Poll: How Many NYC Buildings Collapsed On 9-11-2001 ? Many Don't Know The Correct Answer.

... Hang on... I surely agree with Lucas here.

But let's just say that it WAS a missile of some-sort.

Please explain WHY the government would COVER THAT UP.
WHY would they tell the world that it WAS a plane??

Are YOU claiming that Bush or someone else in the
American government shot the missile at "its-own" building??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Hold up a minute before you get into a cover up or Government involvement. Examine the physical reality of this claim that a 747 Jet liner hitting a 77 foot tall building like the Pentagon. Do you really think that hijacker took the controls of that jet thousands of feet in the air going 500 mph and made a rapid descend precisely navigating at ground level hitting the Pentagon all the while maintaining it's high altitude cruising speed? Also there was no debris field indicating an Air Craft of that magnitude hit the Pentagon the reporter on the scene in the video I posted confirms that. If you're still stuck on the Official Narrative then you'll never be open to anything else associated with 911. All Governments are corrupt understand that before you regard everything else a Conspiracy.
Way too many dah
eyecu2's Avatar
If you compare videos from the planes hitting into the trade towers, and the video of the explosion at the Pentagon there is one tell-tale sign. It is the immense fireball that is expelled upward, versus an explosion expelling outward in all directions. If it would have been a missile you would see large volumes of material and almost no flames, as is the nature of very high explosive materials, the same stuff they use and demolition of buildings. However jet fuel, which is like diesel fuel ignites and creates those huge fire plumes, and since there's such a volume of fuel it creates that billowing smoke that is seen immediately after the entry of the foreign body into the building. Essentially vaporizing the fuel, and all you need is a spark to create that billowing effect. High performance explosives working a much more different way. Hell even the bombing in front of Oklahoma City, shows you how adding things like a high efficiency oxidizer such as fertilizer, increases both the explosive power but reduces the amount of billowing flames.

Your science lesson for the day
If you compare videos from the planes hitting into the trade towers, and the video of the explosion at the Pentagon there is one tell-tale sign. It is the immense fireball that is expelled upward, versus an explosion expelling outward in all directions. If it would have been a missile you would see large volumes of material and almost no flames, as is the nature of very high explosive materials, the same stuff they use and demolition of buildings. However jet fuel, which is like diesel fuel ignites and creates those huge fire plumes, and since there's such a volume of fuel it creates that billowing smoke that is seen immediately after the entry of the foreign body into the building. Essentially vaporizing the fuel, and all you need is a spark to create that billowing effect. High performance explosives working a much more different way. Hell even the bombing in front of Oklahoma City, shows you how adding things like a high efficiency oxidizer such as fertilizer, increases both the explosive power but reduces the amount of billowing flames.

Your science lesson for the day Originally Posted by eyecu2
If it was a Plane there would have been an obvious debris field. Your common sense lesson for the day.
Wow!!! I must of missed something by not reading all the post (never do never will. I only address the topicof the thread .

Fake media planes I guess lol. Now that's a really far out reach. That's just the way it is
Wow!!! I must of missed something by not reading all the post (never do never will. I only address the topicof the thread .

Fake media planes I guess lol. Now that's a really far out reach. That's just the way it is Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Fake News, Fake Planes it all ties in. Something for the Fluoridated masses to believe in.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hold up a minute before you get into a cover up or Government involvement. Examine the physical reality of this claim that a 747 Jet liner hitting a 77 foot tall building like the Pentagon. Do you really think that hijacker took the controls of that jet thousands of feet in the air going 500 mph and made a rapid descend precisely navigating at ground level hitting the Pentagon all the while maintaining it's high altitude cruising speed? Also there was no debris field indicating an Air Craft of that magnitude hit the Pentagon the reporter on the scene in the video I posted confirms that. If you're still stuck on the Official Narrative then you'll never be open to anything else associated with 911. All Governments are corrupt understand that before you regard everything else a Conspiracy. Originally Posted by Levianon17

yes because several of the terrorists trained to fly in the US and raised suspicion of at least one flight school that these assholes showed no real interest in piloting a plane in terms of landing and takeoffs? all they cared about was enough skill to pilot these planes into their targets.

this was reported to the FBI yet field reports from agents to FBI headquarters went unheeded. i don't consider that a conspiracy just incompetence.
DNinja69's Avatar
... Hang on... I surely agree with Lucas here.

But let's just say that it WAS a missile of some-sort.

Please explain WHY the government would COVER THAT UP.
WHY would they tell the world that it WAS a plane??

Are YOU claiming that Bush or someone else in the
American government shot the missile at "its-own" building??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Exactly. For most conspiracy rabbit holes I find a pretty simple test often leads me to some truth. You asked the right question. Why? Who either benefits from it or loses something if we hear missile instead of plane? Where did the plane go that we were told caused the impact?

Just because it makes for an intriguing story doesn't mean we should believe it. Did we fake the moon landing? Maybe. I don't think so but I do believe people made plans maybe even shot some footage just in case. There was plenty motivation for it.

