Howdy strangers. Here's the update you've been crawling up my ass for. Better late than never.

jimmylbob's Avatar
Oh my! I have thought about you frequently, knowing you had taken time to support your father. You have been through some real trials, but I know you are strong... I hope the best for you as you work through all of this!

Do take care!
This is terrible update. Sound like you're holding everything together.
If i see you in person, i will give you a big bear hug
Thank you for the update. Take care of yourself. Willpower is a finite resource and your reserves need to be recharged by doing something good for yourself from time to time. A massage or spa day, whatever you enjoy. And don't feel guilty about it just because there was something you put off for a bit or could have done for someone else during that time instead. Ultimately you'll need to be a whole and balanced person to be able to support and help your loved ones through this time that is difficult for you all.
You know I care....I am so sorry for your so much tragedy ... diddleman aka suspenders.
I'd like to add my name to the list of well wishers - it takes a lot out of a person to care for the elderly and then the grief of the passing. It definitely changes a person and I hope you find the positives in what can often seem like a shit storm of negatives.

PS. And if I've earned any good will with this post, could you please add me to your long list of people to contact if you do come back to the hobby? A man should only have to kick himself for so long for browsing but not buying.
I am sorry to hear about all that you have had to endure. It has been a long time since we saw each other and I genuinely enjoyed meeting you. I wish you the very best. I remember the lady booking you had physical problems. Hope she is doing OK. Hope you both are doing the best you can. Will
Dear sweet lady, I am so sorry for all that you re going through. Please feel free to call if you need to talk.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles, but glad as hell that YOU are well and safe.

So sorry for your losses. My prayers are with and for you. God Bless

I am so sorry for all of your losses. It is a lot to deal with in such a short period of time, so my prayers go out to you, and your family. I hope and pray that time will make things better for you.

God bless!!
Melissa Madyson
Kayla, thanks for the update. You know I miss you. You are an incredible person and my prayers are with you and your family.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Sorry for your losses. It is good to see you are doing well emotionally. I wish you the best going forward. You are a wonderful person.
Bedroombully's Avatar
My condolences on the loss of loved ones.
Stay strong, sweetheart. Your friends here are very sorry for what you have been through this Summer. You are a great lady and made so many of us fortunate to have crossed paths with you. We hope to embrace you again one day