For those who believe in true equality of the sexes

Total agreement....i believe in hitting on either side or angainst anyone is wrong and should be avoided...the mature one should walk away
My spin on this is simple, she takes a swing at me, deflect and disarm. neutralize the attack to till they see that continuing it useless Originally Posted by Spirit13
tramp76137's Avatar
NO....hitting a woman should never be tolerated
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'm a little concerned this question was even's a gimme....No. Women should not hit men and if so, most men can restrain most women without it escalating any further. And yes, of course, charges should be filed for assault on either offending gender. Can we say Anger Management?

I channel my passions in a much more constructive manner, as I would hope most here do.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well said Max!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Well said Max! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Well, thanks! :-) I have enough posts to qualify as a member of the PWA?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Um, we are all humans, we make mistakes but we should all accept the consequences of our actions. Originally Posted by anita
Well, thanks! :-) I have enough posts to qualify as a member of the PWA? Originally Posted by M A X
LOL Yes you do!!

You qualify when you hit 1000 posts. ha!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Naomi4u's Avatar
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Now we just need a sexy banner!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Now we just need a sexy banner! Originally Posted by M A X
OMG I'm loving the siggy!!! Yes we need a banner! lol.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Nobody's above getting an asswhooping...especially if it's deserved.

Hitting a woman is completely wrong, but SOME know this and push their boundaries.

Not all hitters are created equally. Some have much shorter fuses than others.

I think mine is fairly long when it comes to a woman...but could burn quickly, so be careful.

For the record, I've never hit a woman.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Nobody's above getting an asswhooping...especially if it's deserved.
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Sorry RC, but you'll have to speak for yourself on that statement. I'm above it as I do not participate in violent behavior, therefore I feel I do not warrant ever having anyone hit me, male or female. It solves nothing, and it only shows that there are those who are incapable of maintaining control. I sure don't ever want to experience that again.

Good to know you don't hit women. :-)
Randall Creed's Avatar
Right. No one should ever just walk up and jump someone (though I've seen it live, and it usually stemmed from a previous encounter between the two). I'm just saying. I'm pretty sure you've seen or heard a woman 'show off' in public, usually with a boyfriend (who's typically on the soft side), who didn't pick her up on time, who didn't get her order right, who didn't buy her baby shoes the right color, etc. Every time they're out in public, she has to make a scene. The 'baby mama drama' type. That kind.

I'm not saying you should put your hands on her. But in the back of the mind we've all probably thought, "Somebody need to slap the shit out of her!" Again, not saying to hit her, but the thought to do so is there.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Can't say I haven't been irritated and wanted to throw something or hit something and I suppose most folks actually do have that thought occur to them under certain circumstances. But, you're seriously talking to the girl who kept her eyes covered during almost the whole movie "Rocky". I have a true aversion to violence, however, I know that if threatened with it, I can and will defend myself or those I care about. We all have certain triggers I guess, and other than protection, I want no part of hitting or violence. I'm such a girl! LOL
Randall Creed's Avatar
I love girly girls.