With 9-11 the reality is so fucked up we really don't want any of it to be true and there were plenty of people trying to get famous making up glorious tales trying to connect any dot they could. More motivation on the propaganda side than the truth side in my eyes
yes because several of the terrorists trained to fly in the US and raised suspicion of at least one flight school that these assholes showed no real interest in piloting a plane in terms of landing and takeoffs? all they cared about was enough skill to pilot these planes into their targets.

this was reported to the FBI yet field reports from agents to FBI headquarters went unheeded. i don't consider that a conspiracy just incompetence. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don't believe that story you either learn to fly with all necessary skills or you don't. No certified Flight Instructor is going to play that dumb ass game. Besides a Boeing 757 is a bit different than a Cessna.
I don't believe that story you either learn to fly with all necessary skills or you don't. No certified Flight Instructor is going to play that dumb ass game. Besides a Boeing 757 is a bit different than a Cessna. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... Ok...

But the point that DNinj and me-self are making
is that Why -- --- WHY - would the government
lie about it?? ... And in such case - a missile OR
a plane - the result and the questions are the same.

... WHO did it? The same .. uh.. 9-11 culprits
who did the planes into the towers??

And, again - WHAT is the motivation for the
American government to LIE? ... Reckon I'm not seeing it.

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't believe that story you either learn to fly with all necessary skills or you don't. No certified Flight Instructor is going to play that dumb ass game. Besides a Boeing 757 is a bit different than a Cessna. Originally Posted by Levianon17

FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Flight Schools


believe it now?

Exactly. For most conspiracy rabbit holes I find a pretty simple test often leads me to some truth. You asked the right question. Why? Who either benefits from it or loses something if we hear missile instead of plane? Where did the plane go that we were told caused the impact?

Just because it makes for an intriguing story doesn't mean we should believe it. Did we fake the moon landing? Maybe. I don't think so but I do believe people made plans maybe even shot some footage just in case. There was plenty motivation for it.

With 9-11 the reality is so fucked up we really don't want any of it to be true and there were plenty of people trying to get famous making up glorious tales trying to connect any dot they could. More motivation on the propaganda side than the truth side in my eyes Originally Posted by DNinja69

exactly. let's apply occam's razor shall we?

what's more likely? that the US government orchestrated a vast plot to bring down the twin towers and other targets like the pentagon using Saudi "agents" secretly working for the CIA or a bunch of radical Saudi assholes funded by the millions of Osama Bin Laden who despised the US for leaving air force bases in Saudi Arabia after the first Gulf War?

i'll go with the latter.
FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Flight Schools


believe it now?

exactly. let's apply occam's razor shall we?

what's more likely? that the US government orchestrated a vast plot to bring down the twin towers and other targets like the pentagon using Saudi "agents" secretly working for the CIA or a bunch of radical Saudi assholes funded by the millions of Osama Bin Laden who despised the US for leaving air force bases in Saudi Arabia after the first Gulf War?

i'll go with the latter. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What I believe is our Government had knowledge of the attacks and allowed it to happen. If the FBI had knowledge of known Terrorist attending Flight Training they could have intervened. The 911 attacks were a surprise to the American People not our Government.
Fake News, Fake Planes it all ties in. Something for the Fluoridated masses to believe in. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It’s difficult, well for me impossible, to take a conspiracy nut seriously, you don’t believe 9/11 was planes flying into the Pentagon, you don’t believe the holocaust, Covid wasn’t real, alien abductions happen; dude, the stuff that’s in that head of yours is pretty sad. Get out more. Visit a museum. Stay off nutty websites that reinforce wacky thinking. Make these latter years worthwhile.
It’s difficult, well for me impossible, to take a conspiracy nut seriously, you don’t believe 9/11 was planes flying into the Pentagon, you don’t believe the holocaust, Covid wasn’t real, alien abductions happen; dude, the stuff that’s in that head of yours is pretty sad. Get out more. Visit a museum. Stay off nutty websites that reinforce wacky thinking. Make these latter years worthwhile. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The sad thing is you have no definitive proof of any of it. I suppose you believe in the Alien Corpse that is being displayed in Mexico. If you do then you believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, lol.
HoHound's Avatar
Why would the government attack itself and blame another country for the attack it committed or allowed on itself? To go to war, of course, which is what happened. The nation must always be at war, feeding the military industrial complex. Defense contractors donate tons of money to politicians. War is good for the economy, the stock market, the defense contractors, the military industrial complex, and the deep state. Consider all the useless wars we've been in: Korean War, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine. Remember the "weapons of mass destruction" lie regarding Iraq? Even Pearl Harbor was allowed to take place. They saw radar of the Japanese planes coming and did nothing. The navy also moved all the functional military vessels the day before the attack. The Japanese bombed a bunch of broken down, obsolete duds. If you don't think the deep state and the defense contractors will sacrifice your military age children for corporate profits, you're kidding yourself. Wake up, folks. If you believe the official government media narrative, then YOU are the conspiracy theorist.