Salute to all Veterans

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
To truly honor our military and veterans, I support not sending them to stupid, illegal, and undefined wars.
LexusLover's Avatar
Of course, the odds are that 4 out of 5 are all liars according to LL. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well, you just just confirmed you are! Just can't help yourself can you?

This guy did, take it up with him, if you have the balls to call him a liar in person:
RVN class of 66-67
USMACV Phan Rang



1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August,1995 (census figures).

During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: 9,492,958.

As of the current Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. This is hard to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between '95 and '00. That's 390 per day.

During this Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE Vietnam vets are not."

The sad part about it is this is what he said about you:

"To all who served and are now serving -- Thank you for your service."

I'm sure that you and this equally sorry piece of humanity are glad VD is over (and I am specifically talking about the guy in the suit):

I clarified which "person" I was referencing, just so you (or anyone of your other mousy "friends") don't engage in your kindergarten playground yapping about me "disparaging" the military.

The truth is that at any given time this country has military and nonmilitary personnel "DEPLOYED" overseas in various places in various circumstances in which their person and future are at risk and that was no less the case in the 60's and 70's than it is now. Those people "served" .... and for every person "in combat" there are probably 10 "behind them" that make it "possible" for those to be "in combat" and some of those 10 stand ready to risk their own safety and lives to extract those "in combat" and return them to a safer place where they can be treated and transported to a more appropriate environment to recover, if they ever do.

The other "truth" is that in the 60's and 70's those of us who were around and aware KNOW that it was not "fashionable" or "politically correct" to flaunt one's military service ... and that became a habit so one would not be spit on and called names. Uniforms were a rarity in airports, and particularly on the street, unless it was another "piece of shit" like you, Speedo, trashing the military and using his "uniform" to demonstrate his "expertise" and "authority" to do so .. .that would be....

Another despicable LIAR like you, Speedo.

I am grateful that the mood in this country has changed so that servicemembers are "honored" and "respected" and not ridiculed and punished for their service.

It appears that the "pendulum" has swung to the other extreme. Thanks in part to our "President."

Every day I help a veteran .... almost all combat veterans. Not just one day a year.

I'm not really concerned about what some little turd on a hooker board announces or why, like you Speedo, because I know what those veterans have thought about me and think of me. They know my history and who I am. You don't. And you won't.

Speedo, your little minded "tactic" is to trash others to make you appear "more intelligent." You're not. And what you haven't discovered is that not everyone is as insecure as you are, and your childish little tactics don't work on them. Present company included. The posts in this thread .. I thought.... were to honor other veterans .... but apparently that is not the case. Like little Speedo the thread is apparently to "honor" someone's "agenda" or exercise some "self-laudatory" excursion into personal history.

Like that self-centered, narcissistic do-nothing PRETENDING to hang a wreath in the photo above!
TheDaliLama's Avatar

I doubt we have any WW-2 Combat Vets, ...... Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think bigtex killed a bunch of Krauts.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, you just just confirmed you are! Just can't help yourself can you?

This guy did, take it up with him, if you have the balls to call him a liar in person:
RVN class of 66-67
USMACV Phan Rang



1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August,1995 (census figures).

During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: 9,492,958.

As of the current Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. This is hard to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between '95 and '00. That's 390 per day.

During this Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE Vietnam vets are not."

The sad part about it is this is what he said about you:

"To all who served and are now serving -- Thank you for your service."

I'm sure that you and this equally sorry piece of humanity are glad VD is over (and I am specifically talking about the guy in the suit):

I clarified which "person" I was referencing, just so you (or anyone of your other mousy "friends") don't engage in your kindergarten playground yapping about me "disparaging" the military.

The truth is that at any given time this country has military and nonmilitary personnel "DEPLOYED" overseas in various places in various circumstances in which their person and future are at risk and that was no less the case in the 60's and 70's than it is now. Those people "served" .... and for every person "in combat" there are probably 10 "behind them" that make it "possible" for those to be "in combat" and some of those 10 stand ready to risk their own safety and lives to extract those "in combat" and return them to a safer place where they can be treated and transported to a more appropriate environment to recover, if they ever do.

The other "truth" is that in the 60's and 70's those of us who were around and aware KNOW that it was not "fashionable" or "politically correct" to flaunt one's military service ... and that became a habit so one would not be spit on and called names. Uniforms were a rarity in airports, and particularly on the street, unless it was another "piece of shit" like you, Speedo, trashing the military and using his "uniform" to demonstrate his "expertise" and "authority" to do so .. .that would be....

Another despicable LIAR like you, Speedo.

I am grateful that the mood in this country has changed so that servicemembers are "honored" and "respected" and not ridiculed and punished for their service.

It appears that the "pendulum" has swung to the other extreme. Thanks in part to our "President."

Every day I help a veteran .... almost all combat veterans. Not just one day a year.

I'm not really concerned about what some little turd on a hooker board announces or why, like you Speedo, because I know what those veterans have thought about me and think of me. They know my history and who I am. You don't. And you won't.

