Trump walked in to the Obama/Biden economy

LexusLover's Avatar
A health care plan ... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
What was the "health care plan"?
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
from my epic takedown of Sistine Chapel .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Bwahahahaha you might as well not waste your time voting because I will cancel your vote out Trump Hump.
I fucking despise democrats but one thing worse is reality tv numbskulls who lie with their every breath.
So have fun wasting your time voting
mrmxmr's Avatar
i didnt read a single post in this thread

all i read was the title , and its so absurd im ROTFLMAO probably will several times actually

just a word to anyone who may think theres the slightest bit of truth to this

first i suggest you get an MRI on your brain because i think its gone !

2nd i have this property in a resort in florida with epstein and hes not dead

3rd i know joe biden and i can get you a tax break

4th im related to al sharpton and we need you for a rally in portland

5th if you get a ballot for mail in voting just hold on to it ill be by to pick it up

6th im having a secret affair with camel la

7th ive been a registered democrat all my life

8th your cable company called and fox news is the only channel you can get till nov 5

9th i do polling and joe is up by 50 pts

10th one of these comments may actually be true !
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If the previous president gets blame/credit for current circumstances, one would have to assume dick smokie is pissed at Obama about covid.
LexusLover's Avatar
What was the "health care plan"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I guess TS doesn't have one any more, like YR. No more grants.

Biden is the one who let the grants fade away. That WAS the "Plan"!
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 03:20 PM
4th im related to al sharpton and we need you for a rally in portland

is this one possible - seems the great majority of the imported agitators in Portland , seattle, and elsewhere are Caucasian marxist terorists

The DPST are not following their own 'quotas' of Diversity - for shame, for shame!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bwahahahaha you might as well not waste your time voting because I will cancel your vote out Trump Hump.
I fucking despise democrats but one thing worse is reality tv numbskulls who lie with their every breath.
So have fun wasting your time voting Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac

i vote using the Chicago method. early and often.

mrmxmr's Avatar
4th im related to al sharpton and we need you for a rally in portland

is this one possible - seems the great majority of the imported agitators in Portland , seattle, and elsewhere are Caucasian marxist terorists

The DPST are not following their own 'quotas' of Diversity - for shame, for shame!!! Originally Posted by oeb11

yes , sure is , if your a democritter its just like being related , your part of a family of marxists . you vote for the cause , the destruction of america , the antithesis of marxism.
pleasurem's Avatar
You are an idiot if you vote Democrat now, they will ruin this country and you’ll go along with it!!!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
yea in my mind T R U M P is a lesser evil. The democratic party's obsession with T R U M P has turned it into a crazed bunch of lunatics that are trying to get support solely off of hatred of T R U M P but don't actually have anything good to offer anyone. As far as I can tell, T R U M P is doing some good and some bad. The dems seem to be doing nothing good. What good have they done in the last four years except hate T R U M P?
  • Tiny
  • 09-12-2020, 02:11 PM
And fucked it up after Bush left Obama/Biden the greatest recession since the depression. The putin/trump huggers will give putin/trump credit for the Obama/Biden economy of 2014 through early 2020. Now we are in the recession of putin/trump. Putin won the stupid Americans votes Originally Posted by Tsmokies
The President usually gets far too much credit when the economy does well and far too much blame when it does poorly. There are many other factors -- Fed policy, the business cycle, what Congress does, what previous administrations and Congresses did, regulators (particularly important for the 2008/2009 recession), changes in technology, etc.

That said, you'd have to give Trump a better grade on the economy than Obama. Obama raised taxes and was a bit heavy handed with regulation, both of which slowed economic growth. His "shovel ready" stimulus was anything but.

Trump lowered taxes on corporations, and pass through entities that hire lots of people. Also he made regulation less onerous. I believe his trade wars had a negative effect, that was outweighed by taxes and deregulation.

Looking at actual performance, the recovery from the 2008/2009 recession was downright anemic compared to past recoveries, and until the coronavirus hit, the economy under Trump was doing very well.

We could argue all day about the coronavirus. Yeah, if we'd managed it well, which would have required not just better performance from Trump but also the CDC, FDA, governors, health departments, hospitals, etc., we would have done better, maybe in a best case scenario like Taiwan or South Korea, who have seen comparatively small declines in GDP. But U.S. economic performance this year really isn't out of whack with the rest of the developed world.

