The truth (Relax2013)

Shep3.0's Avatar
Kendra....your hubby was gangsta. Sounds like a short asian dude type of shit.

What makes me laugh is what are they a franchise or pay for rights to a territory as an exclusive to run off good people or businesses as suite a .... Karma no excuses for your actions you post like your still boasting about all the stuff you did no remorse and are pathetic I'd advise everyone to stay far away from anyone from relax
You mfers are scum...
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
How do you spell hypocrisy? Destroyin lives, burning competitors, explointing and abusing girls is fine.... Cheating is not. Pot calling the kettle black.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-08-2015, 05:39 AM
Is this your confession, with us all bieng your priest behind the curtains?
thrakattack82's Avatar
Wow.. If this is true, you guys OUTED a lot of people and you're a danger to this community.

I'd think permanent Bans should be in order for you.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
And you would admit this WHY??? Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
She helped destroyed the competitors. Now, this post is about destroying her ex husband.
Welcome Kendra a menu and more pics would be helpful. ...
plove35's Avatar
Damn...I am thinking I will retire now....this shit is crazy. Seriously how many of us got caught on tape.....
Some of us fight on the board but at the end of the day most aren't here to hurt each other or destroy people's lives.

What you did is total slime ball. I know this is an underworld but still, you participated in classless acts.

You shouldn't feel better just cause you confessed your sins.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!
I hope you both go to jail for a very long time.
Sounds like Kendra is an evil person and is reaping the effects from all the vindictive manipulative actions she took part and seeing the effect in her personal life. Hopefully learn and don't repeat but I wouldn't bet on it. Lol Originally Posted by italian8527
bingo. if anything she comes across as even worse than the pimp hubby.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I was just talking with a client about this shit a few weeks ago. These spa wars are nothing new and relax has always been dangerous.

I wonder where David is wasn't he one of their biggest supporters?