Foreign tourists detained by armed park rangers

LexusLover's Avatar
No Yellowstone...............

You love posting definitions so, here:

Sounds exactly like those tourists who were confined by the Obama gestapo. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Have you ever been in Yellowstone?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2013, 08:49 AM
No Yellowstone...............

You love posting definitions so, here:

Detainee; a person held in custody or confinement.

Sounds exactly like those tourists who were confined by the Obama gestapo. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
whirly we are all confined by certain restrictions. These folks just got caught up in a tea party shutdown. Hissy fits have.....
Many times.

What does the size of Yellowstone have to do w/ using "armed guards to "lock travelers inside a building" ?

Why the thuggish tactics ?

Have you ever been in Yellowstone? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Way too zen for me..............but we NOT all confined by armed belligerent guards and locked in ....that is Team Obama's doing.

whirly we are all confined by certain restrictions. ..... Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 10-09-2013, 09:00 AM
Way too zen for me..............but we NOT all confined by armed belligerent guards and locked in our rooms....that is Team Obama's doing. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I read nothing about the guards doing anything out of line. Nobody was. Beaten or tased.du
That's the problem; you don't think locking people inside a building is wrong....I do.

I wish Team Obama detained and treated illegals this way. But he favors sanctuary cities.......maybe if the tour group looked more Mexican they would have been welcomed with open arms, free to roam.
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  • WTF
  • 10-09-2013, 09:09 AM
That's the problem; you don't think locking people inside a building is wrong....I do.

I wish Team Obama detained and treated illegals this way. But he favors sanctuary cities.......maybe if the tour group looked more Mexican they would have been welcomed with open arms, free to roam. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Maybe if you want to go to a shutdown park, you will just sneak in like a illegal has the balls to do! That is wtf I did last week when the National Park I drove to was shutdown. And I would not have bitched had I gotten in trouble. I was in the wrong but I snuck around the guardhouse.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-09-2013, 10:26 AM
poor whirlie

yearning to breathe free

so get your head out of your ass
LexusLover's Avatar
Many times. I would have bet the farm that was going to be your answer.

What does the size of Yellowstone have to do w/ using "armed guards to "lock travelers inside a building" ? I would have bet the farm that was going to be your question.

Why the thuggish tactics ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
First, and foremost, at least in my mind as a sympathetic observer, I'm sure you have read the book "the boy who cried wolf" ... MANY TIMES ...

Does something "snap" up there between your ears? With the sound of a light going on?

Secondly, I suspect that there are a limited number of Rangers on duty and available to SEARCH THE ENTIRE 3,400 + square miles for some NonEnglish Speaking (Reading?) foreigners they graciously allowed to enter the park and spend a couple of days, because the NONENGLISH SPEAKING and NONENGLISH READING guests were allowed to wander around looking at boiling mud pits, scalding geysers, pissed off brown bears, angry moose, and endless trails up and down steep slippery slopes ... with the fall/winter chill beginning to blanket the area.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Obaminable. I'm no fan of either house of Congress. And if I had my vote (which I don't) I would cut off funding for the lights at the WH and Congress; stop their pay checks and expense checks; impound funds for staff assistance, including maid service and security; halt travel services across the board; and tell them to start paying for all of that shit out of their pockets until you all sit down, act like adults, and follow the ADVICE and CONSENT of the TAXPAYERS and VOTERS who HIRED THEM. and are PAYING THEM. (I would recommend no one bite on that bait.

If anyone thinks that the 10% of the taxpayers who pay 90% of the taxes are Liberal/Democrats, then you might want to revisit some of the social/economic data of the BLS on just where the $$$ are coming to pay for all this shit this idiot wants to lay out as he INCREASES the DEBT CEILING to BORROW more CHINESE $$ ... to make the have-nots feel better and "enhance" his image as the greatest President who ever graced the halls of the WH .... aka his "legacy" .... then those folks have never heard of the "golden rule" ...

He who has the gold rules. The rich giveth; the rich can taketh away.
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  • CJ7
  • 10-09-2013, 12:17 PM
a very close friend of mine just got back from Yellowstone ( he and his wife were there during the Colorado floods) ... the MO is to drive through the park and photograph wildlife from the road ... they were there almost 2 weeks and didn't cover half the park from their Ford 250 ...

the Park Rangers should have given the tourists the option of being bear shit or sitting in a building
None of your long winded rant has anything to do with the fact that the Rangers took it upon themselves to lock down tourists; the park has a tradition of advising tourists to be careful; due to the size and scope of the park help is not readily available. It is part of the Yellowstone experience. There was NO reason to lock down visitors. Other than they felt compelled to hassle the tourist as part of the Shut IT Down mentality - Make It Painful.

But if you can give me a precedent of the NPS detaining/locking down park visitors during prior shutdowns; please post.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-09-2013, 01:07 PM
like I said, you wanted a shutdown, you got it.

now bitch about it, nobody gives a rats ass
Obama wanted the shutdown; he also wants us to default on the debt.....why do you think he voted no to raising the debt limit ?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-09-2013, 01:13 PM
Obama wanted the shutdown; he also wants us to default on the debt.....why do you think he voted no to raising the debt limit ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

so now you're taking sides with Obama?

you honestly don't know straight up from sic em do you?
LexusLover's Avatar
None of your long winded rant has anything to do with the fact that the Rangers took it upon themselves to lock down tourists; .... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Do you have ANY support for your allegation that ...

.... "the Rangers took it upon themselves"?

Out of a humanitarian gesture, may I answer that one for you?

NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE! And don't give me that limp-wristed liberal hogwash..

.. "you prove me wrong"!

#1 .. if "the Rangers took it upon themselves:" then ... ?

#2:.. you get hysterical about every little .. and I mean little .. event .. "the sky is falling" ..etc.

#3... let me explain it to you this way .... the Park was CLOSED!

My home is CLOSED! If I allow you inside you WILL do what I tell you to do .. as in don't pick up shit and play with it ... and you will NOT go where I have not told you to go and given you permission to go .... and ...........

...........if you fail to do that you will be LEAVING. Voluntarily or otherwise.

There are places in those foreigners' countries where people are not allowed to go for whatever reason. Those places are prohibited, sacred, and/or just down right "private." And I'm guessing, if you actually have been in the Park "many times" you didn't go where and when you wanted to go each and every time you were there ... IF you tell the truth (which right now is highly doubtful!).... sometimes there is construction, sometimes there are wildlife dangers, sometimes there are insufficient personnel on duty to accommodate the visits, and sometimes the caretakers are allowing natural forces to heal the environment from human traffic... the list is practically endless. That's just fucking life ... not politics.

If you can't grasp that concept ...

................then you got no business commenting on it.