Pix of a session on the review.

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  • S-Man
  • 02-07-2012, 10:05 AM
Posting pics of ladies in a public forum without their explicit permission is in very bad form and we will remove them if the lady requests it. However I am not aware of any rule against it. Originally Posted by surfindick
What if the pic is posted within ROS? The only way she would know is if someone shares ROS info to her. If someone shares ROS info with her, he would get points.

  • Stag
  • 02-07-2012, 10:13 AM
I'm sure Iaintliein ain't lyin' when he says:
This sort of misunderstanding explains why several ladies I've asked to photograph (with no BCD activities) respond like I'm a stalker with a reputation of cannibalism. It's of course important to get permission to post the resulting photos.
I'm also an amateur-but-aspiring photographer, and enjoy spending time with a beautiful nude or semi-nude woman just to admire and try to make photographic art, without any BCD activities. And I've sometimes enjoyed that kind of time with the beautiful ladies of this little community. But Mr. Liein is right -- that kind of thing is not often welcome, because some of us are less respectful than we should be in that situation.

The beautiful Ms. HotChick (with whom I would be THRILLED to spend an hour or two with a camera and my mobile light kit) is right on when she says:
Posting pictures of a session is down right messed up.

* * *

That is WHY I NEVER EVER agree to pictures of a session. But that review BBL review was done is SUCH poor taste and total disrespect that it makes me sick beyond words.

All I can say girl, if he is this disrespectful to her, he will disrespect you as well.
Guys, we may want a souvenir of a ball-rockin' good time, but without a CLEAR expression of a desire on everyone's part to make it public, posting the souvenir here is just really a bad idea. But ladies, for those who would be offended by what happened to inspire this thread, this is a good object lesson -- ANY GUY THAT TAKES PICTURES IS GOING TO HAVE AN IRRESISTIBLE URGE TO SHOW OFF HIS HANDY-WORK. So, unless you're a complete exhibitionist, keep the photographic fun separate from the woogie-woogie fun.
What if the pic is posted within ROS? The only way she would know is if someone shares ROS info to her. If someone shares ROS info with her, he would get points.

#Catch-22 Originally Posted by S-Man
There are "other" ways a provider can get ROS and other private tagged info on this site than someone with PA giving it to her.

while it may be "bad form" as surfndick said, if a provider poses for pics and she knows that a hobbyist is going to write a review, it does stand to reason that he MIGHT post a pic or two, especially if she has pics of herself, face and all, in her showcase or ads. I think it adds a form of realism to the review. If a provider has a problem with a posted pic, she can have it taken down by the OP of the pic or by a mod, if necessary.

If a guy posts a pic of a UTR provider or any other lady, that has no other pics anywhere else, I think there is a major problem with that.
  • Stag
  • 02-07-2012, 10:22 AM
To respond to S-Man, while you're right that anyone who reveals ROS details (including pictures of the session) to those not entitled by board rules to see the ROS (e.g. the lady being reviewed), the perp should be subject to sanction for his rules violation. One wrong does not justify another, however, and the reviewer who posts photos taken during the session, without the model's knowledge or consent, is also wrong and disrespectful of the lady.

To respond to the estimable bigdog0311, I can understand where you're coming from -- if the lady lets you take pictures during the session, it should be reasonable and logical for her to assume you'll use the pictures as you see fit, including posting them in a review. I disagree, however, with where you end up. Because of the laws around the topic of "model releases" and privacy interests, especially given the underground nature of our little community, I think it should be absolutely explicit between both parties whether the pictures would be used on this board. Trusting the OP or a Mod to take the pictures down after the fact is not necessarily an adequate remedy. And for both parties, given the stakes and how unintended publication "stands to reason" I think everyone (especially providers) should be cautioned to only allow pix if you're sure you're comfortable with what MAY happen with them.

And to Kaylee -- I repeat, I would LOVE to shoot you! But either the camera OR the little Stag-horn will stay in the bag -- they don't play together. (Maybe Anthony Weiner should have followed the same rule?)
If you notice Gman has a tag that tells providers that if they want him to add photos to a review of them to contact him. As no one has ever complained about his posting pics, I would guess he has permission.

As for littledog, we all know what assuming things makes out of you. One act does not automaticly give you permission to do what you want. As this was not a photo already posted on the internet, did you get a signed models release before just sticking it out there?

