Alabama court ruling embryos

DNinja69's Avatar
The law including and in specific the Constitution. The concept of religion is designated as a personal choice and freedom so the attempt to govern by evangelical standards is by definition UnConstitutional.

I do not support abortion as a choice outside of some situations and most definitely not as an 'oops how did this happen' solution but my opinion does not dictate what options are available to a woman in Alabama so this continued effort to criminalize and restrict someone's choices in ways we see in places like Texas, Florida, and Bama are examples of government trying to reach beyond its boundaries and thus in violation of our founding principles.

The role of government is to develop systems that allow for our rights to be upheld while establishing some guidelines and fair practices. The Bible is a great resource but not a book of statutes. Its time to let some of these old ways die and honor the Constitution as its written.
Fucking courts and religion are supposed to separated.

The founding fathers knew that. Religious freedom and persecution by a belief system is simply a throwback to biblical ideology and should be immediately struck down.

Your body and it's byproducts are not to be part of a zeolots theological wet dream.

What's next,
Your blood,
Your organs,
Your skin.

Arrest ppl for implanting embryos or getting a sunburn. Or you got a wicked case of the shits from eating at White Castle...cast stones upon thee!

Republicans/ conservatives/ evangelicals need to stop with all the body controls.

What's next... You can only take a shit every other dayas long as it's sunny, or if it's after 6pm, but never on a Sunday morning cuz you got to be in church?

Fanaticism is killing this country more than immigrants jumping the border.

Alabama ain't the sweet home it used to be. It's become another redneck wasteland where you can fuck a cousin, but don't you dare fuck with that embryo buried in her sacred uterus.

We treat dogs better than humans Originally Posted by eyecu2
Well with the way the world is getting identify as a dog maybe you'll get treated better.
  • Tiny
  • 02-24-2024, 04:10 PM
MAGAs continue to deny Trumps lies.
They can't understand the statute and law did not require a trial by jury.
They haven't read the 92 page summary judgement.
The only question is: why do they support him ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

Here’s the decision, you can read it for yourselves rather than relying on others opinions of what in it. Originally Posted by Esteemed Eccie Board Member 1
Thanks for admitting the crux of the matter: to deem the fine excessive, you have to understand the reasoning behind it. Here you go. Originally Posted by Esteemed Eccie Board Member 2
Dear VitaMan and Other Esteemed Board Members Who Are Choosing to Question the Alabama Supreme Court's Ruling,

You questioned how I could criticize Judge Engoron's ruling, in which he ordered Donald Trump to pay $455 million to the State of New York, without reading the judge's decision. So I read the 92 page decision.

If you believe in fair play, then you MUST read the opinions of the Alabama Supreme Court Justices, in which they defend the Sanctity of Unborn Life. Yes, embryos are people too! Here it is.


I shall make further comments on Judge Engoron's decision in Jackie's thread. And I'll check back here to make sure that you too have taken the time to study ALL OF the link above. Please pay particular attention to the thoughts of Chief Justice Tom Parker. He's right on!

In the mean time, I'll leave you with a parting thought. Say you're in a room that's about to burn to the ground. Your best friend is in one corner of the room, unconscious. He'll die unless you remove him from the room.

In the other corner is a cannister containing 100 human embryos. All 100 unborn humans are going to die if you don't remove the cannister.

You only have time to save your best friend or the cannister. Which do you choose?

The right answer of course is the cannister. You're saving 100 lives instead of one. If your friend is a brave man, that's what he'd want you to do. If you choose right, he'll probably have a special place in the hereafter, like suicide bombers in the Middle East who gave their lives in the service of the Almighty.

Remember, the embryos can stay frozen in that cannister for thousands of years, while your best friend may die tomorrow from a heart attack. Think of it not only in terms of the number of human lives you'll save, but "man years" saved too.
Precious_b's Avatar
Laws of probability says you won't save 100% of those 100 pre-developed humans. Not all embryos will go to term with time, effort, money. And not all of those will have surrogates. And those with surrogates, genetic problems will raise issues along with complications.

Still will be greater than one that will go full term.

But it is a matter of legal symantecs. In Israel, jewish elders have a different definition from what is considered conception of life if *I* am not mistaken.

Just legal jargon.
eyecu2's Avatar
Pretty sure you couldn’t legally kill them. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It's describes a situation akin to when does the rights of a self sustainable human become subservient to another who is not self sustainable.

The same could be thought of a woman who does not take good enough care of herself and becomes pregnant and loses a pregnancy for ANY reason, would that be considered murder?

In evangelical land, it might be!

Embryos are zygotes btw..

A woman has a million eggs...99.9% will not mature to a full term baby,

And MANY women naturally have zygotes within them, but either don't remain implanted in the uterus for many reasons. The vast majority happen naturally .

Will that also be subject to calling a zygote loss as a murder?? It's same damn thing.

Embryos are zygotes and not a baby. It's a potential baby. Plain and simple.

Did conservatives miss out on Biology class as well as Civics class where the taught the reason for the separation of church and state??

I'm not against a woman having babies, but it is their body and I think nobody but they are the sole party to choose. Imagine a jail set up for women who elected to terminate a pregnancy..

Talk about sexism at its finest, of course never a man to be seen since they cannot, or would not ever be subject to such a limited class of laws - it's just pure insanity from evangelicals - GOP morons
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not only did Haley walk back her comments about this outrageous ruling, but so did Twitler, who is now trying to win back the women whose life he ruined with his SCOTUS remake.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Amazing how quiet it is from the right to (tell women what to do) bunch.

When that ruling came out, the GOP went running for cover.

How can you support Trump when he supports artificial birth using frozen foods?
txdot-guy's Avatar
A good if hyperbolic read in The Guardian. Another step down the slippery slope.

“Alabama is using the notion that embryos are people to surveil and harass women“
Precious_b's Avatar
If there ever was a thread that I wish the Providers would join in....