Secret Service failed to share threat to Pelosi until the Capitol was already under attack

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Actually. ... HE DID!

You'll notice that Nancy Pelosi won't release the correspondence
on this... Republicans in the House of Congress have asked for it.

Why is it that Democrats never seem to want transparency?
They run away from it.

The Mayour there in DC didn't want the Guard either.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Same lie over and over and over again.

Debunked on every level.

Debunked in this thread

You’re embarrassing yourself.
... Really?

... "Debunked" by who? .... YOU? ...

... You'll see investigation on this next year by
the Republican-controlled Congress.

Then we'll see which one of us - me or you - is correct about this.
Please still be a member of the site then.

You're wrong about this - just like you're wrong
concerning the Whitmer thing.

As I mention - it'd surely be really easy for Pelosi to show
the truth - but she and her 6th Jan. Committee won't do it.

... WHY won't they?

#### Salty
Democrats biggest talking point is always "there is no evidence"

Nancy Pelosi has never testified and never will WHY ?

Biden's team of lawyers has fully or partially blocked every election audit The most famous in Arizona the judge denied auditors access to hard drives WHY?

... Mate, - Nancy don't even need to testify.
I'd surely be satisfied with her simply confirming
that President Trump DID ask for the Guard troops
to be there. ... And she and the Mayour thought
that the troops weren't needed.

(you and I "know" why Pelosi didn't want any troops
there - 'cause they would STOP Ray Epps and other
agents from sending people "IN TO THE CAPITOL!")

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Keep repeating the same lies over and over and over.

You know what that makes you, buddy?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Democrats biggest talking point is always "there is no evidence"

Nancy Pelosi has never testified and never will WHY ?

Biden's team of lawyers has fully or partially blocked every election audit The most famous in Arizona the judge denied auditors access to hard drives WHY?

Originally Posted by LayingPipe
Precious_b's Avatar
Got a better source? Definitely don't trust it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
On January 3rd, acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was in the room when Trump broached the subject of moving 10,000 National Guardsmen to DC for the 6th. It was rebuffed by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows repeated that the National Guard would be made available for security purposes. Now the left is arguing that those guards would be for pro-Trump people only which, on its face, is a ridiculous claim. There is no Trump uniform but there is a BLM and Antifa uniform and they both have a long reputation of committing violence including murder.

Chief of Staff for the Defense Department Kash Patel, recounted the meeting when Trump asked for 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the capital. The lower government has to request the Guard but Mayor Bowser would not make an official request.

Retired General Keith Kellog recounted in the meeting that Genera Milley said that he "had a plan" but failed to have National Guard troop on standby. Keith also confirms that Trump did ask for a National Guard presence dependent on permission from Mayor Bowser. Bowser declined.

I think it's clear now who is the fool and who is the liar.