What’s up with this board?

TryWeakly's Avatar
Some of us are tired of you and your anti-America agendas. Everything about you yells TROLL, from your avatar of a pure idiot to talking shit about how smart you are and thinking that retirees get checks from AARP. You have very little style and no substance. My gut feeling is that you're a banned member that came back to talk shit. I also bet you aren't black. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
.... close... but no cigar..... butt he does have a history fo sho...

(just wait for it...the queen Koi fish will be back shortly.. she caint atay away..

This is the new improved sanitized version. You should’ve been here when it was really cool.... Originally Posted by Russ38
Russ38's Avatar
Recently joined eccie and my god, the level of hate/dislike/antagonism is off the charts. I read through various encounter reports, coed posts, etc. and almost all of them get highjacked into personal attacks. I thought this site was for hobby sharing, but this feels like people fighting on social media. Is this how eccie operates across the board or are other cities different? WTH Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes
This is the new improved sanitized version. You should’ve been here when it was really cool....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Some of us are tired of you and your anti-America agendas. Everything about you yells TROLL, from your avatar of a pure idiot to talking shit about how smart you are and thinking that retirees get checks from AARP. You have very little style and no substance. My gut feeling is that you're a banned member that came back to talk shit. I also bet you aren't black. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
You seem bitter and mad about old posts. I havent said anything Anti -American in a while. But it is ironic how you can hate me and love the most openly Benedict Arnold POTUS in history. talk about pot meet kettle. You are fascinated with me. You live , breathe, eat, shit, fuck SC. Be honest when your in a paid for session and about to nut your one tear drop do you yell: "Sistine" lmao

Dude stop talking to me. You literally have zero control over your emotions. Something wrong with that elevator. I don't mess with people i start my threads and mind my business. Most people shit talk me then forget they started it. Hahaha

PS: dont forget when that dude from Austin lit into your ass you were the one sending me PM's looking for me to protect and comfort you. You came to me so stop pretending for the gram.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You seem bitter and mad about old posts. I havent said anything Anti -American in a while. But it is ironic how you can hate me and love the most openly Benedict Arnold POTUS in history. talk about pot meet kettle. You are fascinated with me. You live , breathe, eat, shit, fuck SC. Be honest when your in a paid for session and about to nut your one tear drop do you yell: "Sistine" lmao

Dude stop talking to me. You literally have zero control over your emotions. Something wrong with that elevator. I don't mess with people i start my threads and mind my business. Most people shit talk me then forget they started it. Hahaha Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Go back into mama's basement and play some more.

PS: dont forget when that dude from Austin lit into your ass you were the one sending me PM's looking for me to protect and comfort you. You came to me so stop pretending for the gram. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Fucking lie. I sent you one PM not PM's. I was axing you if thought a member was a member here who's disappeared. Protect and comfort.......from you...........when hell freezes over. Liar.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I havent said anything Anti -American in a while. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Liar, you posted this two days ago in this thread. ( https://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=106...2&postcount=14)

Where someone was killed and you seemed to gloat about it.

All i said was he got what he deserved for trying to spread American Colonialism. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
  • pxmcc
  • 11-30-2018, 04:14 AM
OP, this is the "nice" version. basically, u gotta have thick skin. coed, at its worst (or best depending on your take,) is the Roman Coliseum...writ large. word to the wise: it is better to be a lion than a Christian..

totally off topic-point me if necessary Ike-but this is the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency. and yes, you can quote me on that. seems there are still consequences for grifting et al. while holding the highest office in the land. couldn't happen to a better person: "The Orange Grifter in Chief."

#karmawinsall.. "Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up"...

Trump has been Putin's bottom bitch since day1. we finally know why..

i would lead a Queen-style chant. that faggot-Freddy Mercury-had all kinds of talent. only the good die young..
bigwill832's Avatar
HA!!! All we need now is Pyramider asking for taint photos.
pyramider's Avatar
The OP probably failed the Sears catalog sex education and does not know what taint is ...
This is total nonsense. And stop trynna promote that technology challenged site. I find it amusing how you people want to break the law and want to act all stuck up and hypocritical at the same time. The same mentality as the religious wing nuts out here. What the fuck you want Mr. Rogers Neighborhood? Well run my ass Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
This is the new improved sanitized version. You should’ve been here when it was really cool.... Originally Posted by Russ38
They have no idea
If this is the “new improved sanitized version”, what the hell was the previous version? Open warfare? So basically some people use this site for the simple joy of starting shit and messing with people. Hmmm, let me login and look for a cutie for pleasure. Nah, I’ll just login and start shit. No wonder providers have to screen extensively, they gotta avoid all the angry crazy mofos.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-30-2018, 05:34 PM
^^could not say it better myself sir..
Russ38's Avatar
They have no idea Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Nope....not a clue....
pyramider's Avatar
They cannot be tainted.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If this is the “new improved sanitized version”, what the hell was the previous version? Open warfare? So basically some people use this site for the simple joy of starting shit and messing with people. Hmmm, let me login and look for a cutie for pleasure. Nah, I’ll just login and start shit. No wonder providers have to screen extensively, they gotta avoid all the angry crazy mofos. Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes
Just because you have to pay for pussy....hey that's your problem.