Unfortunately, the national debt has grown more than it should have under both presidents, and neither has done jack about the deficits that will accumulate in the future from entitlements.
mrmxmr's Avatar
lets see what are democrats offering !

increase taxes so that libs can be drunken sailors again on their radical and ridiculous vehicles of ascertaining power (climate derangement, immigration, health care etc) and thats taxes on everyone paying taxes (trump lowered all the rates and increased the standard deduction) also doing away with the salt taxes so all the rich donors in blue states have no limits on itemizing local income and property taxes.

divide the country with hatred and division under the guise of some twisted greater good concept pretending to save america while actually destroying it

witness the destruction of relative and honest journalism as they echo talking points that are totally devoid of truth while ignoring crimes that would fill a prison

give immigrants parading across our border free health care ,and social benefits while millions of americans have neither , and only to usurp the immigrant vote in the future

accept as truth their lies about nafta, taxes , obamacare, ukraine , impeachment, covid, the mueller report, and so many more im tired of typing

a continuation of democrat elite dinosaurs like pelosi, schumer, stoyer, feinstein and biden who have become rich off the power voters have given them , by selling influence to lobbyists and foreign nationals using the hard earned money of americans, while doing absolutely nothing that makes for the betterment of the individual

impose radical laws that limit freedom pretending its for own own good , such as gun collection, covid limitations etc

pack the courts with ideologues that ignore the law while perpetrating a continuation of liberal ideology that takes away freedom , fairness and justice for all.

and many more goodies !!

pretty clear choice for me !
  • oeb11
  • 09-12-2020, 04:06 PM
Amen - good Sir
Add to that - impose a racist, Marxist totalitarian dictatorship on US - the Union of soviet Socialist States of Amerika!!!
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
And fucked it up after Bush left Obama/Biden the greatest recession since the depression. The putin/trump huggers will give putin/trump credit for the Obama/Biden economy of 2014 through early 2020. Now we are in the recession of putin/trump. Putin won the stupid Americans votes Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Let me remind you Douche puppy that Obama walked into one of the worst GOP Bush recessions this country had in 2009, when the markets collapsed to 6500 and financial entities like Bear Stearns went under.
Repugnants always manage to screw up the economy but they do it on purpose then shout bitch and complain that we need to cut SS and’s their old tricks. Old Ronnie Reagan sent us reeling into crisis with the S&L debacle when 3000 banks went under and we had foreclosures galore.
So you see, Douche puppy you’re just a dumb F**k that’s been drinking the Phony Fox FOOLAID again.
Now we’ve got old Trump the thief who’s busy looting the treasury and the 9/11 relief fund of $4m....on top of all the other entities he’s plundered the past 4 yrs.

You Trump sheep are sooo dumb I’m surprised you can function in the morning. You just need a swift wack on the side of the head, just to see if you have a pulse. Phony Fux Fox News just loves to brain wash you into oblivion but in your case your brain vanished years ago,. Gotta wake up Stupid. All you’re doing is making a fool of yourself
BTW it’s TRUMP that’s PUTINS punk, and butt brother...he’s sucking up to Vlad everyday or haven’t you noticed DP
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let me remind you Douche puppy that Obama walked into one of the worst GOP Bush recessions this country had in 2009, when the markets collapsed to 6500 and financial entities like Bear Stearns went under.
Repugnants always manage to screw up the economy but they do it on purpose then shout bitch and complain that we need to cut SS and’s their old tricks. Old Ronnie Reagan sent us reeling into crisis with the S&L debacle when 3000 banks went under and we had foreclosures galore.
So you see, Douche puppy you’re just a dumb F**k that’s been drinking the Phony Fox FOOLAID again.
Now we’ve got old Trump the thief who’s busy looting the treasury and the 9/11 relief fund of $4m....on top of all the other entities he’s plundered the past 4 yrs.

You Trump sheep are sooo dumb I’m surprised you can function in the morning. You just need a swift wack on the side of the head, just to see if you have a pulse. Phony Fux Fox News just loves to brain wash you into oblivion but in your case your brain vanished years ago,. Gotta wake up Stupid. All you’re doing is making a fool of yourself
BTW it’s TRUMP that’s PUTINS punk, and butt brother...he’s sucking up to Vlad everyday or haven’t you noticed DP Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson

you seem to forget the fact that the financial meltdown fuse was lit under Clinton when HUD mandated more minority lending by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (who fucking thinks up these stupid names?) and thus causing lenders to begin to give loans to minorities who couldn't actually afford them and dumping this toxic paper on .. the GOVERNMENT (the bad paper was backed by HUD) and covering their own asses by coming up with derivatives to peddle off as safe investments.

when the Government did their so-called bailout of Wall Street and the financial sector they were really bailing themselves out! Idiot!