
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Wait a min, you want something to happen in the anything thread?
Cendell M's Avatar

Tryweakly you need to start an EVERYTHING thread LoL
TryWeakly's Avatar
I was going to do that first, but it might be best broken out... never kniw who is gonna bump the rules and all....
Cendell M's Avatar
You don’t got ANYTHING do you…it’s cool!😎
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
is anything, something?
is something, anything?
Cendell M's Avatar
This is something these threads can go on forever on everything
TryWeakly's Avatar
Ifn they can go on forever (on everything), then there is a designated spot for that, too.
Cendell M's Avatar
EVERYTHING gonna be all right JS……
TryWeakly's Avatar
Ahem... this is the anything thread.. dont be bringing everything UITB...there is a designated spot for that...
Cendell M's Avatar
I gonna anything your ass Lol
low end theory's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
I don't have anything to do.
Cendell M's Avatar
Me either…ANYTHING going on tonight people?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Dry Creek
Cendell M's Avatar
Well that’s what you call NOTHING but that threads for another day