what in the H%^$!!! over the top

I found this ad amusing also.

What would be more amusing is the number of guys foolish enough to send all that info in hopes of making the cut.
It might be fun to send her pics of local politicians and high ranking LE. We could then post the pics of who is and who is not acceptable by her standards. Her tactics did bring attention to her, you gota giver that. I would have never noticed her otherwise.
wOW! CGI.really didn't see any of these posts as an attack on the OP.
More that his comparing the ladies to auto mechanics,teachers and such is way off base.
I personally don't want a blowjob from my mechanic or doctor or dentist. Depending on the teacher it will be a judgment call.
I think it was pretty clear that what folks are saying is that what the ladies do is much different than other 'professionals" and they have the right to decide who they will see.
Everytime I see someone trying to make these type comparisions all I can think is that they just don't get "it".
Put the shoe on the other foot. If you were a provider , are you saying you would see any person who walked through the door? Even if he or she stank to high heaven? Had open sores or weighed more than a Mack truck? I very much doubt it. You have your preferences when you choose which lady you are going to see and you are selective. Yes you are paying but that doesn't mean the lady has to accept you or your dollars without question.
I will agree with you and everyone else that there is no way she is getting my pics sent to her.
that is the only part of the ad that bugs me.
Oh and again with the dumbass White Knight comments. Get real.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Bottomline to the OP- it's all about choices- if that's the choice she wants to make in running her business she has the right- as a client you have a right to refuse to see her. I would not get bothered by a provider who wants to see only "attractive" men- I wouldn't bother going through the process of sending her pics but that's just me. Just as providers have a right to post ads of NBA or no men under under 40 and you as a paying client have the right to spend your money elsewhere.
  • npita
  • 08-30-2010, 01:16 PM
Personally, I think the concept is a good idea, but her execution leaves a lot to be desired. To be taken seriously, she'd probably have to take the chance to meet prospective clients for coffee or lunch on her time and decide in person. I doubt most guys are going to send photos (unless they aren't thinking).
Thanks to all who decided to attack the poster and show your white knight bullshit skills to defend a mediocre looking gal nobody knows with fucked up screening requirements. Originally Posted by cpi3000
My comments are not supporting the specifics this woman is posting in her ad. I don't know her. But, I am proud to be a WK if that means defending other peoples rights. Though I would not respond to her ad, in part because of her screening requirements, I do defend her right to be as selective as she wants.

I also will call out anyone I see that seems to be saying they have a right to see a provider just because they have the money. There are some real assholes on here that are quite vocal about them being entitled to these women and as cheap as possible. The OP may not be one of these but it gets hard after awhile to not get pissed when women are attacked or called out for no good reason.

If the orginal post had just been about would you send photos to a provider, then it would have made sense. But, he did not say that in the orginal post. Only later

She posted nothing racial or hatefull in her ad. I would have worded it very differently but its her ad. I don't even know why this thread was started especialy in this forum. If you just had to vent, the ML would have been a better location.
She's certainly not my type but I bet there's some Hobbyists that'll find her worth the retail price. It may just be that she's not very good at being polite or tactful (didn't you see the SMU reference?) and will get better with time. Some of the donkeys at the Grand Canyon take years to train before they're a pleasant ride.

However, if you wanna rent one of my houses and show up drunk or smelling like a freshly-inhaled joint I'm not even going to let you thru the door. My property..my rules. No difference here; her body, her rules. If a Provider requires that you appear less than troll-like or that you take a mint to abate the breath that'd knock a buzzard off a shit wagon or floss away the leftovers stuck between 'em that's her perogative.
I sure wish more college coeds would post ads, even if they are willing to see only certain clients. This one may not be to your taste but the next one might.

P.S. Excellent posts Bubba and Looie!
DFK Hunter's Avatar
In a way, I'm surprised that more providers don't do this, or at least desire it. Being a provider means performing with a lot of guys you'd rather not. As someone mentioned in another thread, I can only imagine my reaction if the roles were reversed and Rosanne Barr walked in with an envelope.

I'd like to think that all the ladies I've seen are pleased when they open the door. However, that doesn't change the fact that a client picture requirement is more than likely a negative revenue generator for the provider that wants it. The vast majority of hobbyists just won't do it.
The provider in question probably should seek an SD, I can't imaging her getting many sessions this way.
In a way, I'm surprised that more providers don't do this, or at least desire it. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter
Maybe they're afraid too many guys will insult them and whine about it?
Jasser's Avatar
In a way, I'm surprised that more providers don't do this, or at least desire it. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter
They do; it's called YMMV!

I can appreciate her honesty. Hell, if I were a male provider, I wouldn't be able to perform top notch service to any lady that walked through the door! There is no point in faking it, providing a less than stellar session, and then get a bad review for it. I would be accused of having Golden Cock Syndrome, but I would decide which clams I play with.

I agree though, this should have been posted in the powder room where there are no leaks.


I agree though, this should have been posted in the powder room where there are no leaks.

Jasser Originally Posted by Jasser
Little tough for us guys to post there
Jasser's Avatar
Little tough for us guys to post there Originally Posted by Bubba3452

I know...It was a joke...never hear about powder room leaks, however there are plenty of LR leaks. ahhhh, forget about it.

Time to go home and not get some.

LOL, Yes, I figured you were joking, just pulling your leg as well. Sigh, Dry humor just does not work in text :-)
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
As others have said, I'll pass on this particular screening process and I'll agree with the OP that a lot of members here will move on down their lists when they see this requirement.

However, the general idea of a hobbyist (who selects providers based on personal preference) calling it 'discrimination' when a provider chooses to select clients based on personal preference – is a hoot.