SMan, Recenitly, a review was done and another member posted a pic of the girl in private tags. The orginal reviewer broke the rules by telling the provider about the photo. While the poster of the photo did use bad judgement, he did use private tags and the reviewer (who is vocal in this thread about the exact same thing)had no business telling the provider about it. He should have reported the issue to a mod to handle. Interesting note, the reviewer who broke the rules of releasing private info to the provider appears to never have been punished.
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  • S-Man
  • 02-07-2012, 11:10 PM
With the various threads, can we call this Picture-gate?
If this lady has such little respect for herself, then how can I show her the respect she deserves in a session. I don't want to go into a session having pity on the lady for her poor self-image. Rather, I want us to engage as equals and not as unequals. Originally Posted by tigercat
What a douchebag.
Thanks for showing your true self.

As I see it....why kick a dying dog? Perhaps you should have some compassion?
Whatever .... you do NOT even comprehend what Samaritan means.

Good Luck,

What if the pic is posted within ROS? The only way she would know is if someone shares ROS info to her. If someone shares ROS info with her, he would get points.

#Catch-22 Originally Posted by S-Man
Yep and an issue we take care of in a case by case basis.
With the various threads, can we call this Picture-gate? Originally Posted by S-Man

No kidding!

I hope that all the threads did not occur just because I posted a single pic of BDS in my last review of her. If so, it makes me wander what are they going to "dissect" and find possible fault with on my next review!
"Review Etiquette 101"
Is it that hard to comprehend? Really>?

If you show respect....then you will be respected as well.

yeah....I know...that is practically an oxymoron on this board. BUT.....I know many MANY hobbyist who I admire and respect....and always treat the ladies with respect.
Love you guys!!

We live in a social media world, cameras are in smartphones and can take a picture anytime.

IMO the inclusion of any action shot is just a cry for attention and would lessen my desire to see a provider that allows that type of photo. That said if a provider is false advertising by using old photos then a picture of her pre session is a service to the broes.
Taking pics must be a way to get some thrills after the fact. Seems a risk to me, but many of the women I represent in their divorce cases bring me pics like that when it comes time to get more than half of the property and the former hubby's testicles on a spit.

Doesn't seem to be a very good practice. You're always hearing stoires about the dumbass that has his porn pop up while making a business prersentation or the lost cellphone with the child porn. Dumb...just plain dumb.
Iaintliein's Avatar
A great song and cautionary tale about fame.

The Photograph Kills

What a douchebag.
Thanks for showing your true self.
As I see it....why kick a dying dog? Perhaps you should have some compassion?
Whatever .... you do NOT even comprehend what Samaritan means.
Good Luck,
TT Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Uh, Not sure who pissed in your cornflakes, but I must admit you are the first person to call me a douchebag. I think most here would argue I have too much compassion, and would never kick any dog, dying or healthy.

Hope whatever in my post caused you such a reaction has subsided. I can tell you I do show my true self here in many of my posts, and the compassion I have shown for many ladies here would probably earn me much disdain from my fellow hobbyist. (Don't ask how many times I have helped out a provider with a loan, an impromptu session so they could raise the rent money for the month, or a dinner.)

Back to the issue at hand. The internet lives forever - as I have said before, I can find pics of ladies from long ago who have retired, gone UTR & are trying to hide their faces, etc. If you don't want it to come back and haunt you, don't let the pictures be taken. And if a guy takes pics without a lady's knowledge, and then later shares them with anyone, he deserves to be on all ladies' DNS lists.

Just think, a guy takes a pic on a cellphone, maybe even his hobby phone. It is a bit risque, maybe it is downright disgusting. He leaves the incall, and has a wreck on the way home. He goes to the hospital, his personal belongings are gathered up. Perhaps the cops are investigating the acccident, and look at the pics as part of their investigation. (Take a look at the attorney & two adults who were killed in Irving, when Porsche went into the canal.) Or worse, his spouse gets the phone and sees these pics of her husband doing this provider. Tell me what good is going to come of this incident?

Our words on a website like this can be considered a fantasy. Know one can prove it really happened, it could be a story. But add a pic documenting the encounter, and now there is proof. Maybe getting that into evidence in a criminal trial is a problem, but my SO will not exclude hearsay evidence when she goes forth to render me unable to ever cheat again.