Speedo, your little minded "tactic" is to trash others to make you appear "more intelligent." You're not. And what you haven't discovered is that not everyone is as insecure as you are, and your childish little tactics don't work on them. Present company included. The posts in this thread .. I thought.... were to honor other veterans .... but apparently that is not the case. Like little Speedo the thread is apparently to "honor" someone's "agenda" or exercise some "self-laudatory" excursion into personal history.

Like that self-centered, narcissistic do-nothing PRETENDING to hang a wreath in the photo above! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have never accused a person of lying when they say they have served in the military. Even if 4 out of 5 are lying like you believe they are, it would be an incredible insult to that person who did serve and you accuse him of not serving. Like me, asshole.

Thank you to Applebees and all the other restaurants who served free meals to us veterans. Hope everyone was able to indulge. Doubtful LexusLoser was able to do so.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, you just just confirmed you are! Just can't help yourself can you?

This guy did, take it up with him, if you have the balls to call him a liar in person:
RVN class of 66-67
USMACV Phan Rang



1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August,1995 (census figures).

During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: 9,492,958.

As of the current Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. This is hard to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between '95 and '00. That's 390 per day.

During this Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE Vietnam vets are not."

The sad part about it is this is what he said about you:

"To all who served and are now serving -- Thank you for your service."

I'm sure that you and this equally sorry piece of humanity are glad VD is over (and I am specifically talking about the guy in the suit):

I clarified which "person" I was referencing, just so you (or anyone of your other mousy "friends") don't engage in your kindergarten playground yapping about me "disparaging" the military.

The truth is that at any given time this country has military and nonmilitary personnel "DEPLOYED" overseas in various places in various circumstances in which their person and future are at risk and that was no less the case in the 60's and 70's than it is now. Those people "served" .... and for every person "in combat" there are probably 10 "behind them" that make it "possible" for those to be "in combat" and some of those 10 stand ready to risk their own safety and lives to extract those "in combat" and return them to a safer place where they can be treated and transported to a more appropriate environment to recover, if they ever do.

The other "truth" is that in the 60's and 70's those of us who were around and aware KNOW that it was not "fashionable" or "politically correct" to flaunt one's military service ... and that became a habit so one would not be spit on and called names. Uniforms were a rarity in airports, and particularly on the street, unless it was another "piece of shit" like you, Speedo, trashing the military and using his "uniform" to demonstrate his "expertise" and "authority" to do so .. .that would be....

Another despicable LIAR like you, Speedo.

I am grateful that the mood in this country has changed so that servicemembers are "honored" and "respected" and not ridiculed and punished for their service.

It appears that the "pendulum" has swung to the other extreme. Thanks in part to our "President."

Every day I help a veteran .... almost all combat veterans. Not just one day a year.

I'm not really concerned about what some little turd on a hooker board announces or why, like you Speedo, because I know what those veterans have thought about me and think of me. They know my history and who I am. You don't. And you won't.

Speedo, your little minded "tactic" is to trash others to make you appear "more intelligent." You're not. And what you haven't discovered is that not everyone is as insecure as you are, and your childish little tactics don't work on them. Present company included. The posts in this thread .. I thought.... were to honor other veterans .... but apparently that is not the case. Like little Speedo the thread is apparently to "honor" someone's "agenda" or exercise some "self-laudatory" excursion into personal history.

Like that self-centered, narcissistic do-nothing PRETENDING to hang a wreath in the photo above! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have never accused a person of lying when they say they have served in the military. Even if 4 out of 5 are lying like you believe they are, it would be an incredible insult to that person who did serve and you accuse him of not serving. Like me.

BTW, your last paragraph simply illustrates the type of person you REALLY are. Continue to live in your dreamworld where you are an important person but really gets his jollies putting down others on this hooker board. You are right. I don't know much of anything about you other than your posts on this forum. Which are usually infantile. You accuse me of "trashing" others. Damn, I am probably the most civil person on this board. Almost every post of your's puts someone down. BigTex. Assup. WombRaider. IvaBiggen. Anyone you disagree with you have to put down verbally.
Keep it up. We see through your charade.

Thank you to Applebees and all the other restaurants who served free meals to us veterans. Hope everyone was able to indulge.
LexusLover's Avatar
I have never accused a person of lying when they say they have served in the military. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Neither have I. You are lying about what I posted, which was a quote from a MAN (unlike you) who crunched the numbers and evaluated the results (unlike you).

I stand by my post. You are a little, childish, LIAR!

Not about your service pronouncement. In reality, whether you "served" in the military is of no consequence to me....and doesn't impress me either. I judge you by what you are today .... and I think I can safely "assume" that YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU PRETEND TO BE ON THIS BOARD.

Move on.
LexusLover's Avatar
....I am probably the most civil person on this board. Almost every post of your's puts someone down. BigTex. Assup. WombRaider. IvaBiggen. Anyone you disagree with you have to put down verbally.

Keep it up. We see through your charade. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You are delusional. Who is "We"? You're so fucking insecure you have to have someone with you to support your bullshit. The phantom "WE"!!!!

