Intel Community Admission Of Whistleblower Changes Raises Explosive New Questions

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
how can the IG look at the whistleblower's claim and say his claim is credible without access to some data or transcript to verify his story?
Changing the form doesn't change the law behind it.

"On its face, it makes little sense for an IG to refuse secondhand information at the initial stage because an IG, like a prosecutor or a journalist, is looking for leads, not merely for admissible evidence. Both versions of the form allowed for the submission of secondhand information, as provided in the guiding policy documents......

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You know how I can tell you didn't read my link? Other than your post smells like vodka?

Yeah, lets put together a form giving people the opportunity to send upper managers on wild goose chases. /sarc.

how can the IG look at the whistleblower's claim and say his claim is credible without access to some data or transcript to verify his story? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The IG in this case was part of the conspiracy to overthrow the President. He was part of the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy too. There's an article on it in theconservativetreehouse.
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  • 10-03-2019, 11:40 AM

The IG in this case was part of the conspiracy to overthrow the President. He was part of the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy too. There's an article on it in theconservativetreehouse. Originally Posted by gnadfly
For fucks sake....if everyone is in on a conspiracy, maybe it is not a conspiracy!

You sound like Clinton with their vast right wing conspiracy!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
how can the IG look at the whistleblower's claim and say his claim is credible without access to some data or transcript to verify his story? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

easy. what gnadfly said ... he's in on it. he's the one who changed the rules. the law doesn't specify any rules just that a "credible" complaint should be given protection.

the key is omitting the paragraph that only first hand reports are considered urgent and most important to this charade only urgent reports can be forwarded to Schitthead Schiff and Congress.
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  • 10-03-2019, 12:39 PM
easy. what gnadfly said ... he's in on it. . Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Here ya go Wacko, join the lemmings...

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  • 10-03-2019, 12:44 PM
So Snowden is a hero to some and those same some are denigrating this whistleblower?

Me personally, I love all whistleblowers.

Maybe if you're one to pick and choose, you're just a partisan hack and not really informed on real politics. In other words you are the Fake News...

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  • 10-03-2019, 12:47 PM
how can the IG look at the whistleblower's claim and say his claim is credible without access to some data or transcript to verify his story? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You do realize that the story has been verified? Right?

How did you feel about Edward Snowden?

Asking to determine your hypocrisy meter.

rexdutchman's Avatar
The whole thing sounds a lot like "deep throat' vs Nixon uncanny parallels for us that remember ( or history again)
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-03-2019, 12:54 PM
The whole thing sounds a lot like "deep throat' vs Nixon uncanny parallels for us that remember ( or history again) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You do realize that the story has been verified? Right? Originally Posted by WTF

that maybe/maybe not. the story has holes...

besides, i'm talking about the IG, not after the fact.

How did you feel about Edward Snowden?

snowden's case is different.
Bullshit! Fuck your equivocation. The IC IG has already admitted that it changed its rules to facilitate this whistleblower.

Heretofore, the IC had a standing rule that whistleblowers have first hand knowledge of the incidents they are reporting --- regardless of what the law required. Hearsay is inadmissible in a court of law!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's right IB a bonafide "Whistle Blower" must have first hand direct knowledge of a crime or conspiracy to commit a crime for his or her testimony to be admissible in a court of law. These dummies in here don't know the law nor do they care about it as long as something is derogatory against Trump or his supporters they'll go with it regardless how stupid it makes them look.
So Snowden is a hero to some and those same some are denigrating this whistleblower?

Me personally, I love all whistleblowers.

Maybe if you're one to pick and choose, you're just a partisan hack and not really informed on real politics. In other words you are the Fake News...

Originally Posted by WTF
Snowden's identity and exactly what he was whistling about was realized rather quickly, he left the States for his safety and to avoid prosecution. Who is the Ukraine Whistle Blower?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Snowden's identity and exactly what he was whistling about was realized rather quickly, he left the States for his safety and to avoid prosecution. Who is the Ukraine Whistle Blower? Originally Posted by Levianon17

a resentful cia guy who got passed over for a promotion.... whatever it was....

it sure has a the deep throat feel.

saw a headline that theres another whistle blower from the IRS... don't know the details.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
a resentful cia guy who got passed over for a promotion.... whatever it was....

it sure has a the deep throat feel.

saw a headline that theres another whistle blower from the IRS... don't know the details. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

that IRS "whistle blowhard" story hit several days ago then vanished .. which means it has no legs.

some bullshit about "someone" trying to interfere with not only Trump's return/audit but Race Bannon's too (Pence)

now why would anyone want to interfere with Pence's return? he ain't got that much money but the IRS audit's a sitting President and apparently the Vice President too by default.

which is why Biden let his punk bitch widow-sister-in-law fucking dickhead son make all the money and not him. would have been too hard to hide even with a disgraced cunt like Lois Lerner running the IRS. the fact that the cunt got forced to resign for intentionally denying non-profit status to any outfit that farted conservative proves they weren't so good at covering up after all.

a resentful cia guy who got passed over for a promotion.... whatever it was....

it sure has a the deep throat feel.

saw a headline that theres another whistle blower from the IRS... don't know the details. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Key word "Resentful", which equates to fabrication. Presidential phone conversations with foreign heads of states are classified. Trump's phone call with the newly elected Ukrainian president is no different. Someone with a high clearance leaked it that's a crime in itself, especially when there is nothing criminal or unconstitutional about what was discussed between them. What Democrats are worried about is this new Ukrainian President might uncover unsavory information in relation to the Steel Dossier and the Russian Collusion Story so they use this Phone Call to put Trump back on the chopping block since the Russian Collusion hoax didn't fly. This is nothing more than Russian Collusion 2.0. It's nothing but bullshit it won't grow any legs, it will end up playing a harp just like the Russian Collusion fairy tale did.