leave - bathroom problem was
one of the "excuses used" - OBSERVERS LEFT.

Signed statements on this from the Observers themselves.
Are you saying they all made it up??

... You do see the ballot-counters and officials there
surely carrying-off with continuing the counting.
AFTER the observers ARE GONE.

... How is THAT "debunked"??

When that happened - "suitcases" were pulled and
ballots and ballots were counted.

Uh... were YOU not aware that "suitcase" is a term
used for the ballot containers?!

... So much for that...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Goodness, you’re still peddling falsehoods. You’re dedicated to not bothering to post a single fact or any true statement. I’ll give ya that, most of us could misstate, provide untruths and quadruple down on lies so consistently if we tried. I’ll give you a high five on that.
Peddling falsehoods? According to who?

Answer…..the same bunch that brought us RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA.

Or how about……”51 political experts say their were no irregularities in the 2020 election”
Just continue Peddling falsehoods about the election. Everyone with sense knows that all they are.

Answer…..the same bunch that keeps whining Trump Trump Trump.

Or how about……”there’s no proof whatsoever but just keep saying it anyway”
Goodness, you’re still peddling falsehoods. You’re dedicated to not bothering to post a single fact or any true statement. I’ll give ya that, most of us could misstate, provide untruths and quadruple down on lies so consistently if we tried. I’ll give you a high five on that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Hey! ... Glad to see ya back here, mate ... Really!

... Please explain WHAT I mention in the thread

#### Salty
The same people, latching on to any BS story, that have been FALSELY claiming the orange ass was going to be re-instated on Date 1, Date 2, Date 3, for almost 3 years. He lost, period. Get over it, or keep sending him money so he doesn't have to use his...

Or at least get creative and say he's going to be installed as king on Christmas Eve and will be arriving in Santa's flying sleigh. If you're going to live your life around fairy tales, might as well make it a good story. Originally Posted by 69in2it69

...WHAT does your post have to do with the thread topic??

#### Salty
It's fun to watch the sweet pretty Fani trying not to crack up laughing when she speaks about having all those corrupt old racist white men by the balls...and keeps on twisting trumpy into a bat shit crazy shit show

Biden's owning at its finest.
... Hey! ... Glad to see ya back here, mate ... Really!

... Please explain WHAT I mention in the thread

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Ok, now your turn. I dare you to post 1 legitimate and reputable link from
Any news or investigative reporter or investigative that says what you claim has any truth whatsoever.

If you don’t post a link, I and everyone else should assume you’re lying.
... So what I posted in this thread - which is the comments
of the 2 January phone call and the questions asked by the
Trump barristers IS ALL A LIE??

Let's take a closer look at the sorry "links" that you posted.

... A couple from the AP! ...
Didn't they tell us all that the Hunter laptop was fake?

So your first one is from BACK IN DECEMBER of 2020.

So the AP believes that a 1 (one) "State Investigator" and 1 (one)
"Independent Monitour" surely pass muster as "Observers"??

Two people? ... The other Observers were asked to leave.

... See? ... the phone call I mention here is from 2 January.
And the barristers were discussing THESE issues with Raffensperger.
And wanted to take their findings to a Judge.

Which surely blow yer AP article from a month before OUT of the water.

... I think yer next one mentions the water problem issue.
Which was a small issue from the morning?

The "water problem" was the reason a number of Observers mentioned
as the reason they were asked to leave...

You DO understand the Observers LEFT, don't you?

... Here's another great bit from one o' yer links:
"The Observers were allowed to return anytime"...

So the Observers are asked to leave - and yet "can return anytime"??

That's odd - as I didn't hear of it actually explained to
the Observers leaving that way... Why would they sign
sworn statements they were told to leave IF they could return?
IF SO - then WHY were they asked to leave??

... See? ... One or two people there commenting to the AP
doesn't really show all the facts, now does it?

Same with your Politifact piece... As I mentioned, Observers
made sworn statements that they were TOLD TO LEAVE.

Same as someone election official saying "There was no ANNOUNCEMENT."

Does that mean No general announcement?... No formal announcement?
If the Official was Ralph Jones - he wouldn't know - as he
was NOT there to hear it. ... Maybe there wasn't a so-called
"official" announcement - just people being asked (told) to leave.

... The onley one that was good was some of your
Official Report - the last one... Thanks for
posting it so we could see the timeline.

... So the election manger - Ralph Jones arrives
AFTER the Observers and media are gone.

And once Mr. Jones recieves a call on his cellular phone
- then can unpack the suitc--- er... ballot containers
and transport them to the scanners.

And - lest we surely forget - the Observers can
return anytime! (yet, they didn't for some odd reason)

... Oh, it was nice that the Official Report threw in
a few comments of 3 or 4 of the Observers and
election workers there... Some who "didn't recall"
or stated that they were not asked to leave.

Surely makes it rather easier to say the whole thing
there in Fulton County was on the up and up...

... Any reason WHY Raffensperger wouldn't have a Judge
hear the complaints? ... OR is it as I said,
that a Judge just might hold up the Certification??

#### Salty
Fani is really fucking with trumpys (lack of) mental health. Fun stuff to watch.

Stay tuned folks
Salty, you still haven’t made a single post from an investigative reporter with any credibility to support anything you’ve said. What I posted, whether you accept it or not, we based on actual investigations by police, investigative reporters, lawyers and the GA Secretary of State. Which differs significantly from information you rely onfrom trash websites.

You can ask all the questions you want but since you can support anything you’ve stated, we can assume you just spouting more and more lies. It’s not even at this point being misinformed and mistaken it’s you having willful ignorance of the truth and facts and spewing lies anyway.

Do better man. Lying makes for terrible debates.
kerwil62's Avatar
It's fun to watch the sweet pretty Fani trying not to crack up laughing when she speaks about having all those corrupt old racist white men by the balls...and keeps on twisting trumpy into a bat shit crazy shit show

Biden's owning at its finest. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Fani is really fucking with trumpys (lack of) mental health. Fun stuff to watch.

Stay tuned folks Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Facts!! Definitely some funny shit! They might as well come on out with it.

They want her removed because she’s a black woman fucking with their dear leader. Straight up!
Fani is loving whipping those old fat racist white men asses.

Bend over mofo...what's my name biotch
Magas don't need no facts to lie about rock star Fani...or post anything.