Anybody in Buffalo

No My personal info was preyed upon because someone felt some kinda way. They werr practically whining because I didnt attend any functions for a while. Then I do and all of a sudden started getting harassed 7-8 times a day by someone saying they would out me . Texting me pics of family and such. Well just for shits and giggles I purposely give Paulie an app number to text me about something and boom same motherfucker calls it and says "" hello is this mr. Viking"" like wtf yo?? They all can go take a leap for all I care. So to answer your question no I left the club.
TV - let's not be bitter! Originally Posted by Perryay
stfu Perry. You either didnt know about all the bs with me or were part of the problem.
Any of you would absolutely be bitter if the same happened to you. Ask Craven how he felt when I walked WAY around some of his real life info and took the year bann like a champ.
jokacz's Avatar
Ole Mary was smart enough never to let his presence be known, though he was there more often than not.
lilylivered's Avatar
Sounds like fun.
Where can I join!!
Goodness Gracious!!
Im still salty Paul. Howd it go with the warsaw masage girl ? Ya never wrote back after ya said youd go toftt
Im still salty Paul. Howd it go with the warsaw masage girl ? Ya never wrote back after ya said youd go toftt Originally Posted by TechnoViking
err... um....
The following errors occurred with your submission:
TechnoViking has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

I can post what I wrote you here if that is better for you....
Ummm thats why I keep getting messages from mississippi ......t4y again . A simple fuck off rather than lying would be more appreciated
DDarkness's Avatar

Read your PM's!

offshoredrilling's Avatar

Read your PM's!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness

TV, my entertainment value is more important than a few silly points.

So please carry on

Anybody know if she is GFE
hy cant u be helpful instead of being an ass. Believe me when i say alot of people on here feel the same way