New to the scene, how to get started?

"Run away" is a fun way of saying don't get involved in this hobby because it can be addicting. Humor.

Join P411 like others have said. It's money well spent.

Don't get into to big of a hurry. Watch and learn.

Have fun. Originally Posted by cookie man
No hurry here, I've been skulking about for a while, I just decided now is a good time to get 'active' so to speak. I've had some encounters at parlors that were... lack luster. I like the more formal approach to this that i see here and probably over on P411, just feels more, I dunno... secure and assured? It seems like there are very few instances of folks working through this site and getting ripped off, misled, etc, things seem to be on the up and up for the most part so I can let a little of the natural paranoia go and just focus on the fantasy and enjoyment part.
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You were warned. You best make the Search tab your friend.