The worst drivers

offshoredrilling's Avatar
back seat. roscoe ya put em in the front. next to ya as you drive. easier to see them changing. errr or what ever they do to get ready.
Nita likes my U turns....or was that an O turn? Originally Posted by roscoe14850
i was wh"O"en it thats for sure!!
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
1. Any Massachusetts license plate. (They drive on the shoulder, tailgate even when you're going 10 over the limit, and they love those no-look lane changes. They make MA the scariest place in the country to drive, because the place is full of them.)

2. Any Florida license plate. (In New York SLOW TRAFFIC is supposed to KEEP LEFT!)

3. Regardless of state registration, anybody sporting a shithead index greater than 1.5, calculated as follows.

S = c/a: Shithead index (S) equals cost of the car in thousands (c) divided by driver's age (a). If you see a 19-year-old in a new beemer, you can pretty much plan upon him or her trying to ram you with it.

4. Regardless of state registration, cost of car, or driver's age; anybody who, while sitting in the center lane of a four-lane road, and having the right of way over a car turning left, doesn't exercise it. Instead they wave to the left-turner saying "go ahead." HEY BUDDY, I CAN'T SEE AROUND YOUR CAR! SO I DON'T KNOW WHO'S COMING UP BEHIND YOU ON YOUR RIGHT. FORGIVE ME FOR NOT TRUSTING YOU TO CHECK YOUR SIDE-VIEW MIRROR FIRST, BUT THE ONE TIME I DID I ALMOST GOT NAILED. SO QUIT HOLDING UP TRAFFIC AND JUST DRIVE, OK? AND WE'LL ALL GET ON WITH OUR DAY!
pantherpawz1's Avatar
people who own PT Cruisers, and VW bugs have to be the slowest drivers on the planet
ursisle's Avatar
Aggressive drivers... That means you people who make the "Get off the FN road" comments.

If you tailgate or bully other drivers you are an A-hole, and you are the one who needs to be off the FN road.

I am finished tolerating it, and I now choose to retaliate. Those who tailgate get a well deserved 'brake check'. Then try to pass me in the middle of the city on the double line?... I will make sure my vehicle "contacts" yours as you pass.

Wanna call the cops on me for it?... I will LIE to them and say that you hit me.

Since I have a clean license, and you obviously don't because you are an A-hole, they are much more likely to believe me than you.

in the two times that I have done this, the other driver chose to take off both times. Most likely they were driving with a suspended license, or had weed in the car or some other stupid shit.

While we're at it, here's my list of offending cars:

1. Any Cadillac Escalade with aftermarket rims
2. "Riced out" Acura Integra or Honda Civic
3. Any other compact car with 'ricer' options- lowered, oversized spoiler, body kit, etc.
4. Minivan driven by mother of 3 who is under age 30
5. Mitsubishi Eclipse driven by obnoxious 20-something female who is always on phone
6. Mustang GT driven by guy with shaved head and muscle shirt
7. American full-size 4x4 short-box pickup with "brand loyalty" decals (usually Ford or Chevy- Bonus points for NASCAR window decals, arrogant bumper stickers, or plastic scrotum hanging from trailer hitch.)
  • Sam54
  • 06-08-2012, 03:45 PM
Some one needs a chill pill! Lighten up Zeek..this is all in fun!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Aggressive drivers... That means you people who make the "Get off the FN road" comments.

If you tailgate or bully other drivers you are an A-hole, and you are the one who needs to be off the FN road.

I am finished tolerating it, and I now choose to retaliate. Those who tailgate get a well deserved 'brake check'. Then try to pass me in the middle of the city on the double line?... I will make sure my vehicle "contacts" yours as you pass.

Wanna call the cops on me for it?... I will LIE to them and say that you hit me.

Since I have a clean license, and you obviously don't because you are an A-hole, they are much more likely to believe me than you.

in the two times that I have done this, the other driver chose to take off both times. Most likely they were driving with a suspended license, or had weed in the car or some other stupid shit.

While we're at it, here's my list of offending cars:

1. Any Cadillac Escalade with aftermarket rims
2. "Riced out" Acura Integra or Honda Civic
3. Any other compact car with 'ricer' options- lowered, oversized spoiler, body kit, etc.
4. Minivan driven by mother of 3 who is under age 30
5. Mitsubishi Eclipse driven by obnoxious 20-something female who is always on phone
6. Mustang GT driven by guy with shaved head and muscle shirt
7. American full-size 4x4 short-box pickup with "brand loyalty" decals (usually Ford or Chevy- Bonus points for NASCAR window decals, arrogant bumper stickers, or plastic scrotum hanging from trailer hitch.) Originally Posted by ursisle
now that's Aggressive

mmmmmm I need to ask wives to save there broken toys for me

to hang from my hitch's
well, if there werent so many lawyers you could just shove the people you didnt like into a ditch and keep going,,people would tend to become more polite after they clean a few mailboxes off the side of their car
ursisle's Avatar
now that's Aggressive

mmmmmm I need to ask wives to save there broken toys for me

to hang from my hitch's Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Now THAT would be funny. Watching a dangling rocket bob around on the hitch would take the aggression out of anyone!