Provider Ads-what get's your attention?

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-03-2010, 07:20 PM
♥o♥AiN't thIs kEwL! ♥o♥

❀❀❀D0N'T❀❀❀Y0U❀❀❀jUsT L0VVVVE ❀❀❀These?❀❀❀aD$$$?❀❀

~♥*!C0WaBuNga*♥~█ šššššuper šššššUCkie Adz ❀❀I $t0pz reading them

()((((((((wAy tOo hArD ❀❀ n0t worth iT)))))))))))))))
As many others have stated. Guys are visual creatures. Lots of PICs, list services, donations and links to reviews for quick access.

Short and to the point. Don't flower your ad up with a bunch of "Provider speak".

Also, please proof read your Ad. I personally, don't care if you mis-spell a word or mess up the sentence. I can get the point! But, I can see where mis-spelling words and poor punctuation could discourage a potential hobbyist.

So Proof read and use spell check!
Pictures of course is the first thing I look for, writing is very important but comes second to the visual of a good non-professional candid shot.

If the picture contains a hot little spinner then I read on, if a BBW or a fatty is there no way will I waste my time on someone that I am no way interested or attracted to. If I come across some one that has the attitude in her writing as Wicked MILF did in her post, then I won't spend a second even looking at the AD or even begin to read the AD or post.

But I am with "Ztonk" totally no matter how hot the cute sexy spinner is...if the title or any part of the AD has the format as.....

♥o♥AiN't thIs kEwL! ♥o♥

❀❀❀D0N'T❀❀❀Y0U❀❀❀jUsT L0VVVVE ❀❀❀These?❀❀❀aD$$$?❀❀

~♥*!C0WaBuNga*♥~█ šššššuper šššššUCkie Adz ❀❀I $t0pz reading them

()((((((((wAy tOo hArD ❀❀ n0t worth iT)))))))))))))))
Promptly move to the next one....

For me "PRICE" has nothing to do with it, if I want it bad enough then I'm going for it.....cost is not going to be the stopper.
sixxbach's Avatar
pics with some style.... i really was a fan of Peach's pics wish they had a face to it.... i mean peach, the girl who likes to play video games. that was pretty darn creative to me
To echo what many have said, I'm visual so pictures are very helpful. Everyone I think has a body type that they are most attracted to or are having a jones to be with...

I also hate the strange formatting, symbols, and general crap spelling and play on words.

I like ads that give an insight into the type of experience and/or personality that the provider has.

Rates are also a must but that is common sense imo.
Willen's Avatar
The one other useful information item that's gone unmentioned is hours of availability.
Thanks for giving your input, guys! I think I know what I need to do next. Time to update pics...........I'm off to plan my next photo shoot!
dookiexp's Avatar
once you have been around here for a while you get used to providers posting. so things that get my intention are new providers/specials and the advertising of new photos. The annoying things is some people say new photos and i have seen them before so that is usually a red flag and i decide to stay away as i find it irritating. However i have a list of locals who i would like to see that im getting through.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
been thinking about this thread and seems to me and someone with a creative advertising brain could barter here quite well.

Unlike the guys who offer furniture. I get those all the time but no one ever says "I will trade some great ads for a session."

It is hard to come up with a cute come-on every week. I spend more time trying to provide great service from beginning to end rather than thinking up great lines. We just can't D.E.W. it all.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
There is this company in California who would write you an ad for $60 bucks. Perhaps a session for Four ads, paid after session two, after said provider sees a guaranteed increase in session requests from the first two ads. Hmmmm, I like brainstorming, I feel repetitive in my ads these days too.
Taylor, leave it to you to get the brainstorming going, you clever fox!
runswithscissors's Avatar
for me it is keeping the ad short, concise, grammatically correct, clear price structure, and of course, a tastefull picture. To me, pics do not have to be explicit; a pair of jeans, barefoot, midriff top will start my engine.......
Although I haven't seen her, it does get my attention when Kimberly uses her tagline of "can I suck your cock today?"
  • Jax
  • 03-05-2010, 10:14 PM
I check out almost all the listings, but pay more attention to those with pictures and the specials available (since I've got to watch my play-time spending). And I pay attention to what seems genuine, not overly glitzy, etc. Most are worth a look-see.
Smart's Avatar
  • Smart
  • 03-06-2010, 01:27 AM
Ok, I'm going to probably be long-winded, so my apologies in advance!

1. First thing I check for is either a) someone I know who I've had my eye on seeing (again, if applicable) or b) someone I don't recognize.

1a) I'm specifically looking to see "Specials" in the ad title, because I likely have not already bitten the bullet and seen them because of price (otherwise, if it's just an issue of timing or some other reason, I wouldn't wait for some particular ad to try to schedule them)

1b) Kinda self-explanatory - I'm always on the lookout for new potential to keep things fresh.

2. Once I've decided to open an ad, the FIRST thing I look for is pics. Very often, I will not go any further researching the provider if there's not at least one pic I can look at to gauge my initial interest. Of course, this doesn't apply to providers I already know and are just "bargain-hunting" for.

3. I'll then look for rates listed IN the ad. No matter how hot the provider is, there is a certain threshold that I won't go over for a session, regardless of length. However, if the rates listed are within my range, I may consider checking out a provider that didn't post a pic with the ad.

So, if you have a pic, I'm more likely to "research" you and find out whether or not I'd be interested regardless of whether you post rates or not, but posting your rates without a pic will also probably prompt me to do some research as well.