They're Dropping Like (their) Flies

I would be interested in hearing the basis for this statement. Originally Posted by Gulf2
Shall we start with the Dow Jones?

At the beginning of George W. Bush's 1st term (actually May 21, 2001) the Dow was at 11,372.92. At the end of GW's 2nd term, the Dow was at 8279.63 (January 20, 2009). As of today the Dow is at 12,512.04.

How about America's foreign policy initiatives? In 2007 and 2008 there were 1490 Americans killed in action in foreign conflicts. In 2009 and 2010 there were 1025 Americans killed in action. The best American foreign policy news of the past 10 years is that OBL was killed by American Navy Seals 27 months into Obama's Presidency. OBL continued to plot against the US during the final 91 months of GW's Presidency.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Anybody detect a pattern here?

I took a few economics courses in colleges (Nixon was president), but don't remember anything that remotely resembled: "In order to increase revenues and decrease unemployment you have to stop having a parasite mentality."

Damn Hippie generation is gonna fuck us all!

Trickle down economics, which I think you're describing, trickled down Reagan's leg and onto Daddy Bush's shoe. Because of that gem, America wound up in a recession ... and Daddy Bush wound up out of a job.

It is called common since...... Bush Sr. nor W followed Reagan's views on economics...

"Parasite mentality?" Sounds like a Humpty Dump! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I tried to make it simple for ya by using an analogy so you could at least somewhat understand it.
greymouse's Avatar

Who's left? Mitt Romney? (Right, the Republicans are going to nominate a Mormon) . Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why not a Mormon for the Rs? The former Party of Lincoln is now the party of Angry White Males in Former Confederate States, Mormons out West and the Left Behind People in the empty upper West. It all looks impressive on a Red vs. Blue map of the country until you look at where the people are, as opposed to the acres.

When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights of Act of 1964 he remarked to a witness that "We have just handed the South to the Republicans for the next 30 years." He was off a little. It has been 37 years so far and no sign of the any wavering among the Angry White Males (seen any of those around here lately) Mormons are, of course, the Ultimate White Males, and not afraid to to say so. The wonderful thing about Mormon beliefs is that they are so embarrassing to enumerate that most people prefer to just not talk about them at all.

After all, who, looking at the the roll of Texas Governors beginning with Sam Houston would have projected that the longest serving Texas governor would be a former cheer leader whose best feature is his hair?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let's not forget job growth, in both public and private sectors. GM has paid back the portion of the bailout money that was loaned them ... though that was a pretty silly deal ... it's no longer a debt and GM is productive again.

American doctors are switching to electronic health records in huge numbers, which over the long haul will make it possible for fewer primary care doctors to treat more patients at a lower cost. That's basically because of the EHR initiatives offered under ARRA. (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.)

And Obamacare or no Obamacare, more doctors are being incentivized to move to rural and underserved communities because of economic programs provided by ARRA. Meanwhile, the State of Texas is in the process of cutting its incentives and closing down Texas-based residency programs.

Thanks to the Feds, we won't be running doctors out of the state because they can't afford to practice here. Maybe if Texas had accepted some of the Federal money we taxpayers paid into the funds, we wouldn't be in such terrible shape. Probably still wouldn't be rolling in dough, but it would suck as bad as it does.

Turning down that money (which was ours to begin with) was Perry's posturing and pandering plain and simple.

That said -- I have no problem with nominating a Mormon, a Muslim or even a Jew! But I'm not typical of the GOP rank and file. I DO hope the GOP nominates Perry. WHOOP!
WyldemanATX's Avatar

When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights of Act of 1964 he remarked to a witness that "We have just handed the South to the Republicans for the next 30 years." He was off a little. It has been 37 years so far and no sign of the any wavering among the Angry White Males (seen any of those around here lately) Mormons are, of course, the Ultimate White Males, and not afraid to to say so. The wonderful thing about Mormon beliefs is that they are so embarrassing to enumerate that most people prefer to just not talk about them at all.


LBJ was a huge racist you should read the book his limo driver wrote about him...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LBJ a racist? Who'd a thunk it!! He may have been a lot of things but...Yow!

I know its kinda off subject but if you want some insight into some of the radical movements - left and right - from the "racist" LBJ Civil Rights era, go check out the exhibit at the LBJ Museum. Excellent and may even help you understand some of the building blocks upon which today's civil disobedience is built. Got everything from the Free Speech Movement to the Religious Right -- and all points in between. Make sure you give yourself about four hours, though, it's a LOT of mini-documentaries and they're EXCELLENT. I had to do it in two trips.

And while you're there you can check out some of the history of the Civil Rights movement in America. Its an outstanding presidential library and focuses on one of the post pivotal eras in American history.

Anybody been to Daddy Bush's library in Comfort Station?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yow! I know its kinda off subject but if you want some insight into some of the radical movements - left and right -,from the "racist" LBJ era, go check out the exhibit at the LBJ Museum. Excellent and may even help you understand some of the building blocks upon which today's civil disobedience is built.

And while you're there you can check out some of the history of the Civil Rights movement in America. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LBJ fought against civil rights for years it was not until he saw the minority vote as the democrats savior that he changed what he fought for. His Limo driver Robert Parker has said that LBJ blasted him daily with bigoted slurs...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ok Yow!
  • Booth
  • 05-21-2011, 10:05 PM
It is called common since...... Bush Sr. nor W followed Reagan's views on economics... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Huh? Common since when? Since Bush Sr. nor W followed Reagan's views? I'm confused!

And if one out of every one hundred books about LBJ describes him as a racist, that hardly makes it fact.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK then. Maybe W meant common "sense." That would make more sense, wouldn't it?
  • Booth
  • 05-21-2011, 10:33 PM
You must have some kind of sixth sense since you were able to figure that one out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Buck Futter's Avatar
I think someone in another thread said if the GOP gets a Latino candidate, thats the only way they can win in 2012. All the latinos will vote for another latino candidate no matter what so California, New Mexico, Florida and Arizona will be red states for sure.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That was probably you, Mel!
Buck Futter's Avatar
yssup Rider, check this dude out! He already sounds better than Obama, though thats not saying much.