I finally made it

chicagoboy's Avatar
"Drop-kick me Jesus through the goal post of life" was my theme song as a child................. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Dunt punt!
I heard that when the prophet dines at the y he makes chicks squirm like a dog shitting a peach seed, I'm just saying.
dearhunter's Avatar
I heard that when the prophet dines at the y he makes chicks squirm like a dog shitting a peach seed, I'm just saying. Originally Posted by Big Jake
I don't mean to brag.............but, it's true.
pyramider's Avatar
So, does this mean a session is out of the question?

Pharaoh did tell me to write a review..........I'm just saying. Originally Posted by dearhunter
You are a silver tongued devil. She does not stand a chance of resisting your charms. Keep it up!
boardman's Avatar
It just really amazes me to read some peoples shit.....can't believe how he can be in the hobby but refer to us ladies as whore??? Really couldn't imagine being called that by anyone, especially someone on this end of things.
Yes to know you might be to love you same to be said about anyone and myself to know me is and I quote " To know me is to love me or Hate me you decide" but at least I am not tossing words around towards others or about others unless I KNOW you directly and have something to say directly to you...no script to read to make myself feel all powerful it is what it is and I am what I am either way love it or hate it but I am fair and kind and dont put on a show by tryingto talk or act big

Sweetheart, I tried to warn you.
dearhunter's Avatar
Courtney, I don't fault you for feeling offended by my prose. I offend me sometimes.

Just the other day my eye offended me and I tried to pluck it out......but, alas my glasses got in the way.

Don't be surprised at being sucked in. I have that effect on people. they thinck to themselves (this dearhunter can't be all that bad ass...let me take a stab at him)..........but on the bright side, you are a comely whore and I will look for some of your videos for my library.

Now, before you get all offended again, realise that we would not even be having this conversation except you chose to participate in this "BS".

I would have simply commented in your thread that you are welcome in our fair city.

You are beautiful and I would never experiment with you the way I did with Joanie...................so... ...............how about that session.............I'm just saying.
boardman's Avatar
I thinck Courtney may have left already. Oooops!
Wow,, I get the biblical stuff, but damn Prophet,, I thinck you done overstepped your bounds on this one.. Remember,,,, calling a Provider a Whore is from the days of ole,, you old fart!!! Most do not understand the biblical term of the Harlot/Whore and take that term negatively.. Sooooo,, GET WITH IT!!! or you are going to piss off alot of Providers on this board!!!

From the stand point of the Prophet, when he refers to Whores, he really means no disrespect,, so let me enlighten you all as to who a Whore really is;

Sacred Whores, Temple Priestesses, Temple Prostitutes; these wondrous women have been given many different names in many different lands. For thousands of years, the Temple Harlots have brought out the deep sensual and spiritual connections between men and the universe; between men and their gods. They have communed with men and been physical and spiritual "channels". The Temple Harlots have raised men's spirits, emotions, feelings and innermost yearnings to heightened levels, beyond their wildest expectations. They have been masters of such arts as the Kama Sutra; they have been healers and spiritual cleansers. For quite some time now, these women have been denigrated by society. But, gradually, those times are changing and their specialness is, once again, being appreciated.

The Temple; Harlot, Whore, Prostitute from the biblical times were women, who were highly revered. The Prophet, uses the term Whore in the right senses as in a; Goddess, Temple Priestess, Temple Harlot, Sacred Whore, Sacred Prostitute.. When the Prophet refers to a Provider on the board in a negative term he simply refers to her as a Silly Hooktard…… And so it should be.

dearhunter's Avatar
You had me at "old fart".
Well I gazed through your most recent posts of apologies and prophecies. I was trying to sum it all up, so Courtney would not frown upon how you refer to us Providers as Whores. The fact that Whore/ Harlot/ Prostitute is biblical and the oldest profession and that I do believe what you meant by Whores and Hobbyist was in a positive way and not in a derogatory.

I am just saying,,, I feel you should refer to us Providers as "Providers" or when you use the term Whore,, Whore as in the Temple Whore, or Harlot out of respect,,,,...... There are Temple Whores (positive) and there are Hooktards (negative)..... Got it????

I don't think Courtney understands what you meant when you refer to a Provider as a Whore, speaking as the Prophet. I feel she feels the word “Whore” is demoralizing by how you speak of Providers....... The term Whore should not be demoralizing, but used in the positive sense only.
What I am saying too you is you should speak more respectively to us ladies and not throw the Whore term around in a negative tone. All in all you will get more respect from us ladies.......

DH,, I still love you, even though you bailed me for the coin-op twit...
dearhunter's Avatar
DH,, I still love you, even though you bailed me for the coin-op twit... Originally Posted by AlexisSoftTouch
What can I say.............I had a fucktard moment.

As to the meaning of "whore"............I have always found your definition so much more elequent than anything I can write.

I quit dictating other peoples thoughts a long time ago. If a whore thincks that the word "whore" is a bad word, that is her problem.

I thinck whores are beautiful and give us much of what you describe in your definition.

I would start a thread on the word. But, this board would blow up in the aftermath of an honest commentary.
Sarcastro's Avatar
If a whore thincks that the word "whore" is a bad word, that is her problem. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I appreciate your Humpty Dumpty approach to language, DH. However, the resulting problem is that it reduces a number of guidelines to a nullity. (e.g., "If a [insert racial epithet here] thinks that the word "[insert racial epithet here]" is a bad word, that is his/her problem.") And unfortunately, I suppose, I've been tasked with the job of ensuring that the normal and customary meaning of the words are applied--particulary when they are used in her thread in a manner calculated to provoke, and to which you have already been made aware.
Sisyphus's Avatar
What can I say.............I had a fucktard moment.

As to the meaning of "whore"............I have always found your definition so much more elequent than anything I can write.

I quit dictating other peoples thoughts a long time ago. If a whore thincks that the word "whore" is a bad word, that is her problem.

I thinck whores are beautiful and give us much of what you describe in your definition.

I would start a thread on the word. But, this board would blow up in the aftermath of an honest commentary. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Stand your ground, prophet....for the good book tells us:

2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when [hooktards] will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

2 Timothy 4:2-5 *

So it is written...so let it be done...

* Except for the hooktard part. I mean...come on! What's a Friday without a little editorial license?
dearhunter's Avatar
Sorry sis.....................their board.........their rules.

Besides, this is a thread about the fact that Courtney is in town.........I hope she has a successful stay with us.

Her quick comment should not lead to total chaos.