WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-15-2010, 03:36 PM
The World if not fair....Who knew.

I ain''t seen none of these NBA whiners picketing the Miss Black Amercia Contest or protesting that there are not enought whites in the Gawd Damn wait what sport is it???.... it's on the tip of my tongue...oh yea the freaking N B A

Like every 3 months this pretend indignation about fairness comes along. Ask most who think women should not have a choice on who to see if they are for gay marriage and those same so called fair minded people are quoting how it is against the Bible. I'm embarressed for myself for even bothering to post in these type threads.

For the record , I don't need no "Look I have black friends" bs to justify that I think it is a personal fucking choice. However dumb. It is THEIR Choice. Let my white ass roll incertain parts of the country (east LA) and see how it goes over.
In before the "we sell to all types" post.

Ahh crap, too late...
The World if not fair....Who knew.

I ain''t seen none of these NBA whiners picketing the Miss Black Amercia Contest or protesting that there are not enought whites in the Gawd Damn wait what sport is it???.... it's on the tip of my tongue...oh yea the freaking N B A

Like every 3 months this pretend indignation about fairness comes along. Ask most who think women should not have a choice on who to see if they are for gay marriage and those same so called fair minded people are quoting how it is against the Bible. I'm embarressed for myself for even bothering to post in these type threads.

For the record , I don't need no "Look I have black friends" bs to justify that I think it is a personal fucking choice. However dumb. It is THEIR Choice. Let my white ass roll incertain parts of the country (east LA) and see how it goes over. Originally Posted by WTF
The highlighted portions above where the point to my last post. Life is not fair and the chicks are fickle; deal with it and learn your way around. Bitching about selectivity in ethnic preferences does nothing for anyone while claiming racism is bullshit like Anonone did. Just remember who you are and what your place is in this hobby realm. Just like WTF wrote, if I were to roll into Harlem by myself or certain portions of South Cnetral LA or South Chicago or the fifth ward here, the result could be very ugly.
sano911's Avatar
sano911 NAILED IT! Things are not like they seem.
When I see an NBA policy, it's a SURE sign (confirmed by many investigatory interviews lol)they have an AA pimp, who doesn't want to share with his bros, but loves to bbfs & cim just before his girl sees whitie! Such is the Hobby whirled.
Sorry Rambro, lol Welcome to post-racist Amerika!
Take your energy & whine to other more serious & real discriminatory issues.
Ole WTF & LD with their rights of "free" choice don't get it either.
Fact is what you are describing is not racism but a cultural preference based upon ethnicity. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Sorry, but I laughed my ass off when I read this. Someone needs to pick up a dictionary. What you're describing isn't a chair, its a piece of furniture designed for sitting on...

I agree with your overall point, but call it what it is. It's racism. The same way providers who discriminate against younger guys are guilty of agism. Hell, the whole process of "screening" is organized discrimination. She's deciding who to service and who not to service based on preconceived ideas about their behavior. And IMHO, she can screen in any way that lets her sleep at night, be it race, age, type of job held, type of car driven, whatever... There's no governing body telling her she can't, and if the market had no room for racists, you wouldn't see as many NBA providers out there. So clearly, the market can sustain a few idiots/pimped girls.

Those of you waiting for fairness to pop up in our society all-of-a-sudden are going to have a long wait. I'm sure these "principled" stands against providers who have the policies they have for whatever reason make you feel better, and if they make your lil' pecker hard, go ahead and keep on making them. But I don't think its going to change anything. People are people, and most of us are full of shit. Get over it.
simpleton's Avatar
The World if not fair....Who knew.
Let my white ass roll incertain parts of the country (east LA) and see how it goes over. Originally Posted by WTF

I think you meant west hollywood
Mr Clever's Avatar
Sorry, but I laughed my ass off when I read this. Someone needs to pick up a dictionary. What you're describing isn't a chair, its a piece of furniture designed for sitting on...

I agree with your overall point, but call it what it is. It's racism. The same way providers who discriminate against younger guys are guilty of agism. Hell, the whole process of "screening" is organized discrimination. She's deciding who to service and who not to service based on preconceived ideas about their behavior. And IMHO, she can screen in any way that lets her sleep at night, be it race, age, type of job held, type of car driven, whatever... There's no governing body telling her she can't, and if the market had no room for racists, you wouldn't see as many NBA providers out there. So clearly, the market can sustain a few idiots/pimped girls.

Those of you waiting for fairness to pop up in our society all-of-a-sudden are going to have a long wait. I'm sure these "principled" stands against providers who have the policies they have for whatever reason make you feel better, and if they make your lil' pecker hard, go ahead and keep on making them. But I don't think its going to change anything. People are people, and most of us are full of shit. Get over it. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Two things......First, this topic isn't gonna get resolved. Kinda like prolife vs. prochoice. And, opinions are like, well you know. So, here's my asshole.