You threaten to kick my ass back and forth across the State?
You make insulting remarks about "rednecks"?
You insult others' intelligence?
You proclaim you came down her to Texas to straighten out the rednecks.

Go back and read those fools' posts regarding me?

What's wrong? Your wife tells you to go fuck yourself?

I see "your charade" daily in my RW life. Cover, chapters, and verse.

And you're correct about only one thing as far as I am concerned when you said:

"I don't know much of anything about you..."

Unfortunately, there are others on here who pretend to know personal shit about me .... that's their "mission" in life. To pretend to know personal shit about people ... and then trash them with what they "pretend" to know.

Ben Carson? Sound familiar? When a hypocritical MF gets on here and beats his chest about his (or her) military service, then ridicules those who don't by accusing them of not having served their country ... and calling them "draft dodgers" ...... it is disgusting .. when at the same time having supported, campaigned, and/or voted for ....


(The draft dodger on the left!)

The other lying sack of shit on the right dodged "sniper fire" after she wandered into a USMC recruiting center to "inquire" about joining the Corps?

Let me guess ... "she's your girl for Prez"!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LLIDiot is out of control, a bitter old asshole! I didn't think there was a Grinch for Veteran's Day. But LLIDiot obviously feels bad about something!

No respect. No class. NO SHIT!
LexusLover's Avatar
No respect. No class. NO SHIT! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That sounds like a personal problem for you, but two out of 3 ain't bad for you.

Since you are FULL OF SHIT.

So this is the only day you acknowledge veterans and servicemembers?

That's interesting. Are you also one of those Christmas Day Service Christians?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Case in point.
LexusLover's Avatar
Case in point. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is this you?

Sure looks like you "sound"!

The only "point" involved is the one on the top of your head.

She's gotta be an "Austinite."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Neither have I. You are lying about what I posted, which was a quote from a MAN (unlike you) who crunched the numbers and evaluated the results (unlike you).

I stand by my post. You are a little, childish, LIAR!

Not about your service pronouncement. In reality, whether you "served" in the military is of no consequence to me....and doesn't impress me either. I judge you by what you are today .... and I think I can safely "assume" that YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU PRETEND TO BE ON THIS BOARD.

Move on. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And exactly what have I pretended to be on this board in your esteemed opinion? I am a veteran. Not a distinguished military career. Never said otherwise. I served my 21 months as requested by the government, got out, and moved on. I never tried to impress you or anyone else by stating that I am a veteran.

Let's review your statements as to stating I am lying.

From "Boots on the Ground":

Post #87: Statistically speaking ... 80% is pretty strong in support of my statement:

I will repeat .... to put it perspective:

"......."During this Census count (2000), the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE Vietnam vets are not."

4/5 = 80%..... That's a SIMPLE math problem that has only one answer.

Also from post #214: And is that what you called it? "boots on the ground"? Another candidate for some "sobering" facts I see:

http://www.nationalvietnamveteransfo. ..statistics.htm

"During this Census (2000) count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE Vietnam vets are not."

You posted it so you obviously believe it. I have never said whether I believe it or not. What I have said is that I do not question those on this forum who say that they have been in the military. By your cited posts, you are implying that for every 5 of us who claims to have served in the military, statistically 4 are lying.

The next time you learn about what it takes to be a "MAN" will be the first. Being a contributor to pretty much EVERY thread on a hooker board and demeaning others is hardly the definition of a "MAN".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1057434974]You are delusional. Who is "We"? You're so fucking insecure you have to have someone with you to support your bullshit. The phantom "WE"!!!!

You threaten to kick my ass back and forth across the State?
You make insulting remarks about "rednecks"?
You insult others' intelligence?
You proclaim you came down her to Texas to straighten out the rednecks.

Go back and read those fools' posts regarding me?

What's wrong? Your wife tells you to go fuck yourself?

I see "your charade" daily in my RW life. Cover, chapters, and verse.

And you're correct about only one thing as far as I am concerned when you said:

"I don't know much of anything about you..."

Unfortunately, there are others on here who pretend to know personal shit about me .... that's their "mission" in life. To pretend to know personal shit about people ... and then trash them with what they "pretend" to know.


Go back and look at the threads in which you've participated, which is most of them, and you will understand who the "we" are. I am hardly the first, and assuredly will not be the last, to point out your shortcomings.

Let's review comments we've made about each other in recent threads;

In "Boots on the Ground":
Post #190 you refer to me as trailer park trash.
Post #200 I refer to you as a hillbilly, and in post #201 a redneck.
In Post #203 you call me an asshole.
In Post #209 I am a loud mouth, and I think in the same post I am "Not a man" and a "little, childish liar".
In post #213 I am an "unhealthy, little boy".

So when it comes to slinging mud, I am in a far distant second place to you. This is simply your modus operandi when others disagree with you. Bring it down to the lowest level possible.
LexusLover's Avatar
You posted it so you obviously believe it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I have no REASON to doubt it. Do you have a REASON to doubt it?
LexusLover's Avatar
You are delusional. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Struggling for relevance are you? Continue doing so, if you wish. It's boring.