Will Trump Hating Republicans Vote Democrat in the General Election? Do They Hate Trump so Much That They'll Vote for Communist Tyrants Instead of an America First Republican?

Grace Preston's Avatar
I don't think Republicans who hate Trump will vote for Biden.

I just think they simply won't vote if those are their only options.

If Republicans want to win-- they'll shift away from Trump. Sure-- he can get the far right like nobody's business-- but he cannot get the moderate vote nor the independent vote. You cannot win as a Republican without those blocs.
winn dixie's Avatar
I don't think Republicans who hate Trump will vote for Biden.

I just think they simply won't vote if those are their only options.

If Republicans want to win-- they'll shift away from Trump. Sure-- he can get the far right like nobody's business-- but he cannot get the moderate vote nor the independent vote. You cannot win as a Republican without those blocs. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

As stated before. I will sit out again if trumppf is the gop nominee
I don't think Republicans who hate Trump will vote for Biden.

I just think they simply won't vote if those are their only options.

If Republicans want to win-- they'll shift away from Trump. Sure-- he can get the far right like nobody's business-- but he cannot get the moderate vote nor the independent vote. You cannot win as a Republican without those blocs. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
It doesn't matter who wins they don't work for us anymore. That's going to become more and more apparent as the years go by. Everything this Country was founded upon is being chipped away bit by bit until it's finished.
... Trump WINS - yet again - in a FAIR election.

What will the Dems cook up this time?

Russian fake dossiers... Lies to the FISA courts...
Media censure-ships... Facebook and Twitt-- er ... "X" blockades?

What about MORE lies from the US Intelligence about Hunter's laptop?
Lies about Joe's connection to China?

... Oh wait - I know - CO-VID strains and new variations...
And lockdowns and extra boxes and boxes of ballots...

... Will the RINO Republicans and Independents vote for ALL THAT?

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
donny did win in a fair election.
as did joey.

much misdirection was shown in donnys.
sure the same with joey but he has umpteen dozen court cases to back the validity of his election.
i see donny has to give his bestest in his next court case to prove otherwise.
  • Tiny
  • 09-04-2023, 08:08 AM
I'm sure that Trump hating Republicans exist on this forum. Maybe some RINOs on this forum will chime in and answer this question. I'm guessing their answer is YES. I hope I'm wrong. Originally Posted by HoHound
Excellent thread. You have your answer HoHound. Grace, McCain, WD, D'Ninja, chumfun and Jackie are spot on with what I believe. And ICU, reddog, and you (with abortion) make excellent points.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. The reason was because in his past life he was a narcissist who screwed his partners, banks, bondholders, customers and suppliers. I've been in business with two people like him and it was a living hell. I wasn't going to vote for someone for president like those two. And besides, in 2016 Gary Johnson, the Libertarian, was the best candidate for president since Ronald Reagan. Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate in 2020, was preferable in my mind to Biden and Trump. And correct, my vote didn't count.

As to 2024, now that Trump has tried to steal an election, it's extremely unlikely he'll get my vote. The one way it could happen is if Democrats nominate someone like Elizabeth Warren. Then I'll be so pissed off I just might vote for Trump over the Libertarian.