Every girl has different screening policies for different reasons. And, they change them when they want or as needed. Like the British girl who was robbed by a black dude and had to jump out of her bathroom window naked a few years back. He beat her, robbed her after he had his way with her. Quess what? She quit seeing black dudes. I can't remember if anyone sat her down and talked to her about being racist after that incident. I'll find out and get back with you. At the end of the day it comes down to what the girl is comfortable with. Some may have an open door policy, then it closes becasue something happened. Others, have short lived careers and get swept up and leave indefinietly. While others just deal with it as a harzard of the business. And, some girls just don't wanna see black dudes for whatever reason. Maybe their scared of your big ass dicks. I dunno?

My point is this, don't cry racism. And, please lets not get Sheila Jackson Lee or the Rainbow Coalition involved. This onion has many layers too it. Don't focus on the most outer layer. There is more to this, I promise. There are too many reason why a girl won't see a guy.

Second, who the heck am I to tell this girl who she should or shouldn't see. I'm just a John that's all.
As Michael Jackson said "One Bad Apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl", but in this hobby apparently it's not just one. With most of the girls that have that policy, it's not about color, it's about respect, hygiene, attitude and worry. I would quit seeing any color, creed or hair style if there was some sort of consistent pattern that develops. I have recently seen an ad where the lady said no young AA's. I really don't think it's fair to bring the whole KKK stuff into this. If you got stiffed (no pun intended) by a guy or roughed up or they had a bad attitude or bad hygiene, on a regular basis, you would change your approach too.
Hey, I'm not making any value judgments, despite what my language may indicate. I used some harsh language earlier, like "idiot" and "numbskull" and you're both right, I was hasty in my tone. I'm sure, to some of these providers, they have perfectly rational and justified reasons for prejudging all black men. And they're entitled to do that if they want. But let's not kid ourselves here. It is what it is, regardless of whether she's got a great reason or a shitty one. When you treat a person differently from others without prior knowledge of them and for no reason other than color of their skin... you just did something racist. Its not right or wrong, it just is what it is.

The people judging these women who have NBA policies are just as guilty of being prejudiced. Like Mr. Clever and Squirt pointed out, she may have an excellent reason based on extensive experience for screening her clients the way she does. Who are we to judge, unless we've spent time in her clear heels?
notanewbie's Avatar
I would have to think most of the time this is what they are trying to avoid.....

True dat, but you guys still don't get it.
80-90% of BP etc girls have pimps- the challenge is finding the anomaly-those that don't, 50+% of so-called Indys do too.

The pimps set the NBA rules- for their reasons, not the KKK. It is not what it seems!

Respectfully, The Squirtest, LD (with your piss poor taste in women lol), WTF (& all your experience lol), I do not believe.
I have met women who you would never have thought pimp controlled, some HDH- BUT they are! This is a facade world-never forget or be naive suckas!

There maybe 5% of true Indys with a freely acquired, possibly justified NBA Policy, but it is negligible & suspect. So rest easy Rambro et al, we are almost a post-racial here
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-02-2010, 12:40 PM
Pimp as MoFo don't want no brother stealing off his women! Little does he
smokey's Avatar
sano911 NAILED IT! Things are not like they seem.
When I see an NBA policy, it's a SURE sign (confirmed by many investigatory interviews lol)they have an AA pimp, who doesn't want to share with his bros, but loves to bbfs & cim just before his girl sees whitie! Such is the Hobby whirled.
Sorry Rambro, lol Welcome to post-racist Amerika!
Take your energy & whine to other more serious & real discriminatory issues.
Ole WTF & LD with their rights of "free" choice don't get it either. Originally Posted by Buscadero
True dat, but you guys still don't get it.
80-90% of BP etc girls have pimps- the challenge is finding the anomaly-those that don't, 50+% of so-called Indys do too.

The pimps set the NBA rules- for their reasons, not the KKK. It is not what it seems!

Respectfully, The Squirtest, LD (with your piss poor taste in women lol), WTF (& all your experience lol), I do not believe.
I have met women who you would never have thought pimp controlled, some HDH- BUT they are! This is a facade world-never forget or be naive suckas!

There maybe 5% of true Indys with a freely acquired, possibly justified NBA Policy, but it is negligible & suspect. So rest easy Rambro et al, we are almost a post-racial here Originally Posted by Buscadero
That explanation makes a lot of sense ... thank you, Buscadero.

On the other hand, your explanation begs a new question: what has happened to all the white pimps, and why has that group become so underprivileged, underrepresented and repressed in contemporary society?!?!

"The Man" is repressing "The Man," man.
CivilBarrister's Avatar

I agree that there should not be an NBA policy and I think as a group WE should boycott every lady that has one.

In fact, I also adamantly object to ladies who believe they have to right to charge anymore than $100/hr for a session. There are a lot of ladies I want to see and other guys want to see but they have outrageous donations that are plain not fair.

There are also some ladies who won't see us old fat bald ugly guys and that also has to stop NOW.

Finally there are some ladies who actually limit the days and times that we can see them. That is complete and total BULLSHIT. When I want to see a lady, I don't want to hear that she has other plans....that is just unacceptable!

I think the guys here should dictate the policy of every single lady who joins the board and if WE want to see any lady, then WE should dictate the terms of the meeting.

This is a great thread.