Why hasn't the IRS or someone in the IRS leaked Trump's taxes?

  • oeb11
  • 02-20-2019, 06:14 PM
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themystic's Avatar
I've a close friend who's spouse is a high level admin within the organization in question (they whose initials shall not be spoken....nor written, in this case).

Word has it, those who have clearance and access to said annual tax returns safeguard everyone's records / files with a keen sense of moral and legal obligation. While accounts / files can be hacked, compromising the sworn duty to protect them is evidently not in their dna.

That said, she said there is nothing there (to see) per a certain person's past tax records. While there are those who do not care for this person's history of questionable business practices, this person's tax attorneys evidently take only what the tax codes allow....and nothing more.

No smoke...no fire...no droids.....

Oh, another thing. Isn't odd how libs (in this forum and within congress, the lyin' media, etc) call Trump the stupidest man alive....and yet he's referred to as a "mastermind" in this thread. Which is it, you fuckin' bozos...? Surely no one be both at the same time.....no one as stupid as you claim he is can, on the flip side, be a criminal colluding savant.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Then he should show them. Is your friend the female version of Jussie
pfunkdenver's Avatar
You nailed it oeb, no person or President is required to release their tax forms to anyone, they are not required to be made public to anyone Originally Posted by 00 gauge
You are correct. However, this is what Donald himself said:

"I’m under a routine audit and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released."

I guess he lied again...sad...
themystic's Avatar
You are correct. However, this is what Donald himself said:

"I’m under a routine audit and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released."

I guess he lied again...sad... Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
You have to remember that the Trump supporters don't care about lying. All they care about is the economy. The great economy that Obama created, yet Trump wants to take the credit for. Trump supporters lie to their Pastors, Wives, Husbands, Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Friends and Grandkids. Hey as long as everyone has a job, ( which most if not all,already had), everything is fine. They even look into the eyes of their Children and Lie. It is Sad. If Satan was the Father of Lies, Trump and his supporters are the offspring
Then he should show them. Is your friend the female version of Jussie Originally Posted by themystic
I say "she" so it'll keep morons guessing as to whether she is really a she (or perhaps really a he)….or not..…..case closed.
No President is required to release their tax returns. That being said President Trump did release one years return. It was not in the format the countries' enemies wanted however.

I'd like to see Barry Soreto's college transcripts and admission applications in detail while we are at it.
themystic's Avatar
I say "she" so it'll keep morons guessing as to whether she is really a she (or perhaps really a he)….or not..…..case closed. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Come On CB. Your story has less credibility than Dr Ford at the Rapist Judge Kavanaugh hearing. Don't know if its a he or a she, where she is, what she saw, etc. I believe Dr Fords story about Rapist Kavanaugh. I believe your tax friend to but "it" has to testify. Isnt that fair?
Come On CB. Your story has less credibility than Dr Ford at the Rapist Judge Kavanaugh hearing. Don't know if its a he or a she, where she is, what she saw, etc. I believe Dr Fords story about Rapist Kavanaugh. I believe your tax friend to but "it" has to testify. Isnt that fair? Originally Posted by themystic

Fair nuff.

I doubt she / he would come forward and give sworn testimony one way or the other per DJT's tax returns …..any more than she / he would reveal anything about yours or mine. It was nothing more than brief chit chat during that unbelievable snoozefest of a Super Bowl a few weeks ago.

Just sharing a glimmer of what was discussed, that's all....difference is Dr Ford's testimony was on live tv for all to see & hear and the convo we shared was in my kitchen as we freshened our drinks....
rexdutchman's Avatar
Dear lord this still going
Again nothing there !! ,,, good try
Yeah and the libturds are still clinging to Trump being in collusion with the Russians ..... nothing there either! .....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
His tax returns and his birth certificate aren't enough?
I'd settle to see trump's documents he promised to show.
You're right, there is no law that says he has to show his returns.
We weren't counting on the law, we were counting on his honor.

And y'all aren't curious what is in them to make him break his word or pissed that he looked you in the eye and knowingly lied to you.

Maybe, if Russia is listening, they can get them for us.

I mean if they are so afraid of him, why don't they take him down a notch or two?

We'll just have to see what we see.

No President is required to release their tax returns. That being said President Trump did release one years return. It was not in the format the countries' enemies wanted however.

I'd like to see Barry Soreto's college transcripts and admission applications in detail while we are at it. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Little Monster's Avatar
Yeah and the libturds are still clinging to Trump being in collusion with the Russians ..... nothing there either! ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Nah, only 20+ indictments, but there's nothing there.
Little Monster's Avatar
His tax returns are no ones business Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
When a person runs for a position with that kind of power yes sir they are. That is exactly why every candidate except him has had no issue releasing them. You are defend something that cannot be defended.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We all know the country is deeply divided over the patriotism and integrity of our president. Look at the posts on this board. An early feature of that division was whether or not candidate Trump would present the voters with his taxes. He explained that he could not. That was over two years ago. But through all of this his tax records have remained confidentially kept at the IRS. We know that within that government agency there exist people who dislike Trump, just like on the outside of the agency. There must be at least a few who wouldn't mind hurting his reputation. In other words, you would think that someone in the IRS would have leaked his taxes, or least figured out a way to reveal some of the information in his taxes. Yet, in all this time with all the controversy (and all this discussion about the "deep state") almost nothing -save for that weird little squirt of information Rachel Maddow breathlessly reported way back when- has been revealed. Even though I think it would be appropriate for the President to share his taxes, the fact that the federal agency assigned to safeguard those documents has not released them and no one inside the agency has leaked them says a lot about the agency and its employees. That's as much as I can figure. Maybe someone else has a different theory. Originally Posted by agrarian
here's why. you get fired for that. and go to jail.

IRS employee charged in leak of Trump attorney records


Treasury Dept. official leaked financial records of Trump associates to BuzzFeed


IRS Intelligence Analyst John Fry Charged With Leaking Cohen Financial Records to Creepy Porn Lawyer…

so ... people ARE leaking info about taxes .. and they are getting charged with crimes for it.

easy for you to ask someone else to go to jail yeah?
Waco: "easy for you to ask someone else to go to jail yeah?"

I'm not asking or suggesting anyone go to jail. Where you acquired that idea I haven't a clue.
Re-read the post.

I am surprised someone in the IRS with access to records has not risked being punished in order to expose President Trump's taxes. Considering the level of anger circulating throughout our country it is surprising someone inside the IRS has not done this. I find it refreshingly honorable.